Maven BND Dependencies for SimRel 4.28.0 2023-06 Composite

Built: 2023-06-07 at 05:53 🧰

This is a p2 update site for Maven BND Dependencies for SimRel. Use the glyph to copy the update site URL to the system clipboard.

This composite update site references the recommended build of version 4.28.0 for SimRel 2023-06.

This update site provides access to the following features. Each section is expandable via the  glyph to provide detailed information about the requirements of each feature.

  • Oomph Maven BND Lucene 4.28.0

Maven BND Dependencies for SimRel Bundles

This update site provides access to the bundles listed below. Each section is expandable via the  glyph to provide detailed information about the exports and imports of each bundle.

  • The ⇖ glyph denotes the exported bundle identifier along with its full version.
  • The ↖ glyph denotes an exported java package along with its full version, if specified.
  • The ⇘ glyph denotes a required bundle along with its version range, if specified, as well as information about whether the requirement is optional and if so, whether it's greedy.
  • The ↘ glyph denotes a required package along with its version range, if specified.
  • Bundle org.apache.lucene : lucene-analysis-common 9.5.0  1,930.9KB
  • Bundle org.apache.lucene : lucene-analysis-smartcn 9.5.0  3,524.1KB
  • Bundle org.apache.lucene : lucene-core 9.5.0  3,860.3KB
  • Bundle org.apache.lucene : lucene-misc 9.5.0  109.2KB
  • Bundle org.apache.lucene : lucene-queries 9.5.0  529.7KB
  • Bundle org.apache.lucene : lucene-queryparser 9.5.0  448.9KB
  • Bundle org.apache.lucene : lucene-sandbox 9.5.0  253.9KB