PACKAGE NAME: twm-1.0.8-i586-1vl71.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./x PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 97 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 250 K PACKAGE MD5: bd998ab3c4895fe018824559fd656867 ./x/twm-1.0.8-i586-1vl71.txz PACKAGE REQUIRED: libICE >= 1.0.9-i586-1vl71,libSM >= 1.2.2-i586-1vl71,libX11 >= 1.6.2-i586-1vl71,libXau >= 1.0.8-i586-1vl71,libXdmcp >= 1.1.1-i586-1vl71,libXext >= 1.3.3-i586-1vl71,libXmu >= 1.1.2-i586-1vl71,libXt >= 1.1.4-i586-1vl71,libxcb >= 1.11-i586-1vl71,util-linux >= 2.21.2-i586-5vl71 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: twm: twm (Tab Window Manager for the X Window System) twm: twm: twm is part of X11. twm: twm: For more information about the X.Org Foundation (the providers of the twm: X.Org implementation of the X Window System), see their website: twm: twm: twm: twm: twm: