/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2024 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 86 ESI processing */ #include "squid.h" #include "debug/Stream.h" #include "esi/Segment.h" #include "SquidString.h" CBDATA_CLASS_INIT(ESISegment); void ESISegmentFreeList (ESISegment::Pointer &head) { while (head.getRaw()) { ESISegment::Pointer temp = head; head = head->next; temp->next = nullptr; } } size_t ESISegment::space() const { assert (len <= sizeof(buf)); return sizeof (buf) - len; } void ESISegment::adsorbList (ESISegment::Pointer from) { assert (next.getRaw() == nullptr); assert (from.getRaw() != nullptr); /* prevent worst case */ assert (!(len == 0 && from->len == space() )); Pointer copyFrom = from; while (copyFrom.getRaw() && space() >= copyFrom->len) { assert (append (copyFrom) == copyFrom->len); copyFrom = copyFrom->next; } next = copyFrom; } void ESISegment::ListTransfer (ESISegment::Pointer &from, ESISegment::Pointer &to) { if (!to.getRaw()) { to = from; from = nullptr; return; } ESISegment::Pointer temp = to->tail(); temp->adsorbList (from); from = nullptr; } size_t ESISegment::listLength() const { size_t result = 0; ESISegment const* temp = this; while (temp) { result += temp->len; temp = temp->next.getRaw(); } return result; } char * ESISegment::listToChar() const { size_t length = listLength(); char *rv = (char *)xmalloc (length + 1); assert (rv); rv [length] = '\0'; ESISegment::Pointer temp = this; size_t pos = 0; while (temp.getRaw()) { memcpy(&rv[pos], temp->buf, temp->len); pos += temp->len; temp = temp->next; } return rv; } void ESISegment::listAppend (char const *s, size_t length) { assert (next.getRaw() == nullptr); ESISegment::Pointer output = this; /* copy the string to output */ size_t pos=0; while (pos < length) { if (output->space() == 0) { assert (output->next.getRaw() == nullptr); output->next = new ESISegment; output = output->next; } pos += output->append(s + pos, length - pos); } } void ESISegment::ListAppend (ESISegment::Pointer &head, char const *s, size_t len) { if (!head.getRaw()) head = new ESISegment; head->tail()->listAppend (s, len); } /* XXX: if needed, make this iterative */ ESISegment::Pointer ESISegment::cloneList () const { ESISegment::Pointer result = new ESISegment (*this); result->next = next.getRaw() ? next->cloneList() : nullptr; return result; } size_t ESISegment::append(char const *appendBuffer, size_t appendLength) { size_t toCopy = min(appendLength, space()); memcpy(&buf[len], appendBuffer, toCopy); len += toCopy; return toCopy; } size_t ESISegment::append(ESISegment::Pointer from) { return append (from->buf, from->len); } ESISegment const * ESISegment::tail() const { ESISegment const *result = this; while (result->next.getRaw()) result = result->next.getRaw(); return result; } ESISegment * ESISegment::tail() { ESISegment::Pointer result = this; while (result->next.getRaw()) result = result->next; return result.getRaw(); } ESISegment::ESISegment(ESISegment const &old) : len (0), next(nullptr) { append (old.buf, old.len); } void ESISegment::dumpToLog() const { ESISegment::Pointer temp = this; while (temp.getRaw()) { temp->dumpOne(); temp = temp->next; } } void ESISegment::dumpOne() const { String temp; temp.assign(buf, len); debugs(86, 9, "ESISegment::dumpOne: \"" << temp << "\""); }