/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2024 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 14 IP Cache */ #include "squid.h" #include "base/IoManip.h" #include "CacheManager.h" #include "cbdata.h" #include "debug/Messages.h" #include "dlink.h" #include "dns/LookupDetails.h" #include "dns/rfc3596.h" #include "event.h" #include "ip/Address.h" #include "ip/tools.h" #include "ipcache.h" #include "mgr/Registration.h" #include "snmp_agent.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "StatCounters.h" #include "Store.h" #include "util.h" #include "wordlist.h" #if SQUID_SNMP #include "snmp_core.h" #endif /** \defgroup IPCacheAPI IP Cache API \ingroup Components \section IpcacheIntroduction Introduction \par * The IP cache is a built-in component of squid providing * Hostname to IP-Number translation functionality and managing * the involved data-structures. Efficiency concerns require * mechanisms that allow non-blocking access to these mappings. * The IP cache usually doesn't block on a request except for * special cases where this is desired (see below). */ /** \defgroup IPCacheInternal IP Cache Internals \ingroup IPCacheAPI \note when IP cache is provided as a class. These sub-groups will be obsolete * for now they are used to separate the public and private functions. * with the private ones all being in IPCachInternal and public in IPCacheAPI * \section InternalOperation Internal Operation * * Internally, the execution flow is as follows: On a miss, * ipcache_getnbhostbyname checks whether a request for * this name is already pending, and if positive, it creates * a new entry using ipcacheAddNew with the IP_PENDING * flag set . Then it calls ipcacheAddPending to add a * request to the queue together with data and handler. Else, * ipcache_dnsDispatch() is called to directly create a * DNS query or to ipcacheEnqueue() if all no DNS port * is free. ipcache_call_pending() is called regularly * to walk down the pending list and call handlers. LRU clean-up * is performed through ipcache_purgelru() according to * the ipcache_high threshold. */ /// metadata for parsing DNS A and AAAA records template class RrSpecs { public: typedef Content DataType; ///< actual RR DATA type const char *kind; ///< human-friendly record type description int &recordCounter; ///< where this kind of records are counted (for stats) }; /// forwards non-blocking IP cache lookup results to either IPH or IpReciever class IpCacheLookupForwarder { public: IpCacheLookupForwarder() {} explicit IpCacheLookupForwarder(const CbcPointer &receiver); IpCacheLookupForwarder(IPH *fun, void *data); /// forwards notification about the end of the lookup; last method to be called void finalCallback(const Dns::CachedIps *addrs, const Dns::LookupDetails &details); /// forwards an IP notification /// \returns whether it may be possible to deliver more notifications bool forwardIp(const Ip::Address &ip); /// convenience wrapper to safely forwardIp() for each IP in the container void forwardHits(const Dns::CachedIps &ips); /// initialize lookup timestamps for Dns::LookupDetails delay calculation void lookupsStarting() { firstLookupStart = lastLookupEnd = current_time; } /// inform recipient of a finished lookup void forwardLookup(const char *error); /// \returns milliseconds since the first lookup start int totalResponseTime() const { return tvSubMsec(firstLookupStart, current_time); } protected: /// \returns not yet reported lookup delay in milliseconds int additionalLookupDelay() const { return tvSubMsec(lastLookupEnd, current_time); } private: /* receiverObj and receiverFun are mutually exclusive */ CbcPointer receiverObj; ///< gets incremental and final results IPH *receiverFun = nullptr; ///< gets final results CallbackData receiverData; ///< caller-specific data for the handler (optional) struct timeval firstLookupStart {0,0}; ///< time of the idnsALookup() call struct timeval lastLookupEnd {0,0}; ///< time of the last noteLookup() call }; /** \ingroup IPCacheAPI * * The data structure used for storing name-address mappings * is a small hashtable (static hash_table *ip_table), * where structures of type ipcache_entry whose most * interesting members are: */ class ipcache_entry { CBDATA_CLASS(ipcache_entry); public: ipcache_entry(const char *); ~ipcache_entry(); hash_link hash; /* must be first */ time_t lastref; time_t expires; ipcache_addrs addrs; IpCacheLookupForwarder handler; char *error_message; dlink_node lru; unsigned short locks; struct Flags { Flags() : negcached(false), fromhosts(false) {} bool negcached; bool fromhosts; } flags; bool sawCname = false; const char *name() const { return static_cast(hash.key); } /// milliseconds since the first lookup start or -1 if there were no lookups int totalResponseTime() const; /// milliseconds since the last lookup start or -1 if there were no lookups int additionalLookupDelay() const; /// adds the contents of a "good" DNS A or AAAA record to stored IPs template void addGood(const rfc1035_rr &rr, Specs &specs); /// remembers the last error seen, overwriting any previous errors void latestError(const char *text, const int debugLevel = 3); protected: void updateTtl(const unsigned int rrTtl); }; /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static struct _ipcache_stats { int requests; int replies; int hits; int misses; int negative_hits; int numeric_hits; int rr_a; int rr_aaaa; int rr_cname; int cname_only; int invalid; } IpcacheStats; /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static dlink_list lru_list; // forward-decls static void stat_ipcache_get(StoreEntry *); static FREE ipcacheFreeEntry; static IDNSCB ipcacheHandleReply; static int ipcacheExpiredEntry(ipcache_entry *); static ipcache_entry *ipcache_get(const char *); static void ipcacheLockEntry(ipcache_entry *); static void ipcacheStatPrint(ipcache_entry *, StoreEntry *); static void ipcacheUnlockEntry(ipcache_entry *); static void ipcacheRelease(ipcache_entry *, bool dofree = true); static const Dns::CachedIps *ipcacheCheckNumeric(const char *name); static void ipcache_nbgethostbyname_(const char *name, IpCacheLookupForwarder handler); /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static hash_table *ip_table = nullptr; /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static long ipcache_low = 180; /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static long ipcache_high = 200; #if LIBRESOLV_DNS_TTL_HACK extern int _dns_ttl_; #endif CBDATA_CLASS_INIT(ipcache_entry); IpCacheLookupForwarder::IpCacheLookupForwarder(const CbcPointer &receiver): receiverObj(receiver) { } IpCacheLookupForwarder::IpCacheLookupForwarder(IPH *fun, void *data): receiverFun(fun), receiverData(data) { } void IpCacheLookupForwarder::finalCallback(const Dns::CachedIps * const possiblyEmptyAddrs, const Dns::LookupDetails &details) { // TODO: Consider removing nil-supplying IpcacheStats.invalid code and refactoring accordingly. // may be nil but is never empty const auto addrs = (possiblyEmptyAddrs && possiblyEmptyAddrs->empty()) ? nullptr : possiblyEmptyAddrs; debugs(14, 7, addrs << " " << details); if (receiverObj.set()) { if (auto receiver = receiverObj.valid()) receiver->noteIps(addrs, details); receiverObj.clear(); } else if (receiverFun) { if (receiverData.valid()) receiverFun(addrs, details, receiverData.validDone()); receiverFun = nullptr; } } /// forwards an IP notification /// \returns whether it may be possible to deliver more notifications bool IpCacheLookupForwarder::forwardIp(const Ip::Address &ip) { debugs(14, 7, ip); if (receiverObj.set()) { if (auto receiver = receiverObj.valid()) { receiver->noteIp(ip); return true; } return false; } // else do nothing: ReceiverFun does not do incremental notifications return false; } /// convenience wrapper to safely forwardIp() for each IP in the container void IpCacheLookupForwarder::forwardHits(const Dns::CachedIps &ips) { if (receiverObj.set()) { for (const auto &ip: ips.good()) { if (!forwardIp(ip)) break; // receiver gone } } // else do nothing: ReceiverFun does not do incremental notifications } void IpCacheLookupForwarder::forwardLookup(const char *error) { // Lookups run concurrently, but HttpRequest::recordLookup() thinks they // are sequential. Give it just the new, yet-unaccounted-for delay. if (receiverObj.set()) { if (auto receiver = receiverObj.valid()) { receiver->noteLookup(Dns::LookupDetails(SBuf(error), additionalLookupDelay())); lastLookupEnd = current_time; } } // else do nothing: ReceiverFun gets no individual lookup notifications } /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal inline int ipcacheCount() { return ip_table ? ip_table->count : 0; } /** \ingroup IPCacheInternal * * removes the given ipcache entry */ static void ipcacheRelease(ipcache_entry * i, bool dofree) { if (!i) { debugs(14, DBG_CRITICAL, "ipcacheRelease: Releasing entry with i="); return; } if (!i || !i->hash.key) { debugs(14, DBG_CRITICAL, "ipcacheRelease: Releasing entry without hash link!"); return; } debugs(14, 3, "ipcacheRelease: Releasing entry for '" << (const char *) i->hash.key << "'"); hash_remove_link(ip_table, (hash_link *) i); dlinkDelete(&i->lru, &lru_list); if (dofree) ipcacheFreeEntry(i); } /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static ipcache_entry * ipcache_get(const char *name) { if (ip_table != nullptr) return (ipcache_entry *) hash_lookup(ip_table, name); else return nullptr; } /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static int ipcacheExpiredEntry(ipcache_entry * i) { /* all static entries are locked, so this takes care of them too */ if (i->locks != 0) return 0; if (i->addrs.empty()) if (0 == i->flags.negcached) return 1; if (i->expires > squid_curtime) return 0; return 1; } /// \ingroup IPCacheAPI void ipcache_purgelru(void *) { dlink_node *m; dlink_node *prev = nullptr; ipcache_entry *i; int removed = 0; eventAdd("ipcache_purgelru", ipcache_purgelru, nullptr, 10.0, 1); for (m = lru_list.tail; m; m = prev) { if (ipcacheCount() < ipcache_low) break; prev = m->prev; i = (ipcache_entry *)m->data; if (i->locks != 0) continue; ipcacheRelease(i); ++removed; } debugs(14, 9, "ipcache_purgelru: removed " << removed << " entries"); } /** \ingroup IPCacheInternal * * purges entries added from /etc/hosts (or whatever). */ static void purge_entries_fromhosts(void) { dlink_node *m = lru_list.head; ipcache_entry *i = nullptr, *t; while (m) { if (i != nullptr) { /* need to delay deletion */ ipcacheRelease(i); /* we just override locks */ i = nullptr; } t = (ipcache_entry*)m->data; if (t->flags.fromhosts) i = t; m = m->next; } if (i != nullptr) ipcacheRelease(i); } ipcache_entry::ipcache_entry(const char *aName): lastref(0), expires(0), error_message(nullptr), locks(0) // XXX: use Lock type ? { hash.key = xstrdup(aName); Tolower(static_cast(hash.key)); expires = squid_curtime + Config.negativeDnsTtl; } /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static void ipcacheAddEntry(ipcache_entry * i) { hash_link *e = (hash_link *)hash_lookup(ip_table, i->hash.key); if (nullptr != e) { /* avoid collision */ ipcache_entry *q = (ipcache_entry *) e; ipcacheRelease(q); } hash_join(ip_table, &i->hash); dlinkAdd(i, &i->lru, &lru_list); i->lastref = squid_curtime; } /** \ingroup IPCacheInternal * * walks down the pending list, calling handlers */ static void ipcacheCallback(ipcache_entry *i, const bool hit, const int wait) { i->lastref = squid_curtime; ipcacheLockEntry(i); if (hit) i->handler.forwardHits(i->addrs); const Dns::LookupDetails details(SBuf(i->error_message), wait); i->handler.finalCallback(&i->addrs, details); ipcacheUnlockEntry(i); } void ipcache_entry::latestError(const char *text, const int debugLevel) { debugs(14, debugLevel, "ERROR: DNS failure while resolving " << name() << ": " << text); safe_free(error_message); error_message = xstrdup(text); } static void ipcacheParse(ipcache_entry *i, const rfc1035_rr * answers, int nr, const char *error_message) { int k; // XXX: Callers use zero ancount instead of -1 on errors! if (nr < 0) { i->latestError(error_message); return; } if (nr == 0) { i->latestError("No DNS records"); return; } debugs(14, 3, nr << " answers for " << i->name()); assert(answers); for (k = 0; k < nr; ++k) { if (Ip::EnableIpv6 && answers[k].type == RFC1035_TYPE_AAAA) { static const RrSpecs QuadA = { "IPv6", IpcacheStats.rr_aaaa }; i->addGood(answers[k], QuadA); continue; } if (answers[k].type == RFC1035_TYPE_A) { static const RrSpecs SingleA = { "IPv4", IpcacheStats.rr_a }; i->addGood(answers[k], SingleA); continue; } /* With A and AAAA, the CNAME does not necessarily come with additional records to use. */ if (answers[k].type == RFC1035_TYPE_CNAME) { i->sawCname = true; ++IpcacheStats.rr_cname; continue; } // otherwise its an unknown RR. debug at level 9 since we usually want to ignore these and they are common. debugs(14, 9, "Unknown RR type received: type=" << answers[k].type << " starting at " << &(answers[k]) ); } } template void ipcache_entry::addGood(const rfc1035_rr &rr, Specs &specs) { typename Specs::DataType address; if (rr.rdlength != sizeof(address)) { debugs(14, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: Ignoring invalid " << specs.kind << " address record while resolving " << name()); return; } ++specs.recordCounter; // Do not store more than 255 addresses (TODO: Why?) if (addrs.raw().size() >= 255) return; memcpy(&address, rr.rdata, sizeof(address)); const Ip::Address ip = address; if (addrs.have(ip)) { debugs(14, 3, "refusing to add duplicate " << ip); return; } addrs.pushUnique(address); updateTtl(rr.ttl); debugs(14, 3, name() << " #" << addrs.size() << " " << ip); handler.forwardIp(ip); // we are only called with good IPs } void ipcache_entry::updateTtl(const unsigned int rrTtl) { const time_t ttl = std::min(std::max( Config.negativeDnsTtl, // smallest value allowed static_cast(rrTtl)), Config.positiveDnsTtl); // largest value allowed const time_t rrExpires = squid_curtime + ttl; if (addrs.size() <= 1) { debugs(14, 5, "use first " << ttl << " from RR TTL " << rrTtl); expires = rrExpires; } else if (rrExpires < expires) { debugs(14, 5, "use smaller " << ttl << " from RR TTL " << rrTtl << "; was: " << (expires - squid_curtime)); expires = rrExpires; } else { debugs(14, 7, "ignore " << ttl << " from RR TTL " << rrTtl << "; keep: " << (expires - squid_curtime)); } } /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static void ipcacheHandleReply(void *data, const rfc1035_rr * answers, int na, const char *error_message, const bool lastAnswer) { ipcache_entry *i = static_cast(data); i->handler.forwardLookup(error_message); ipcacheParse(i, answers, na, error_message); if (!lastAnswer) return; ++IpcacheStats.replies; const auto age = i->handler.totalResponseTime(); statCounter.dns.svcTime.count(age); if (i->addrs.empty()) { i->flags.negcached = true; i->expires = squid_curtime + Config.negativeDnsTtl; if (!i->error_message) { i->latestError("No valid address records", DBG_IMPORTANT); if (i->sawCname) ++IpcacheStats.cname_only; } } debugs(14, 3, "done with " << i->name() << ": " << i->addrs); ipcacheAddEntry(i); ipcacheCallback(i, false, age); } /** \ingroup IPCacheAPI * \param name Host to resolve. \param handler Pointer to the function to be called when the reply * from the IP cache (or the DNS if the IP cache misses) \param handlerData Information that is passed to the handler and does not affect the IP cache. * * XXX: on hits and some errors, the handler is called immediately instead * of scheduling an async call. This reentrant behavior means that the * user job must be extra careful after calling ipcache_nbgethostbyname, * especially if the handler destroys the job. Moreover, the job has * no way of knowing whether the reentrant call happened. * Comm::Connection setup usually protects the job by scheduling an async call, * but some user code calls ipcache_nbgethostbyname directly. */ void ipcache_nbgethostbyname(const char *name, IPH * handler, void *handlerData) { debugs(14, 4, name); ipcache_nbgethostbyname_(name, IpCacheLookupForwarder(handler, handlerData)); } void Dns::nbgethostbyname(const char *name, const CbcPointer &receiver) { debugs(14, 4, name); ipcache_nbgethostbyname_(name, IpCacheLookupForwarder(receiver)); } /// implements ipcache_nbgethostbyname() and Dns::nbgethostbyname() APIs static void ipcache_nbgethostbyname_(const char *name, IpCacheLookupForwarder handler) { ipcache_entry *i = nullptr; const ipcache_addrs *addrs = nullptr; ++IpcacheStats.requests; if (name == nullptr || name[0] == '\0') { debugs(14, 4, "ipcache_nbgethostbyname: Invalid name!"); ++IpcacheStats.invalid; static const Dns::LookupDetails details(SBuf("Invalid hostname"), -1); // error, no lookup handler.finalCallback(nullptr, details); return; } if ((addrs = ipcacheCheckNumeric(name))) { debugs(14, 4, "ipcache_nbgethostbyname: BYPASS for '" << name << "' (already numeric)"); handler.forwardHits(*addrs); ++IpcacheStats.numeric_hits; const Dns::LookupDetails details; // no error, no lookup handler.finalCallback(addrs, details); return; } i = ipcache_get(name); if (nullptr == i) { /* miss */ (void) 0; } else if (ipcacheExpiredEntry(i)) { /* hit, but expired -- bummer */ ipcacheRelease(i); i = nullptr; } else { /* hit */ debugs(14, 4, "ipcache_nbgethostbyname: HIT for '" << name << "'"); if (i->flags.negcached) ++IpcacheStats.negative_hits; else ++IpcacheStats.hits; i->handler = std::move(handler); ipcacheCallback(i, true, -1); // no lookup return; } debugs(14, 5, "ipcache_nbgethostbyname: MISS for '" << name << "'"); ++IpcacheStats.misses; i = new ipcache_entry(name); i->handler = std::move(handler); i->handler.lookupsStarting(); idnsALookup(hashKeyStr(&i->hash), ipcacheHandleReply, i); } /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static void ipcacheRegisterWithCacheManager(void) { Mgr::RegisterAction("ipcache", "IP Cache Stats and Contents", stat_ipcache_get, 0, 1); } /** \ingroup IPCacheAPI * * Initialize the ipcache. * Is called from mainInitialize() after disk initialization * and prior to the reverse FQDNCache initialization */ void ipcache_init(void) { int n; debugs(14, Important(24), "Initializing IP Cache..."); memset(&IpcacheStats, '\0', sizeof(IpcacheStats)); lru_list = dlink_list(); ipcache_high = (long) (((float) Config.ipcache.size * (float) Config.ipcache.high) / (float) 100); ipcache_low = (long) (((float) Config.ipcache.size * (float) Config.ipcache.low) / (float) 100); n = hashPrime(ipcache_high / 4); ip_table = hash_create((HASHCMP *) strcmp, n, hash4); ipcacheRegisterWithCacheManager(); } /** \ingroup IPCacheAPI * * Is different from ipcache_nbgethostbyname in that it only checks * if an entry exists in the cache and does not by default contact the DNS, * unless this is requested, by setting the flags. * \param name Host name to resolve. \param flags Default is NULL, set to IP_LOOKUP_IF_MISS * to explicitly perform DNS lookups. * \retval NULL An error occurred during lookup \retval NULL No results available in cache and no lookup specified \retval * Pointer to the ipcahce_addrs structure containing the lookup results */ const ipcache_addrs * ipcache_gethostbyname(const char *name, int flags) { ipcache_entry *i = nullptr; assert(name); debugs(14, 3, "'" << name << "', flags=" << asHex(flags)); ++IpcacheStats.requests; i = ipcache_get(name); if (nullptr == i) { (void) 0; } else if (ipcacheExpiredEntry(i)) { ipcacheRelease(i); i = nullptr; } else if (i->flags.negcached) { ++IpcacheStats.negative_hits; // ignore i->error_message: the caller just checks IP cache presence return nullptr; } else { ++IpcacheStats.hits; i->lastref = squid_curtime; // ignore i->error_message: the caller just checks IP cache presence return &i->addrs; } /* no entry [any more] */ if (const auto addrs = ipcacheCheckNumeric(name)) { ++IpcacheStats.numeric_hits; return addrs; } ++IpcacheStats.misses; if (flags & IP_LOOKUP_IF_MISS) ipcache_nbgethostbyname(name, nullptr, nullptr); return nullptr; } /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static void ipcacheStatPrint(ipcache_entry * i, StoreEntry * sentry) { char buf[MAX_IPSTRLEN]; if (!sentry) { debugs(14, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: sentry is NULL!"); return; } if (!i) { debugs(14, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: ipcache_entry is NULL!"); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "CRITICAL ERROR\n"); return; } storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %-32.32s %c%c %6d %6d %2d(%2d)", hashKeyStr(&i->hash), i->flags.fromhosts ? 'H' : ' ', i->flags.negcached ? 'N' : ' ', (int) (squid_curtime - i->lastref), (int) ((i->flags.fromhosts ? -1 : i->expires - squid_curtime)), static_cast(i->addrs.size()), static_cast(i->addrs.badCount())); /** \par * Negative-cached entries have no IPs listed. */ if (i->flags.negcached) { storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\n"); return; } /** \par * Cached entries have IPs listed with a BNF of: ip-address '-' ('OK'|'BAD') */ bool firstLine = true; for (const auto &addr: i->addrs.raw()) { /* Display tidy-up: IPv6 are so big make the list vertical */ const char *indent = firstLine ? "" : " "; storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%s %45.45s-%3s\n", indent, addr.ip.toStr(buf, MAX_IPSTRLEN), addr.bad() ? "BAD" : "OK "); firstLine = false; } } /** \ingroup IPCacheInternal * * process objects list */ void stat_ipcache_get(StoreEntry * sentry) { dlink_node *m; assert(ip_table != nullptr); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IP Cache Statistics:\n"); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IPcache Entries Cached: %d\n", ipcacheCount()); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IPcache Requests: %d\n", IpcacheStats.requests); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IPcache Hits: %d\n", IpcacheStats.hits); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IPcache Negative Hits: %d\n", IpcacheStats.negative_hits); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IPcache Numeric Hits: %d\n", IpcacheStats.numeric_hits); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IPcache Misses: %d\n", IpcacheStats.misses); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IPcache Retrieved A: %d\n", IpcacheStats.rr_a); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IPcache Retrieved AAAA: %d\n", IpcacheStats.rr_aaaa); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IPcache Retrieved CNAME: %d\n", IpcacheStats.rr_cname); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IPcache CNAME-Only Response: %d\n", IpcacheStats.cname_only); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IPcache Invalid Request: %d\n", IpcacheStats.invalid); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\n\n"); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "IP Cache Contents:\n\n"); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %-31.31s %3s %6s %6s %4s\n", "Hostname", "Flg", "lstref", "TTL", "N(b)"); for (m = lru_list.head; m; m = m->next) { assert( m->next != m ); ipcacheStatPrint((ipcache_entry *)m->data, sentry); } } /// \ingroup IPCacheAPI void ipcacheInvalidate(const char *name) { ipcache_entry *i; if ((i = ipcache_get(name)) == nullptr) return; i->expires = squid_curtime; /* * NOTE, don't call ipcacheRelease here because we might be here due * to a thread started from a callback. */ } /// \ingroup IPCacheAPI void ipcacheInvalidateNegative(const char *name) { ipcache_entry *i; if ((i = ipcache_get(name)) == nullptr) return; if (i->flags.negcached) i->expires = squid_curtime; /* * NOTE, don't call ipcacheRelease here because we might be here due * to a thread started from a callback. */ } /// \ingroup IPCacheAPI static const Dns::CachedIps * ipcacheCheckNumeric(const char *name) { Ip::Address ip; if (!ip.fromHost(name)) return nullptr; debugs(14, 4, "HIT_BYPASS for " << name << "=" << ip); static Dns::CachedIps static_addrs; static_addrs.reset(ip); return &static_addrs; } /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static void ipcacheLockEntry(ipcache_entry * i) { if (i->locks++ == 0) { dlinkDelete(&i->lru, &lru_list); dlinkAdd(i, &i->lru, &lru_list); } } /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static void ipcacheUnlockEntry(ipcache_entry * i) { if (i->locks < 1) { debugs(14, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: ipcacheEntry unlocked with no lock! locks=" << i->locks); return; } -- i->locks; if (ipcacheExpiredEntry(i)) ipcacheRelease(i); } /// find the next good IP, wrapping if needed /// \returns whether the search was successful bool Dns::CachedIps::seekNewGood(const char *name) { // linear search! for (size_t seen = 0; seen < ips.size(); ++seen) { if (++goodPosition >= ips.size()) goodPosition = 0; if (!ips[goodPosition].bad()) { debugs(14, 3, "succeeded for " << name << ": " << *this); return true; } } goodPosition = ips.size(); debugs(14, 3, "failed for " << name << ": " << *this); return false; } void Dns::CachedIps::reset(const Ip::Address &ip) { ips.clear(); ips.emplace_back(ip); goodPosition = 0; // Assume that the given IP is good because CachedIps are designed to never // run out of good IPs. badCount_ = 0; } /// makes current() calls possible after a successful markAsBad() void Dns::CachedIps::restoreGoodness(const char *name) { if (badCount() >= size()) { // There are no good IPs left. Clear all bad marks. This must help // because we are called only after a good address was tested as bad. for (auto &cachedIp: ips) cachedIp.forgetMarking(); badCount_ = 0; debugs(14, 3, "cleared all " << size() << " bad IPs for " << name); // fall through to reset goodPosition and report the current state } Must(seekNewGood(name)); } bool Dns::CachedIps::have(const Ip::Address &ip, size_t *positionOrNil) const { // linear search! size_t pos = 0; for (const auto &cachedIp: ips) { if (cachedIp.ip == ip) { if (auto position = positionOrNil) *position = pos; debugs(14, 7, ip << " at " << pos << " in " << *this); return true; } ++pos; // TODO: Replace with std::views::enumerate() after upgrading to C++23 } // no such address; leave *position as is debugs(14, 7, " no " << ip << " in " << *this); return false; } void Dns::CachedIps::pushUnique(const Ip::Address &ip) { assert(!have(ip)); [[maybe_unused]] auto &cachedIp = ips.emplace_back(ip); assert(!cachedIp.bad()); } void Dns::CachedIps::reportCurrent(std::ostream &os) const { if (empty()) os << "[no cached IPs]"; else if (goodPosition == size()) os << "[" << size() << " bad cached IPs]"; // could only be temporary else os << current() << " #" << (goodPosition+1) << "/" << ips.size() << "-" << badCount(); } void Dns::CachedIps::markAsBad(const char *name, const Ip::Address &ip) { size_t badPosition = 0; if (!have(ip, &badPosition)) return; // no such address auto &cachedIp = ips[badPosition]; if (cachedIp.bad()) return; // already marked correctly cachedIp.markAsBad(); ++badCount_; debugs(14, 2, ip << " of " << name); if (goodPosition == badPosition) restoreGoodness(name); // else nothing to do: goodPositon still points to a good IP } void Dns::CachedIps::forgetMarking(const char *name, const Ip::Address &ip) { if (!badCount_) return; // all IPs are already "good" size_t badPosition = 0; if (!have(ip, &badPosition)) return; // no such address auto &cachedIp = ips[badPosition]; if (!cachedIp.bad()) return; // already marked correctly cachedIp.forgetMarking(); assert(!cachedIp.bad()); --badCount_; debugs(14, 2, ip << " of " << name); } /** * Marks the given address as BAD. * Does nothing if the domain name does not exist. * \param name domain name to have an IP marked bad \param addr specific address to be marked bad */ void ipcacheMarkBadAddr(const char *name, const Ip::Address &addr) { if (auto cached = ipcache_get(name)) cached->addrs.markAsBad(name, addr); } /// \ingroup IPCacheAPI void ipcacheMarkGoodAddr(const char *name, const Ip::Address &addr) { if (auto cached = ipcache_get(name)) cached->addrs.forgetMarking(name, addr); } /// \ingroup IPCacheInternal static void ipcacheFreeEntry(void *data) { ipcache_entry *i = (ipcache_entry *)data; delete i; } ipcache_entry::~ipcache_entry() { xfree(error_message); xfree(hash.key); } /** \ingroup IPCacheAPI * * Recalculate IP cache size upon reconfigure. * Is called to clear the IPCache's data structures, * cancel all pending requests. */ void ipcache_restart(void) { ipcache_high = (long) (((float) Config.ipcache.size * (float) Config.ipcache.high) / (float) 100); ipcache_low = (long) (((float) Config.ipcache.size * (float) Config.ipcache.low) / (float) 100); purge_entries_fromhosts(); } /** \ingroup IPCacheAPI * * Adds a "static" entry from /etc/hosts * \param name Hostname to be linked with IP \param ipaddr IP Address to be cached. * \retval 0 Success. \retval 1 IP address is invalid or other error. */ int ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts(const char *name, const char *ipaddr) { ipcache_entry *i; Ip::Address ip; if (!(ip = ipaddr)) { if (strchr(ipaddr, ':') && strspn(ipaddr, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF:") == strlen(ipaddr)) { debugs(14, 3, "ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts: Skipping IPv6 address '" << ipaddr << "'"); } else { debugs(14, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts: Bad IP address '" << ipaddr << "'"); } return 1; } if (!Ip::EnableIpv6 && ip.isIPv6()) { debugs(14, 2, "skips IPv6 address in /etc/hosts because IPv6 support was disabled: " << ip); return 1; } if ((i = ipcache_get(name))) { if (1 == i->flags.fromhosts) { ipcacheUnlockEntry(i); } else if (i->locks > 0) { debugs(14, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts: cannot add static entry for locked name '" << name << "'"); return 1; } else { ipcacheRelease(i); } } i = new ipcache_entry(name); i->addrs.pushUnique(ip); i->flags.fromhosts = true; ipcacheAddEntry(i); ipcacheLockEntry(i); return 0; } #if SQUID_SNMP /** \ingroup IPCacheAPI * * The function to return the ip cache statistics to via SNMP */ variable_list * snmp_netIpFn(variable_list * Var, snint * ErrP) { variable_list *Answer = nullptr; MemBuf tmp; debugs(49, 5, "snmp_netIpFn: Processing request:" << snmpDebugOid(Var->name, Var->name_length, tmp)); *ErrP = SNMP_ERR_NOERROR; switch (Var->name[LEN_SQ_NET + 1]) { case IP_ENT: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, ipcacheCount(), SMI_GAUGE32); break; case IP_REQ: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, IpcacheStats.requests, SMI_COUNTER32); break; case IP_HITS: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, IpcacheStats.hits, SMI_COUNTER32); break; case IP_PENDHIT: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, 0, SMI_GAUGE32); break; case IP_NEGHIT: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, IpcacheStats.negative_hits, SMI_COUNTER32); break; case IP_MISS: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, IpcacheStats.misses, SMI_COUNTER32); break; case IP_GHBN: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, 0, /* deprecated */ SMI_COUNTER32); break; case IP_LOC: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, 0, /* deprecated */ SMI_COUNTER32); break; default: *ErrP = SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME; assert(!Answer); } return Answer; } #endif /*SQUID_SNMP */