/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2024 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* * The ESI Libxml2 parser is Copyright (c) 2004 by Joachim Bauch * http://www.joachim-bauch.de * mail@joachim-bauch.de */ #include "squid.h" #if USE_SQUID_ESI && HAVE_LIBXML2 #include "base/RunnersRegistry.h" #include "esi/Libxml2Parser.h" #include namespace Esi { class Libxml2Rr : public RegisteredRunner { public: void finalizeConfig() override { registration.reset(new ESIParser::Register("libxml2", &ESILibxml2Parser::NewParser)); } private: std::unique_ptr registration; }; } DefineRunnerRegistratorIn(Esi, Libxml2Rr); // the global document that will store the resolved entity // definitions static htmlDocPtr entity_doc = nullptr; EsiParserDefinition(ESILibxml2Parser); // the SAX callback functions static void esi_startElementSAXFunc(void * ctx, const xmlChar * name, const xmlChar ** atts) { int count=0; xmlChar **tmp = (xmlChar **)atts; while (tmp && *tmp != nullptr) { ++count; ++tmp; } // we increased on every key and value count /= 2; ESILibxml2Parser *p = (ESILibxml2Parser *)ctx; p->getClient()->start((const char *)name, (const char **)atts, count); } static void esi_endElementSAXFunc(void *ctx, const xmlChar *name) { ESILibxml2Parser *p = (ESILibxml2Parser *)ctx; p->getClient()->end((const char *)name); } static void esi_commentSAXFunc(void *ctx, const xmlChar *value) { ESILibxml2Parser *p = (ESILibxml2Parser *)ctx; p->getClient()->parserComment((const char *)value); } static void esi_charactersSAXFunc(void *ctx, const xmlChar *ch, int len) { ESILibxml2Parser *p = (ESILibxml2Parser *)ctx; p->getClient()->parserDefault((const char *)ch, len); } static xmlEntityPtr esi_getEntitySAXFunc(void * /* ctx */, const xmlChar *name) { xmlEntityPtr res = xmlGetDocEntity(entity_doc, name); if (res == nullptr) { const htmlEntityDesc *ent = htmlEntityLookup(name); if (ent != nullptr) { char tmp[32]; snprintf(tmp, 32, "&#%d;", ent->value); res = xmlAddDocEntity(entity_doc, (const xmlChar *)name, XML_INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY, nullptr, nullptr, (const xmlChar *)tmp); } } return res; } ESILibxml2Parser::ESILibxml2Parser(ESIParserClient *aClient) : theClient (aClient) { xmlSAXHandler sax; xmlInitParser(); memset(&sax, 0, sizeof(sax)); sax.startElement = esi_startElementSAXFunc; sax.endElement = esi_endElementSAXFunc; sax.comment = esi_commentSAXFunc; sax.characters = esi_charactersSAXFunc; sax.getEntity = esi_getEntitySAXFunc; /* TODO: grab the document encoding from the headers */ parser = xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(&sax, static_cast(this), nullptr, 0, nullptr); if (entity_doc == nullptr) entity_doc = htmlNewDoc(nullptr, nullptr); } ESILibxml2Parser::~ESILibxml2Parser() { xmlFreeParserCtxt(parser); parser = nullptr; } bool ESILibxml2Parser::parse(char const *dataToParse, size_t const lengthOfData, bool const endOfStream) { return (xmlParseChunk(parser, dataToParse, lengthOfData, endOfStream) == 0); } long int ESILibxml2Parser::lineNumber() const { return (long int)xmlSAX2GetLineNumber(parser); } char const * ESILibxml2Parser::errorString() const { const auto error = xmlGetLastError(); if (error == nullptr) return nullptr; return error->message; } #endif /* USE_SQUID_ESI */