/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #include "squid.h" #include "mem/forward.h" #include "SquidString.h" #include // low-level buffer allocation, // does not free old buffer and does not adjust or look at len_ void String::allocBuffer(String::size_type sz) { assert (undefined()); auto *newBuffer = static_cast(memAllocBuf(sz, &sz)); setBuffer(newBuffer, sz); } // low-level buffer assignment // does not free old buffer and does not adjust or look at len_ void String::setBuffer(char *aBuf, String::size_type aSize) { assert(undefined()); assert(aSize <= SizeMax_); buf_ = aBuf; size_ = aSize; } String::String(char const *aString) { if (aString) allocAndFill(aString, strlen(aString)); } String & String::operator =(char const *aString) { reset(aString); return *this; } String & String::operator =(String const &old) { clean(); // TODO: optimize to avoid cleaning the buffer we can use if (old.size() > 0) allocAndFill(old.rawBuf(), old.size()); return *this; } bool String::operator ==(String const &that) const { if (0 == this->cmp(that)) return true; return false; } bool String::operator !=(String const &that) const { if (0 == this->cmp(that)) return false; return true; } // public interface, makes sure that we clean the old buffer first void String::assign(const char *str, int len) { clean(); // TODO: optimize to avoid cleaning the buffer we can use allocAndFill(str, len); } // Allocates the buffer to fit the supplied string and fills it. // Does not clean. void String::allocAndFill(const char *str, int len) { assert(str); allocBuffer(len + 1); len_ = len; memcpy(buf_, str, len); buf_[len] = '\0'; } String::String(String const &old) : size_(0), len_(0), buf_(nullptr) { if (old.size() > 0) allocAndFill(old.rawBuf(), old.size()); } void String::clean() { /* TODO if mempools has already closed this will FAIL!! */ if (defined()) memFreeBuf(size_, buf_); len_ = 0; size_ = 0; buf_ = nullptr; } String::~String() { clean(); } void String::reset(char const *str) { clean(); // TODO: optimize to avoid cleaning the buffer if we can reuse it if (str) allocAndFill(str, strlen(str)); } void String::append( char const *str, int len) { assert(str && len >= 0); if (len_ + len + 1 /*'\0'*/ < size_) { xstrncpy(buf_+len_, str, len+1); len_ += len; } else { // Create a temporary string and absorb it later. String snew; assert(canGrowBy(len)); // otherwise snew.len_ may overflow below snew.len_ = len_ + len; snew.allocBuffer(snew.len_ + 1); if (len_) memcpy(snew.buf_, rawBuf(), len_); if (len) memcpy(snew.buf_ + len_, str, len); snew.buf_[snew.len_] = '\0'; absorb(snew); } } void String::append(char const *str) { assert(str); append(str, strlen(str)); } void String::append(char const chr) { char myString[2]; myString[0]=chr; myString[1]='\0'; append(myString, 1); } void String::append(String const &old) { append(old.rawBuf(), old.len_); } void String::absorb(String &old) { clean(); setBuffer(old.buf_, old.size_); len_ = old.len_; old.size_ = 0; old.buf_ = nullptr; old.len_ = 0; } String String::substr(String::size_type from, String::size_type to) const { // Must(from >= 0 && from < size()); Must(from < size()); Must(to > 0 && to <= size()); Must(to > from); String rv; rv.assign(rawBuf()+from, to-from); return rv; } void String::cut(String::size_type newLength) { // size_type is size_t, unsigned. No need to check for newLength <0 if (newLength > len_) return; len_ = newLength; // buf_ may be nullptr on zero-length strings. if (len_ == 0 && !buf_) return; buf_[newLength] = '\0'; } /// compare NULL and empty strings because str*cmp() may fail on NULL strings /// and because we need to return consistent results for strncmp(count == 0). static bool nilCmp(const bool thisIsNilOrEmpty, const bool otherIsNilOrEmpty, int &result) { if (!thisIsNilOrEmpty && !otherIsNilOrEmpty) return false; // result does not matter if (thisIsNilOrEmpty && otherIsNilOrEmpty) result = 0; else if (thisIsNilOrEmpty) result = -1; else // otherIsNilOrEmpty result = +1; return true; } int String::cmp(char const *aString) const { int result = 0; if (nilCmp(!size(), (!aString || !*aString), result)) return result; return strcmp(termedBuf(), aString); } int String::cmp(char const *aString, String::size_type count) const { int result = 0; if (nilCmp((!size() || !count), (!aString || !*aString || !count), result)) return result; return strncmp(termedBuf(), aString, count); } int String::cmp(String const &aString) const { int result = 0; if (nilCmp(!size(), !aString.size(), result)) return result; return strcmp(termedBuf(), aString.termedBuf()); } int String::caseCmp(char const *aString) const { int result = 0; if (nilCmp(!size(), (!aString || !*aString), result)) return result; return strcasecmp(termedBuf(), aString); } int String::caseCmp(char const *aString, String::size_type count) const { int result = 0; if (nilCmp((!size() || !count), (!aString || !*aString || !count), result)) return result; return strncasecmp(termedBuf(), aString, count); } /* TODO: move onto String */ int stringHasWhitespace(const char *s) { return strpbrk(s, w_space) != nullptr; } /* TODO: move onto String */ int stringHasCntl(const char *s) { unsigned char c; while ((c = (unsigned char) *s++) != '\0') { if (c <= 0x1f) return 1; if (c >= 0x7f && c <= 0x9f) return 1; } return 0; } /* * Similar to strtok, but has some rudimentary knowledge * of quoting */ char * strwordtok(char *buf, char **t) { unsigned char *word = nullptr; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) buf; unsigned char *d; unsigned char ch; int quoted = 0; if (!p) p = (unsigned char *) *t; if (!p) goto error; while (*p && xisspace(*p)) ++p; if (!*p) goto error; word = d = p; while ((ch = *p)) { switch (ch) { case '\\': if (quoted) ++p; switch (*p) { case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; default: ch = *p; break; } *d = ch; ++d; if (ch) ++p; break; case '"': quoted = !quoted; ++p; break; default: if (!quoted && xisspace(*p)) { ++p; goto done; } *d = *p; ++d; ++p; break; } } done: *d = '\0'; error: *t = (char *) p; return (char *) word; } const char * checkNullString(const char *p) { return p ? p : "(NULL)"; } const char * String::pos(char const *aString) const { if (undefined()) return nullptr; return strstr(termedBuf(), aString); } const char * String::pos(char const ch) const { if (undefined()) return nullptr; return strchr(termedBuf(), ch); } const char * String::rpos(char const ch) const { if (undefined()) return nullptr; return strrchr(termedBuf(), (ch)); } String::size_type String::find(char const ch) const { const char *c; c=pos(ch); if (c==nullptr) return npos; return c-rawBuf(); } String::size_type String::find(char const *aString) const { const char *c; c=pos(aString); if (c==nullptr) return npos; return c-rawBuf(); } String::size_type String::rfind(char const ch) const { const char *c; c=rpos(ch); if (c==nullptr) return npos; return c-rawBuf(); }