/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2024 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 86 ESI processing */ #include "squid.h" #include "debug/Stream.h" #include "esi/Esi.h" #include "esi/Expression.h" #include #include /* stack precedence rules: * before pushing an operator onto the stack, the * top 2 elements are checked. if either has a higher * or equal precedence than the current operator, they * are evaluated. * Start of expression has 5 precedence, * end of expression has 0 precedence * literal has 1 as does expression results * | has 2 * & has 3 * ! has 4 * == != < > <= >= has 5 * ( has 5 * ) has 0 */ typedef struct _stackmember stackmember; typedef int evaluate(stackmember * stack, int *depth, int whereAmI, stackmember * candidate); typedef enum { ESI_EXPR_INVALID, ESI_EXPR_LITERAL, ESI_EXPR_OR, ESI_EXPR_AND, ESI_EXPR_NOT, ESI_EXPR_START, ESI_EXPR_END, ESI_EXPR_EQ, ESI_EXPR_NOTEQ, ESI_EXPR_LESS, ESI_EXPR_LESSEQ, ESI_EXPR_MORE, ESI_EXPR_MOREEQ, ESI_EXPR_EXPR /* the result of an expr PRI 1 */ } evaltype; typedef enum { ESI_LITERAL_STRING, ESI_LITERAL_FLOAT, ESI_LITERAL_INT, ESI_LITERAL_BOOL, ESI_LITERAL_INVALID } literalhint; struct _stackmember { evaluate *eval = nullptr; union Value { char *string; double floating; int integral; Value() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } } value; literalhint valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_INVALID; evaltype valuetype = ESI_EXPR_INVALID; int precedence = 0; }; static void cleanmember(stackmember *); static void stackpop(stackmember * s, int *depth); void cleanmember(stackmember * s) { if (s->valuetype == ESI_EXPR_LITERAL && s->valuestored == ESI_LITERAL_STRING) { safe_free(s->value.string); s->value.string = nullptr; } } void stackpop(stackmember * s, int *depth) { if (!(*depth)--) return; cleanmember(&s[*depth]); } static void stackpush(stackmember *stack, stackmember &item, int *depth) { if (*depth < 0) throw Esi::Error("ESIExpression stack has negative size"); if (*depth >= ESI_STACK_DEPTH_LIMIT) throw Esi::Error("ESIExpression stack is full, cannot push"); stack[(*depth)++] = item; } static evaluate evalnegate; static evaluate evalliteral; static evaluate evalor; static evaluate evaland; static evaluate evallesseq; static evaluate evallessthan; static evaluate evalmoreeq; static evaluate evalmorethan; static evaluate evalequals; static evaluate evalnotequals; static evaluate evalstartexpr; static evaluate evalendexpr; static evaluate evalexpr; static void dumpstack(stackmember * stack, int depth); static int addmember(stackmember * stack, int *stackdepth, stackmember * candidate); static int membercompare(stackmember a, stackmember b); static char const *trim(char const *s); static stackmember getsymbol(const char *s, char const **endptr); /* -2 = failed to compate * -1 = a less than b * 0 = a equal b * 2 - a more than b */ int membercompare(stackmember a, stackmember b) { /* we can compare: sub expressions to sub expressions , * literals to literals */ if (!((a.valuetype == ESI_EXPR_LITERAL && b.valuetype == ESI_EXPR_LITERAL && a.valuestored != ESI_LITERAL_INVALID && b.valuestored != ESI_LITERAL_INVALID) || (a.valuetype == ESI_EXPR_EXPR && b.valuetype == ESI_EXPR_EXPR))) return -2; if (a.valuetype == ESI_EXPR_EXPR) { if (a.value.integral == b.value.integral) return 0; else return 1; } else if (a.valuestored == ESI_LITERAL_STRING) { if (b.valuestored == ESI_LITERAL_STRING) { int i =strcmp(a.value.string, b.value.string); if (i < 0) return -1; if (i > 0) return 1; return 0; } else { /* TODO: numeric to string conversion ? */ debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "strcmp with non-string"); return -2; } } else if (a.valuestored == ESI_LITERAL_FLOAT) { if (b.valuestored == ESI_LITERAL_INT) { if (fabs(a.value.floating - b.value.integral) < 0.00001) return 0; else if (a.value.floating < b.value.integral) return -1; else return 1; } else if (b.valuestored == ESI_LITERAL_FLOAT) { if (a.value.floating == b.value.floating) return 0; else if (a.value.floating < b.value.floating) return -1; else return 1; } else { /* TODO: attempt numeric converson again? */ debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "floatcomp with non float or int"); return -2; } } else if (a.valuestored == ESI_LITERAL_INT) { if (b.valuestored == ESI_LITERAL_INT) { if (a.value.integral == b.value.integral) return 0; else if (a.value.integral < b.value.integral) return -1; else return 1; } else if (b.valuestored == ESI_LITERAL_FLOAT) { if (fabs(a.value.integral - b.value.floating) < 0.00001) return 0; else if (a.value.integral < b.value.floating) return -1; else return 1; } else { /* TODO: attempt numeric converson again? */ debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "intcomp vs non float non int"); return -2; } } return -2; } /* return 0 on success, 1 on failure */ int evalnegate(stackmember * stack, int *depth, int whereAmI, stackmember * candidate) { if (whereAmI != *depth - 2) /* invalid stack */ return 1; if (whereAmI < 0) throw Esi::Error("negate expression location too small"); if (*depth >= ESI_STACK_DEPTH_LIMIT) throw Esi::Error("negate expression too complex"); if (stack[whereAmI + 1].valuetype != ESI_EXPR_EXPR) /* invalid operand */ return 1; /* copy down */ --(*depth); stack[whereAmI] = stack[(*depth)]; cleanmember(candidate); if (stack[whereAmI].value.integral == 1) stack[whereAmI].value.integral = 0; else stack[whereAmI].value.integral = 1; return 0; } int evalliteral(stackmember * /* stack */, int * /* depth */, int /* whereAmI */, stackmember * /* candidate */) { debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "attempt to evaluate a literal"); /* literals can't be evaluated */ return 1; } int evalexpr(stackmember * /* stack */, int * /* depth */, int /* whereAmI */, stackmember * /* candidate */) { debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "attempt to evaluate a sub-expression result"); /* sub-scpr's can't be evaluated */ return 1; } int evalor(stackmember * stack, int *depth, int whereAmI, stackmember * candidate) { int rv; stackmember srv; if (*depth < 3) /* Not enough operands */ return 1; if (whereAmI != *depth - 2) /* invalid stack */ return 1; if (stack[whereAmI + 1].valuetype != ESI_EXPR_EXPR || stack[whereAmI - 1].valuetype != ESI_EXPR_EXPR) /* invalid operand */ return 1; rv = stack[whereAmI - 1].value.integral || stack[whereAmI + 1].value.integral; stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg rhs */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* me */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg lhs */ srv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_EXPR; srv.eval = evalliteral; srv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_BOOL; srv.value.integral = rv ? 1 : 0; srv.precedence = 1; stackpush(stack, srv, depth); /* we're out of way, try adding now */ if (!addmember(stack, depth, candidate)) /* Something wrong upstream */ return 1; return 0; } int evaland(stackmember * stack, int *depth, int whereAmI, stackmember * candidate) { int rv; stackmember srv; if (*depth < 3) /* Not enough operands */ return 1; if (whereAmI != *depth - 2) /* invalid stack */ return 1; if (stack[whereAmI + 1].valuetype != ESI_EXPR_EXPR || stack[whereAmI - 1].valuetype != ESI_EXPR_EXPR) /* invalid operand */ return 1; rv = stack[whereAmI - 1].value.integral && stack[whereAmI + 1].value.integral; stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg rhs */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* me */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg lhs */ srv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_EXPR; srv.eval = evalexpr; srv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_BOOL; srv.value.integral = rv ? 1 : 0; srv.precedence = 1; stackpush(stack, srv, depth); /* we're out of way, try adding now */ if (!addmember(stack, depth, candidate)) /* Something wrong upstream */ return 1; return 0; } int evallesseq(stackmember * stack, int *depth, int whereAmI, stackmember * candidate) { int rv; stackmember srv; if (*depth < 3) /* Not enough operands */ return 1; if (whereAmI != *depth - 2) /* invalid stack */ return 1; rv = membercompare(stack[whereAmI - 1], stack[whereAmI + 1]); if (rv == -2) /* invalid comparison */ return 1; stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg rhs */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* me */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg lhs */ srv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_EXPR; srv.eval = evalexpr; srv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_BOOL; srv.value.integral = rv <= 0 ? 1 : 0; srv.precedence = 1; stackpush(stack, srv, depth); /* we're out of way, try adding now */ if (!addmember(stack, depth, candidate)) /* Something wrong upstream */ return 1; /* debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "?= " << srv.value.integral << " "); */ return 0; } int evallessthan(stackmember * stack, int *depth, int whereAmI, stackmember * candidate) { int rv; stackmember srv; if (*depth < 3) /* Not enough operands */ return 1; if (whereAmI != *depth - 2) /* invalid stack */ return 1; rv = membercompare(stack[whereAmI - 1], stack[whereAmI + 1]); if (rv == -2) /* invalid comparison */ return 1; stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg rhs */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* me */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg lhs */ srv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_EXPR; srv.eval = evalexpr; srv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_BOOL; srv.value.integral = rv < 0 ? 1 : 0; srv.precedence = 1; stackpush(stack, srv, depth); /* we're out of way, try adding now */ if (!addmember(stack, depth, candidate)) /* Something wrong upstream */ return 1; /* debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "?= " << srv.value.integral << " "); */ return 0; } int evalmoreeq(stackmember * stack, int *depth, int whereAmI, stackmember * candidate) { int rv; stackmember srv; if (*depth < 3) /* Not enough operands */ return 1; if (whereAmI != *depth - 2) /* invalid stack */ return 1; rv = membercompare(stack[whereAmI - 1], stack[whereAmI + 1]); if (rv == -2) /* invalid comparison */ return 1; stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg rhs */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* me */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg lhs */ srv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_EXPR; srv.eval = evalexpr; srv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_BOOL; srv.value.integral = rv >= 0 ? 1 : 0; srv.precedence = 1; stackpush(stack, srv, depth); /* we're out of way, try adding now */ if (!addmember(stack, depth, candidate)) /* Something wrong upstream */ return 1; /* debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "?= " << srv.value.integral << " "); */ return 0; } int evalmorethan(stackmember * stack, int *depth, int whereAmI, stackmember * candidate) { int rv; stackmember srv; if (*depth < 3) /* Not enough operands */ return 1; if (whereAmI != *depth - 2) /* invalid stack */ return 1; rv = membercompare(stack[whereAmI - 1], stack[whereAmI + 1]); if (rv == -2) /* invalid comparison */ return 1; stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg rhs */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* me */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg lhs */ srv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_EXPR; srv.eval = evalexpr; srv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_BOOL; srv.value.integral = rv > 0 ? 1 : 0; srv.precedence = 1; stackpush(stack, srv, depth); /* we're out of way, try adding now */ if (!addmember(stack, depth, candidate)) /* Something wrong upstream */ return 1; /* debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "?= " << srv.value.integral << " "); */ return 0; } int evalequals(stackmember * stack, int *depth, int whereAmI, stackmember * candidate) { int rv; stackmember srv; if (*depth < 3) /* Not enough operands */ return 1; if (whereAmI != *depth - 2) /* invalid stack */ return 1; rv = membercompare(stack[whereAmI - 1], stack[whereAmI + 1]); if (rv == -2) /* invalid comparison */ return 1; stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg rhs */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* me */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg lhs */ srv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_EXPR; srv.eval = evalexpr; srv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_BOOL; srv.value.integral = rv ? 0 : 1; srv.precedence = 1; stackpush(stack, srv, depth); /* we're out of way, try adding now */ if (!addmember(stack, depth, candidate)) /* Something wrong upstream */ return 1; /* debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "?= " << srv.value.integral << " "); */ return 0; } int evalnotequals(stackmember * stack, int *depth, int whereAmI, stackmember * candidate) { int rv; stackmember srv; if (*depth < 3) /* Not enough operands */ return 1; if (whereAmI != *depth - 2) /* invalid stack */ return 1; rv = membercompare(stack[whereAmI - 1], stack[whereAmI + 1]); if (rv == -2) /* invalid comparison */ return 1; stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg rhs */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* me */ stackpop(stack, depth); /* arg lhs */ srv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_EXPR; srv.eval = evalexpr; srv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_BOOL; srv.value.integral = rv ? 1 : 0; srv.precedence = 1; stackpush(stack, srv, depth); /* we're out of way, try adding now */ if (!addmember(stack, depth, candidate)) /* Something wrong upstream */ return 1; /* debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "?= " << srv.value.integral << " "); */ return 0; } int evalstartexpr(stackmember * stack, int *depth, int whereAmI, stackmember * candidate) { /* debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "?("); */ if (whereAmI != *depth - 2) /* invalid stack */ return 1; /* Only valid when RHS is an end bracket */ if (candidate->valuetype != ESI_EXPR_END) return 1; --(*depth); stack[whereAmI] = stack[(*depth)]; cleanmember(candidate); return 0; } int evalendexpr(stackmember * /* stack */, int * /* depth */, int /* whereAmI */, stackmember * /* candidate */) { /* Can't evaluate ) brackets */ return 1; } char const * trim(char const *s) { while (*s == ' ') ++s; return s; } stackmember getsymbol(const char *s, char const **endptr) { stackmember rv; char *end; char const *origs = s; /* trim whitespace */ s = trim(s); rv.eval = nullptr; /* A literal */ rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_INVALID; rv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_INVALID; rv.precedence = 1; /* A literal */ if (('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') || *s == '-') { size_t length = strspn(s, "0123456789."); char const *point; if ((point = strchr(s, '.')) && point - s < (ssize_t)length) { /* floating point */ errno=0; /* reset errno */ rv.value.floating = strtod(s, &end); if (s == end || errno) { /* Couldn't convert to float */ debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: failed to convert '" << s << "' to float "); *endptr = origs; } else { debugs(86,6, "found " << rv.value.floating << " of length " << end - s); *endptr = end; rv.eval = evalliteral; rv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_FLOAT; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_LITERAL; rv.precedence = 1; } } else { /* INT */ errno=0; /* reset errno */ rv.value.integral = strtol(s, &end, 0); if (s == end || errno) { /* Couldn't convert to int */ debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: failed to convert '" << s << "' to int "); *endptr = origs; } else { debugs(86,6, "found " << rv.value.integral << " of length " << end - s); *endptr = end; rv.eval = evalliteral; rv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_INT; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_LITERAL; rv.precedence = 1; } } } else if ('!' == *s) { if ('=' == *(s + 1)) { debugs(86, 6, "found !="); *endptr = s + 2; rv.eval = evalnotequals; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_NOTEQ; rv.precedence = 5; } else { debugs(86, 6, "found !"); *endptr = s + 1; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_NOT; rv.precedence = 4; rv.eval = evalnegate; } } else if ('\'' == *s) { char const *t = s + 1; debugs(86, 6, "found \'"); while (*t != '\'' && *t) ++t; if (!*t) { debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: missing end \' in '" << s << "'"); *endptr = origs; } else { *endptr = t + 1; /* Special case for zero length strings */ if (t - s - 1) rv.value.string = xstrndup(s + 1, t - (s + 1) + 1); else rv.value.string = static_cast(xcalloc(1,1)); rv.eval = evalliteral; rv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_STRING; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_LITERAL; rv.precedence = 1; debugs(86, 6, "found string '" << rv.value.string << "'"); } } else if ('(' == *s) { debugs(86, 6, "found subexpr start"); *endptr = s + 1; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_START; rv.precedence = 5; rv.eval = evalstartexpr; } else if (')' == *s) { debugs(86, 6, "found subexpr end"); *endptr = s + 1; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_END; rv.precedence = 0; rv.eval = evalendexpr; } else if ('&' == *s) { debugs(86, 6, "found AND"); *endptr = s + 1; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_AND; rv.precedence = 3; rv.eval = evaland; } else if ('|' == *s) { debugs(86, 6, "found OR"); *endptr = s + 1; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_OR; rv.precedence = 2; rv.eval = evalor; } else if ('=' == *s) { if ('=' == *(s + 1)) { debugs(86, 6, "found equals"); *endptr = s + 2; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_EQ; rv.precedence = 5; rv.eval = evalequals; } else { debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: invalid expr '" << s << "'"); *endptr = origs; } } else if ('<' == *s) { if ('=' == *(s + 1)) { debugs(86, 6, "found less-equals"); *endptr = s + 2; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_LESSEQ; rv.precedence = 5; rv.eval = evallesseq; } else { debugs(86, 6, "found less than"); *endptr = s + 1; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_LESS; rv.precedence = 5; rv.eval = evallessthan; } } else if ('>' == *s) { if ('=' == *(s + 1)) { debugs(86, 6, "found more-equals"); *endptr = s + 2; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_MOREEQ; rv.precedence = 5; rv.eval = evalmoreeq; } else { debugs(86, 6, "found more than"); *endptr = s + 1; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_MORE; rv.precedence = 5; rv.eval = evalmorethan; } } else if (!strncmp(s, "false", 5)) { debugs(86, 5, "getsymbol: found variable result 'false'"); *endptr = s + 5; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_EXPR; rv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_BOOL; rv.value.integral = 0; rv.precedence = 1; rv.eval = evalexpr; } else if (!strncmp(s, "true", 4)) { debugs(86, 5, "getsymbol: found variable result 'true'"); *endptr = s + 4; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_EXPR; rv.valuestored = ESI_LITERAL_BOOL; rv.value.integral = 1; rv.precedence = 1; rv.eval = evalexpr; } else { debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: invalid expr '" << s << "'"); *endptr = origs; } return rv; } static void printLiteral(std::ostream &os, const stackmember &s) { switch (s.valuestored) { case ESI_LITERAL_INVALID: os << " Invalid "; break; case ESI_LITERAL_FLOAT: os << s.value.floating; break; case ESI_LITERAL_STRING: os << '\'' << s.value.string << '\''; break; case ESI_LITERAL_INT: os << s.value.integral; break; case ESI_LITERAL_BOOL: os << (s.value.integral ? "true" : "false"); } } static std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream &os, const stackmember &s) { switch (s.valuetype) { case ESI_EXPR_INVALID: os << " Invalid "; break; case ESI_EXPR_LITERAL: printLiteral(os, s); break; case ESI_EXPR_EXPR: os << (s.value.integral ? "true" : "false"); break; case ESI_EXPR_OR: os << "|"; break; case ESI_EXPR_AND: os << "&"; break; case ESI_EXPR_NOT: os << "!"; break; case ESI_EXPR_START: os << "("; break; case ESI_EXPR_END: os << ")"; break; case ESI_EXPR_EQ: os << "=="; break; case ESI_EXPR_NOTEQ: os << "!="; break; case ESI_EXPR_LESS: os << "<"; break; case ESI_EXPR_LESSEQ: os << "<="; break; case ESI_EXPR_MORE: os << ">"; break; case ESI_EXPR_MOREEQ: os << ">="; break; } return os; } void dumpstack(stackmember * stack, int depth) { if (depth) { std::ostringstream buf; for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) buf << stack[i]; debugs(86,1, buf.str()); } } int addmember(stackmember * stack, int *stackdepth, stackmember * candidate) { if (candidate->valuetype != ESI_EXPR_LITERAL && *stackdepth > 1) { /* !(!(a==b))) is why that's safe */ /* strictly less than until we unwind */ if (*stackdepth >= ESI_STACK_DEPTH_LIMIT) throw Esi::Error("ESI expression too complex to add member"); if (candidate->precedence < stack[*stackdepth - 1].precedence || candidate->precedence < stack[*stackdepth - 2].precedence) { /* must be an operator */ if (stack[*stackdepth - 2].valuetype == ESI_EXPR_LITERAL || stack[*stackdepth - 2].valuetype == ESI_EXPR_INVALID || stack[*stackdepth - 2].eval(stack, stackdepth, *stackdepth - 2, candidate)) { /* cleanup candidate and stack */ dumpstack(stack, *stackdepth); cleanmember(candidate); debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: invalid expression"); return 0; } } else { stackpush(stack, *candidate, stackdepth); } } else if (candidate->valuetype != ESI_EXPR_INVALID) stackpush(stack, *candidate, stackdepth); return 1; } int ESIExpression::Evaluate(char const *s) { stackmember stack[ESI_STACK_DEPTH_LIMIT]; int stackdepth = 0; char const *end; while (*s) { stackmember candidate = getsymbol(s, &end); if (candidate.valuetype != ESI_EXPR_INVALID) { assert(s != end); if (!addmember(stack, &stackdepth, &candidate)) { return 0; } s = end; } else { assert (s == end); debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: failed parsing expression"); return 0; } } if (stackdepth > 1) { stackmember rv; rv.valuetype = ESI_EXPR_INVALID; rv.precedence = 0; if (stack[stackdepth - 2]. eval(stack, &stackdepth, stackdepth - 2, &rv)) { /* special case - leading operator failed */ debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: invalid expression"); return 0; } } if (stackdepth == 0) { /* Empty expression - evaluate to false */ return 0; } /* if we hit here, we think we have a valid result */ assert(stackdepth == 1); assert(stack[0].valuetype == ESI_EXPR_EXPR); return stack[0].value.integral ? 1 : 0; }