PACKAGE NAME: xcursor-themes-1.0.4-i586-1vl71.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./x PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 314 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 3700 K PACKAGE MD5: 07202dbcb43e9da5f27753946fe472b4 ./x/xcursor-themes-1.0.4-i586-1vl71.txz PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: xcursor-themes: xcursor-themes (X11 cursor themes) xcursor-themes: xcursor-themes: This is a default set of cursor themes for use with libXcursor, xcursor-themes: originally created for the XFree86 Project, and now shipped as part xcursor-themes: of the X.Org software distribution. xcursor-themes: xcursor-themes: xcursor-themes: xcursor-themes: xcursor-themes: xcursor-themes: