/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2024 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 86 ESI processing */ #include "squid.h" /* MS Visual Studio Projects are monolithic, so we need the following * #if to exclude the ESI code from compile process when not needed. */ #if (USE_SQUID_ESI == 1) #include "client_side.h" #include "client_side_request.h" #include "clientStream.h" #include "comm/Connection.h" #include "errorpage.h" #include "esi/Assign.h" #include "esi/Attempt.h" #include "esi/Context.h" #include "esi/Element.h" #include "esi/Esi.h" #include "esi/Except.h" #include "esi/Expression.h" #include "esi/Segment.h" #include "esi/VarState.h" #include "FadingCounter.h" #include "fatal.h" #include "http/Stream.h" #include "HttpHdrSc.h" #include "HttpHdrScTarget.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "ip/Address.h" #include "log/forward.h" #include "MemBuf.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" /* quick reference on behaviour here. * The ESI specification 1.0 requires the ESI processor to be able to * return an error code at any point in the processing. To that end * we buffer the incoming esi body until we know we will be able to * satisfy the request. At that point we start streaming the queued * data downstream. * */ class ESIStreamContext; /* TODO: split this out into separate files ? */ /* Parsing: quick and dirty. ESI files are not valid XML, so a generic * XML parser is not much use. Also we need a push parser not a pull * parser, so LibXML is out. * * Interpreter methods: * Render: May only ever be called after Process returns PROCESS_COMPLETE. * Renders the resulting content into a ESISegment chain. * Process: returns the status of the node. * COMPLETE - processing is complete, rendering may staret * PENDING_WONTFAIL - process is incomplete, but the element *will* * be able to be rendered given time. * PENDING_MAYFAIL - processing is incomplete, and the element *may* * fail to be able to rendered. * FAILED - processing failed, return an error to the client. */ /* * NOT TODO: esi:inline - out of scope. */ /* make comparisons with refcount pointers easy */ static bool operator == (ESIElement const *lhs, ESIElement::Pointer const &rhs) { return lhs == rhs.getRaw(); } typedef ESIContext::esiKick_t esiKick_t; /* some core operators */ class esiComment : public ESIElement { MEMPROXY_CLASS(esiComment); public: ~esiComment() override; esiComment(); Pointer makeCacheable() const override; Pointer makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr, ESIVarState &) const override; void render(ESISegment::Pointer) override; void finish() override; }; #include "esi/Literal.h" #include "esi/Sequence.h" #include "esi/Include.h" /* esiRemove */ class esiRemove : public ESIElement { MEMPROXY_CLASS(esiRemove); public: esiRemove() : ESIElement() {} ~esiRemove() override {} void render(ESISegment::Pointer) override; bool addElement (ESIElement::Pointer) override; Pointer makeCacheable() const override; Pointer makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr, ESIVarState &) const override; void finish() override {} }; class esiTry : public ESIElement { MEMPROXY_CLASS(esiTry); public: esiTry(esiTreeParentPtr aParent); ~esiTry() override; void render(ESISegment::Pointer) override; bool addElement (ESIElement::Pointer) override; void fail(ESIElement *, char const * = nullptr) override; esiProcessResult_t process (int dovars) override; void provideData (ESISegment::Pointer data, ESIElement * source) override; Pointer makeCacheable() const override; Pointer makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr, ESIVarState &) const override; ESIElement::Pointer attempt; ESIElement::Pointer except; struct { unsigned int attemptok:1; /* the attempt branch process correctly */ unsigned int exceptok:1; /* likewise */ unsigned int attemptfailed:1; /* The attempt branch failed */ unsigned int exceptfailed:1; /* the except branch failed */ } flags; void finish() override; private: void notifyParent(); esiTreeParentPtr parent; ESISegment::Pointer exceptbuffer; esiTry (esiTry const &); esiProcessResult_t bestAttemptRV() const; }; #include "esi/Var.h" class esiChoose : public ESIElement { MEMPROXY_CLASS(esiChoose); public: esiChoose(esiTreeParentPtr); ~esiChoose() override; void render(ESISegment::Pointer) override; bool addElement (ESIElement::Pointer) override; void fail(ESIElement *, char const * = nullptr) override; esiProcessResult_t process (int dovars) override; void provideData (ESISegment::Pointer data, ESIElement *source) override; void makeCachableElements(esiChoose const &old); void makeUsableElements(esiChoose const &old, ESIVarState &); Pointer makeCacheable() const override; Pointer makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr, ESIVarState &) const override; void NULLUnChosen(); Esi::Elements elements; int chosenelement; ESIElement::Pointer otherwise; void finish() override; private: esiChoose(esiChoose const &); esiTreeParentPtr parent; void checkValidSource (ESIElement::Pointer source) const; void selectElement(); }; class esiWhen : public esiSequence { MEMPROXY_CLASS(esiWhen); public: esiWhen(esiTreeParentPtr aParent, int attributes, const char **attr, ESIVarState *); ~esiWhen() override; Pointer makeCacheable() const override; Pointer makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr, ESIVarState &) const override; bool testsTrue() const { return testValue;} void setTestResult(bool aBool) {testValue = aBool;} private: esiWhen (esiWhen const &); bool testValue; char const *unevaluatedExpression; ESIVarState *varState; void evaluate(); }; struct esiOtherwise : public esiSequence { esiOtherwise(esiTreeParentPtr aParent) : esiSequence (aParent) {} }; CBDATA_CLASS_INIT(ESIContext); void ESIContext::startRead() { assert (!reading_); reading_ = true; } void ESIContext::finishRead() { assert (reading_); reading_ = false; } bool ESIContext::reading() const { return reading_; } ESIStreamContext::ESIStreamContext() : finished(false), include (nullptr), localbuffer (new ESISegment), buffer (nullptr) {} /* Local functions */ /* ESIContext */ static ESIContext *ESIContextNew(HttpReply *, clientStreamNode *, ClientHttpRequest *); void ESIContext::setError() { errorpage = ERR_ESI; errorstatus = Http::scInternalServerError; flags.error = 1; } void ESIContext::appendOutboundData(ESISegment::Pointer theData) { if (!outbound.getRaw()) { outbound = theData; outboundtail = outbound; } else { assert (outboundtail->next.getRaw() == nullptr); outboundtail->next = theData; } fixupOutboundTail(); debugs(86, 9, "ESIContext::appendOutboundData: outbound " << outbound.getRaw()); } void ESIContext::provideData (ESISegment::Pointer theData, ESIElement * source) { debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::provideData: " << this << " " << theData.getRaw() << " " << source); /* No callbacks permitted after finish() called on the tree */ assert (tree.getRaw()); assert (source == tree); appendOutboundData(theData); trimBlanks(); if (!processing) send(); } void ESIContext::fail(ESIElement *, char const *anError) { setError(); setErrorMessage (anError); fail (); send (); } void ESIContext::fixupOutboundTail() { /* TODO: fixup thisNode outboundtail dross a little */ if (outboundtail.getRaw()) outboundtail = outboundtail->tail(); } esiKick_t ESIContext::kick () { if (flags.kicked) { debugs(86, 5, "esiKick: Re-entered whilst in progress"); // return ESI_KICK_INPROGRESS; } else ++flags.kicked; if (flags.detached) /* we've been detached from - we can't do anything more */ return ESI_KICK_FAILED; /* Something has occurred. Process any remaining nodes */ if (!flags.finished) /* Process some of our data */ switch (process ()) { case ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE: debugs(86, 5, "esiKick: esiProcess OK"); break; case ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_WONTFAIL: debugs(86, 5, "esiKick: esiProcess PENDING OK"); break; case ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_MAYFAIL: debugs(86, 5, "esiKick: esiProcess PENDING UNKNOWN"); break; case ESI_PROCESS_FAILED: debugs(86, 2, "esiKick: esiProcess " << this << " FAILED"); /* this can not happen - processing can't fail until we have data, * and when we come here we have sent data to the client */ if (pos == 0) fail (); --flags.kicked; return ESI_KICK_FAILED; } /* Render if we can to get maximal sent data */ assert (tree.getRaw() || flags.error); if (!flags.finished && !outbound.getRaw()) { outboundtail = new ESISegment; outbound = outboundtail; } if (!flags.error && !flags.finished) tree->render(outboundtail); if (!flags.finished) fixupOutboundTail(); /* Is there data to send? */ if (send ()) { /* some data was sent. we're finished until the next read */ --flags.kicked; return ESI_KICK_SENT; } --flags.kicked; /* nothing to send */ return flags.error ? ESI_KICK_FAILED : ESI_KICK_PENDING; } /* request from downstream for more data */ void esiStreamRead (clientStreamNode *thisNode, ClientHttpRequest *http) { clientStreamNode *next; /* Test preconditions */ assert (thisNode != nullptr); assert (cbdataReferenceValid (thisNode)); /* we are not in the chain until ESI is detected on a data callback */ assert (thisNode->node.prev != nullptr); assert (thisNode->node.next != nullptr); ESIContext::Pointer context = dynamic_cast(thisNode->data.getRaw()); assert (context.getRaw() != nullptr); if (context->flags.passthrough) { /* passthru mode - read into supplied buffers */ next = thisNode->next(); clientStreamRead (thisNode, http, next->readBuffer); return; } context->flags.clientwantsdata = 1; debugs(86, 5, "esiStreamRead: Client now wants data"); /* Ok, not passing through */ switch (context->kick ()) { case ESIContext::ESI_KICK_FAILED: /* this can not happen - processing can't fail until we have data, * and when we come here we have sent data to the client */ case ESIContext::ESI_KICK_SENT: case ESIContext::ESI_KICK_INPROGRESS: return; case ESIContext::ESI_KICK_PENDING: break; } /* Nothing to send */ if (context->flags.oktosend && (context->flags.finishedtemplate || context->cachedASTInUse) && ! context->flags.finished) { /* we've started sending, finished reading, but not finished * processing. stop here, a callback will resume the stream * flow */ debugs(86, 5, "esiStreamRead: Waiting for async resume of esi processing"); return; } if (context->flags.oktosend && context->flags.finished && context->outbound.getRaw()) { debugs(86, 5, "all processing complete, but outbound data still buffered"); assert (!context->flags.clientwantsdata); /* client MUST be processing the last reply */ return; } if (context->flags.oktosend && context->flags.finished) { StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer; assert (!context->outbound.getRaw()); /* We've finished processing, and there is no more data buffered */ debugs(86, 5, "Telling recipient EOF on READ"); clientStreamCallback (thisNode, http, nullptr, tempBuffer); return; } if (context->reading()) return; /* no data that is ready to send, and still reading? well, lets get some */ /* secure a buffer */ if (!context->incoming.getRaw()) { /* create a new buffer segment */ context->buffered = new ESISegment; context->incoming = context->buffered; } assert (context->incoming.getRaw() && context->incoming->len != HTTP_REQBUF_SZ); { StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer; tempBuffer.offset = context->readpos; tempBuffer.length = context->incoming->len - HTTP_REQBUF_SZ; tempBuffer.data = &context->incoming->buf[context->incoming->len]; context->startRead(); clientStreamRead (thisNode, http, tempBuffer); } } clientStream_status_t esiStreamStatus (clientStreamNode *thisNode, ClientHttpRequest *http) { /* Test preconditions */ assert (thisNode != nullptr); assert (cbdataReferenceValid (thisNode)); /* we are not in the chain until ESI is detected on a data callback */ assert (thisNode->node.prev != nullptr); assert (thisNode->node.next != nullptr); ESIContext::Pointer context = dynamic_cast(thisNode->data.getRaw()); assert (context.getRaw() != nullptr); if (context->flags.passthrough) return clientStreamStatus (thisNode, http); if (context->flags.oktosend && context->flags.finished && !(context->outbound.getRaw() && context->outbound_offset < context->outbound->len)) { debugs(86, 5, "Telling recipient EOF on STATUS"); return STREAM_UNPLANNED_COMPLETE; /* we don't know lengths in advance */ } /* ?? RC: we can't be aborted / fail ? */ return STREAM_NONE; } static int esiAlwaysPassthrough(Http::StatusCode sline) { int result; switch (sline) { case Http::scContinue: /* Should never reach us... but squid needs to alter to accommodate this */ case Http::scSwitchingProtocols: /* Ditto */ case Http::scProcessing: /* Unknown - some extension */ case Http::scNoContent: /* no body, no esi */ case Http::scNotModified: /* ESI does not affect assembled page headers, so 304s are valid */ result = 1; /* unreached */ break; default: result = 0; } return result; } void ESIContext::trimBlanks() { /* trim leading empty buffers ? */ while (outbound.getRaw() && outbound->next.getRaw() && !outbound->len) { debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::trimBlanks: " << this << " skipping segment " << outbound.getRaw()); outbound = outbound->next; } if (outboundtail.getRaw()) assert (outbound.getRaw()); } /* Send data downstream * Returns 0 if nothing was sent. Non-zero if data was sent. */ size_t ESIContext::send () { debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::send: this=" << this); /* send any processed data */ trimBlanks(); if (!flags.clientwantsdata) { debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::send: Client does not want data - not sending anything"); return 0; } if (tree.getRaw() && tree->mayFail()) { debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::send: Tree may fail. Not sending."); return 0; } else flags.oktosend = 1; if (!(rep || (outbound.getRaw() && outbound->len && (outbound_offset <= outbound->len)))) { debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::send: Nothing to send."); return 0; } debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::send: Sending something..."); /* Yes! Send it without asking for more upstream */ /* memcopying because the client provided the buffer */ /* TODO: skip data until pos == next->readoff; */ assert (thisNode->data == this); clientStreamNode *next = thisNode->next(); ESIContext *templock = cbdataReference (this); size_t len = 0; if (outbound.getRaw()) len = min (next->readBuffer.length, outbound->len - outbound_offset); /* prevent corruption on range requests, even though we don't support them yet */ assert (pos == next->readBuffer.offset); /* We must send data or a reply */ assert (len != 0 || rep != nullptr); if (len) { memcpy(next->readBuffer.data, &outbound->buf[outbound_offset], len); if (len + outbound_offset == outbound->len) { ESISegment::Pointer temp = outbound->next; /* remove the used buffer */ outbound_offset = 0; outbound = temp; } pos += len; if (!outbound.getRaw()) outboundtail = nullptr; trimBlanks(); } flags.clientwantsdata = 0; debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::send: this=" << this << " Client no longer wants data "); /* Deal with re-entrancy */ HttpReplyPointer temprep = rep; rep = nullptr; /* freed downstream */ if (temprep && varState) varState->buildVary(temprep.getRaw()); { StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer; tempBuffer.length = len; tempBuffer.offset = pos - len; tempBuffer.data = next->readBuffer.data; clientStreamCallback (thisNode, http, temprep.getRaw(), tempBuffer); } if (len == 0) len = 1; /* tell the caller we sent something (because we sent headers */ cbdataReferenceDone (templock); debugs (86,5,"ESIContext::send: this=" << this << " sent " << len); return len; } void ESIContext::finishChildren() { if (tree.getRaw()) tree->finish(); tree = nullptr; } /* Detach event from a client Stream */ void esiStreamDetach (clientStreamNode *thisNode, ClientHttpRequest *http) { /* if we have pending callbacks, tell them we're done. */ /* test preconditions */ assert (thisNode != nullptr); assert (cbdataReferenceValid (thisNode)); ESIContext::Pointer context = dynamic_cast(thisNode->data.getRaw()); assert (context.getRaw() != nullptr); /* detach from the stream */ clientStreamDetach (thisNode,http); /* if we have pending callbacks (from subincludes), tell them we're done. */ context->thisNode = nullptr; context->flags.detached = 1; context->finishChildren(); /* HACK for parser stack not being emptied */ context->parserState.stack[0] = nullptr; /* allow refcount logic to trigger */ context->cbdataLocker = nullptr; } /* Process incoming data for ESI tags */ /* ESI TODO: Long term: we should have a framework to parse html/xml and * callback to a set of processors like thisNode, to prevent multiple parsing * overhead. More thoughts on thisNode: We have to parse multiple times, because * the output of one processor may create a very different tree. What we could * do is something like DOM and pass that down to a final renderer. This is * getting into web server territory though... * * Preconditions: * This is not the last node in the stream. * ESI processing has been enabled. * There is context data or a reply structure */ void esiProcessStream (clientStreamNode *thisNode, ClientHttpRequest *http, HttpReply *rep, StoreIOBuffer receivedData) { /* test preconditions */ assert (thisNode != nullptr); /* ESI TODO: handle thisNode rather than asserting - it should only ever * happen if we cause an abort and the callback chain * loops back to here, so we can simply return. However, that itself * shouldn't happen, so it stays as an assert for now. */ assert (cbdataReferenceValid (thisNode)); /* * if data is NULL thisNode is the first entrance. If rep is also NULL, * something is wrong. * */ assert (thisNode->data.getRaw() != nullptr || rep); assert (thisNode->node.next != nullptr); if (!thisNode->data.getRaw()) /* setup ESI context from reply headers */ thisNode->data = ESIContextNew(rep, thisNode, http); ESIContext::Pointer context = dynamic_cast(thisNode->data.getRaw()); assert (context.getRaw() != nullptr); context->finishRead(); /* Skipping all ESI processing. All remaining data gets untouched. * Mainly used when an error or other non-ESI processable entity * has been detected to prevent ESI processing the error body */ if (context->flags.passthrough) { clientStreamCallback (thisNode, http, rep, receivedData); return; } debugs(86, 3, "esiProcessStream: Processing thisNode " << thisNode << " context " << context.getRaw() << " offset " << (int) receivedData.offset << " length " << (unsigned int)receivedData.length); /* once we finish the template, we *cannot* return here */ assert (!context->flags.finishedtemplate); assert (!context->cachedASTInUse); /* Can we generate any data ?*/ if (receivedData.data) { /* Increase our buffer area with incoming data */ assert (receivedData.length <= HTTP_REQBUF_SZ); assert (thisNode->readBuffer.offset == receivedData.offset); debugs (86,5, "esiProcessStream found " << receivedData.length << " bytes of body data at offset " << receivedData.offset); /* secure the data for later use */ if (!context->incoming.getRaw()) { /* create a new buffer segment */ debugs(86, 5, "esiProcessStream: Setting up incoming buffer"); context->buffered = new ESISegment; context->incoming = context->buffered; } if (receivedData.data != &context->incoming->buf[context->incoming->len]) { /* We have to copy the data out because we didn't supply thisNode buffer */ size_t space = HTTP_REQBUF_SZ - context->incoming->len; size_t len = min (space, receivedData.length); debugs(86, 5, "Copying data from " << receivedData.data << " to " << &context->incoming->buf[context->incoming->len] << " because our buffer was not used"); memcpy(&context->incoming->buf[context->incoming->len], receivedData.data, len); context->incoming->len += len; if (context->incoming->len == HTTP_REQBUF_SZ) { /* append another buffer */ context->incoming->next = new ESISegment; context->incoming = context->incoming->next; } if (len != receivedData.length) { /* capture the remnants */ memcpy(context->incoming->buf, &receivedData.data[len], receivedData.length - len); context->incoming->len = receivedData.length - len; } /* and note where we are up to */ context->readpos += receivedData.length; } else { /* update our position counters, and if needed assign a new buffer */ context->incoming->len += receivedData.length; assert (context->incoming->len <= HTTP_REQBUF_SZ); if (context->incoming->len > HTTP_REQBUF_SZ * 3 / 4) { /* allocate a new buffer - to stop us asking for ridiculously small amounts */ context->incoming->next = new ESISegment; context->incoming = context->incoming->next; } context->readpos += receivedData.length; } } /* EOF / Read error / aborted entry */ if (rep == nullptr && receivedData.data == nullptr && receivedData.length == 0 && !context->flags.finishedtemplate) { /* TODO: get stream status to test the entry for aborts */ /* else flush the esi processor */ debugs(86, 5, "esiProcess: " << context.getRaw() << " Finished reading upstream data"); /* This is correct */ context->flags.finishedtemplate = 1; } switch (context->kick()) { case ESIContext::ESI_KICK_FAILED: /* thisNode can not happen - processing can't fail until we have data, * and when we come here we have sent data to the client */ return; case ESIContext::ESI_KICK_SENT: case ESIContext::ESI_KICK_INPROGRESS: return; case ESIContext::ESI_KICK_PENDING: break; } /* ok.. no data sent, try to pull more data in from upstream. * TODO: Don't try thisNode if we have finished reading the template */ if (!context->flags.finishedtemplate && !context->reading() && !context->cachedASTInUse) { StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer; assert (context->incoming.getRaw() && context->incoming->len < HTTP_REQBUF_SZ); tempBuffer.offset = context->readpos; tempBuffer.length = HTTP_REQBUF_SZ - context->incoming->len; tempBuffer.data = &context->incoming->buf[context->incoming->len]; context->startRead(); clientStreamRead (thisNode, http, tempBuffer); return; } debugs(86, 3, "esiProcessStream: no data to send, no data to read, awaiting a callback"); } ESIContext::~ESIContext() { freeResources (); /* Not freed by freeresources because esi::fail needs it */ safe_free (errormessage); debugs(86, 3, "ESIContext::~ESIContext: Freed " << this); } ESIContext * ESIContextNew (HttpReply *rep, clientStreamNode *thisNode, ClientHttpRequest *http) { assert (rep); ESIContext *rv = new ESIContext; rv->rep = rep; rv->cbdataLocker = rv; if (esiAlwaysPassthrough(rep->sline.status())) { rv->flags.passthrough = 1; } else { /* remove specific headers for ESI to prevent * downstream cache confusion */ HttpHeader *hdr = &rep->header; hdr->delById(Http::HdrType::ACCEPT_RANGES); hdr->delById(Http::HdrType::ETAG); hdr->delById(Http::HdrType::CONTENT_LENGTH); hdr->delById(Http::HdrType::CONTENT_MD5); rv->tree = new esiSequence (rv, true); rv->thisNode = thisNode; rv->http = http; rv->flags.clientwantsdata = 1; rv->varState = new ESIVarState (&http->request->header, http->uri); debugs(86, 5, "ESIContextNew: Client wants data (always created during reply cycle"); } debugs(86, 5, "ESIContextNew: Create context " << rv); return rv; } ESIElement::ESIElementType_t ESIElement::IdentifyElement (const char *el) { int offset = 0; assert (el); if (strlen (el) < 5) return ESI_ELEMENT_NONE; if (!strncmp (el, "esi:", 4)) offset = 4; else if (!strncmp (el, "http://www.edge-delivery.org/esi/1.0|", 37)) offset = 37; else return ESI_ELEMENT_NONE; if (!strncmp (el + offset, "otherwise", 9)) return ESI_ELEMENT_OTHERWISE; if (!strncmp (el + offset, "comment", 7)) return ESI_ELEMENT_COMMENT; if (!strncmp (el + offset, "include", 7)) return ESI_ELEMENT_INCLUDE; if (!strncmp (el + offset, "attempt", 7)) return ESI_ELEMENT_ATTEMPT; if (!strncmp (el + offset, "assign", 6)) return ESI_ELEMENT_ASSIGN; if (!strncmp (el + offset, "remove", 6)) return ESI_ELEMENT_REMOVE; if (!strncmp (el + offset, "except", 6)) return ESI_ELEMENT_EXCEPT; if (!strncmp (el + offset, "choose", 6)) return ESI_ELEMENT_CHOOSE; if (!strncmp (el + offset, "vars", 4)) return ESI_ELEMENT_VARS; if (!strncmp (el + offset, "when", 4)) return ESI_ELEMENT_WHEN; if (!strncmp (el + offset, "try", 3)) return ESI_ELEMENT_TRY; return ESI_ELEMENT_NONE; } ESIElement::Pointer ESIContext::ParserState::top() { return stack[stackdepth-1]; } ESIContext::ParserState::ParserState() : stackdepth(0), parsing(0), inited_(false) {} bool ESIContext::ParserState::inited() const { return inited_; } void ESIContext::addStackElement (ESIElement::Pointer element) { /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ // throw an error if the stack location would be invalid if (parserState.stackdepth >= ESI_STACK_DEPTH_LIMIT) throw Esi::Error("ESI Too many nested elements"); if (parserState.stackdepth < 0) throw Esi::Error("ESI elements stack error, probable error in ESI template"); assert (!failed()); debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::addStackElement: About to add ESI Node " << element.getRaw()); if (!parserState.top()->addElement(element)) { throw Esi::Error("ESIContext::addStackElement failed, probable error in ESI template"); } else { /* added ok, push onto the stack */ parserState.stack[parserState.stackdepth] = element; ++parserState.stackdepth; } } void ESIContext::start(const char *el, const char **attr, size_t attrCount) { int i; unsigned int ellen = strlen (el); char localbuf [HTTP_REQBUF_SZ]; ESIElement::Pointer element; int specifiedattcount = attrCount * 2; char *position; Must(ellen < sizeof(localbuf)); /* prevent unexpected overruns. */ debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::Start: element '" << el << "' with " << specifiedattcount << " tags"); if (failed()) /* waiting for expat to finish the buffer we gave it */ return; switch (ESIElement::IdentifyElement (el)) { case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_NONE: /* Spit out elements we aren't interested in */ localbuf[0] = '<'; localbuf[1] = '\0'; xstrncpy(&localbuf[1], el, sizeof(localbuf) - 2); position = localbuf + strlen (localbuf); for (i = 0; i < specifiedattcount && attr[i]; i += 2) { Must(static_cast(position - localbuf) < sizeof(localbuf) - 1); *position = ' '; ++position; /* TODO: handle thisNode gracefully */ xstrncpy(position, attr[i], sizeof(localbuf) - (position - localbuf)); position += strlen (position); Must(static_cast(position - localbuf) < sizeof(localbuf) - 2); *position = '='; ++position; *position = '\"'; ++position; const char *chPtr = attr[i + 1]; char ch; while ((ch = *chPtr++) != '\0') { if (ch == '\"') { Must(static_cast(position - localbuf) < sizeof(localbuf) - 6); xstrncpy(position, """, sizeof(localbuf) - (position-localbuf)); position += 6; } else { Must(static_cast(position - localbuf) < sizeof(localbuf) - 1); *position = ch; ++position; } } Must(static_cast(position - localbuf) < sizeof(localbuf) - 1); *position = '\"'; ++position; } Must(static_cast(position - localbuf) < sizeof(localbuf) - 2); *position = '>'; ++position; *position = '\0'; addLiteral (localbuf, position - localbuf); debugs(86, 5, "esi stack depth " << parserState.stackdepth); return; break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_COMMENT: /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ element = new esiComment (); break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_INCLUDE: /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ element = new ESIInclude (parserState.top().getRaw(), specifiedattcount, attr, this); break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_REMOVE: /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ element = new esiRemove(); break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_TRY: /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ element = new esiTry (parserState.top().getRaw()); break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_ATTEMPT: /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ element = new esiAttempt (parserState.top().getRaw()); break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_EXCEPT: /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ element = new esiExcept (parserState.top().getRaw()); break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_VARS: /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ element = new ESIVar (parserState.top().getRaw()); break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_CHOOSE: /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ element = new esiChoose (parserState.top().getRaw()); break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_WHEN: /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ element = new esiWhen (parserState.top().getRaw(), specifiedattcount, attr, varState); break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_OTHERWISE: /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ element = new esiOtherwise (parserState.top().getRaw()); break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_ASSIGN: /* Put on the stack to allow skipping of 'invalid' markup */ element = new ESIAssign (parserState.top().getRaw(), specifiedattcount, attr, this); break; } addStackElement(element); debugs(86, 5, "esi stack depth " << parserState.stackdepth); } /* End of start handler */ void ESIContext::end(const char *el) { unsigned int ellen = strlen (el); char localbuf [HTTP_REQBUF_SZ]; char *position; if (flags.error) /* waiting for expat to finish the buffer we gave it */ return; switch (ESIElement::IdentifyElement (el)) { case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_NONE: Must(ellen < sizeof(localbuf) - 3); /* prevent unexpected overruns. */ /* Add elements we aren't interested in */ localbuf[0] = '<'; localbuf[1] = '/'; xstrncpy(&localbuf[2], el, sizeof(localbuf) - 3); position = localbuf + strlen (localbuf); *position = '>'; ++position; *position = '\0'; addLiteral (localbuf, position - localbuf); break; case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_COMMENT: case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_INCLUDE: case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_REMOVE: case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_TRY: case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_ATTEMPT: case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_EXCEPT: case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_VARS: case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_CHOOSE: case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_WHEN: case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_OTHERWISE: case ESIElement::ESI_ELEMENT_ASSIGN: /* pop of the stack */ parserState.stack[--parserState.stackdepth] = nullptr; break; } } /* End of end handler */ void ESIContext::parserDefault (const char *s, int len) { if (failed()) return; /* handle any skipped data */ addLiteral (s, len); } void ESIContext::parserComment (const char *s) { if (failed()) return; if (!strncmp(s, "esi",3)) { debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::parserComment: ESI ", 4); addLiteral (localbuf,len + 7); } } void ESIContext::addLiteral (const char *s, int len) { /* handle any skipped data */ assert (len); debugs(86, 5, "literal length is " << len); /* give a literal to the current element */ ESIElement::Pointer element (new esiLiteral (this, s, len)); if (!parserState.top()->addElement(element)) throw Esi::Error("ESIContext::addLiteral failed, probable error in ESI template"); } void ESIContext::ParserState::init(ESIParserClient *userData) { theParser = ESIParser::NewParser (userData); inited_ = true; } void ESIContext::parseOneBuffer() { assert (buffered.getRaw()); debugs (86,9,"ESIContext::parseOneBuffer: " << buffered->len << " bytes"); bool lastBlock = buffered->next.getRaw() == nullptr && flags.finishedtemplate ? true : false; if (! parserState.theParser->parse(buffered->buf, buffered->len, lastBlock)) { setError(); char tempstr[1024]; snprintf (tempstr, 1023, "esiProcess: Parse error at line %ld:\n%s\n", parserState.theParser->lineNumber(), parserState.theParser->errorString()); debugs(86, DBG_CRITICAL, "" << tempstr << ""); setErrorMessage(tempstr); assert (flags.error); return; } if (flags.error) { setError(); return; } ESISegment::Pointer temp = buffered; buffered = temp->next; } void ESIContext::parse() { if (!parserState.stackdepth) { debugs(86, 5, "empty parser stack, inserting the top level node"); assert (tree.getRaw()); parserState.stack[parserState.stackdepth] = tree; ++parserState.stackdepth; } if (rep && !parserState.inited()) parserState.init(this); /* we have data */ if (buffered.getRaw()) { parserState.parsing = 1; /* we don't keep any data around */ try { while (buffered.getRaw() && !flags.error) parseOneBuffer(); } catch (Esi::ErrorDetail &errMsg) { // XXX: non-const for c_str() // level-2: these are protocol/syntax errors from upstream debugs(86, 2, "WARNING: ESI syntax error: " << errMsg); setError(); setErrorMessage(errMsg.c_str()); } catch (...) { // DBG_IMPORTANT because these are local issues the admin needs to fix static FadingCounter logEntries; // TODO: set horizon less than infinity if (logEntries.count(1) < 100) debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: ESI parser: " << CurrentException); setError(); setErrorMessage("ESI parser error"); } /* Tel the read code to allocate a new buffer */ incoming = nullptr; parserState.parsing = 0; } } esiProcessResult_t ESIContext::process () { /* parsing: * read through buffered, skipping plain text, and skipping any * <...> entry that is not an process(0); processing = false; switch (status) { case ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE: debugs(86, 5, "esiProcess: tree Processed OK"); break; case ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_WONTFAIL: debugs(86, 5, "esiProcess: tree Processed PENDING OK"); break; case ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_MAYFAIL: debugs(86, 5, "esiProcess: tree Processed PENDING UNKNOWN"); break; case ESI_PROCESS_FAILED: debugs(86, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: esiProcess: tree Processed FAILED"); setError(); setErrorMessage("esiProcess: ESI template Processing failed."); return ESI_PROCESS_FAILED; break; } if (status != ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_MAYFAIL && (flags.finishedtemplate || cachedASTInUse)) { /* We've read the entire template, and no nodes will * return failure */ debugs(86, 5, "esiProcess, request will succeed"); flags.oktosend = 1; } if (status == ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE && (flags.finishedtemplate || cachedASTInUse)) { /* we've finished all processing. Render and send. */ debugs(86, 5, "esiProcess, processing complete"); flags.finished = 1; } return status; /* because we have no callbacks */ } } void ESIContext::ParserState::freeResources() { theParser = nullptr; inited_ = false; } void ESIContext::ParserState::popAll() { while (stackdepth) stack[--stackdepth] = nullptr; } void ESIContext::freeResources () { debugs(86, 5, "Freeing for this=" << this); rep = nullptr; // refcounted finishChildren (); if (parserState.inited()) { parserState.freeResources(); } parserState.popAll(); ESISegmentFreeList (buffered); ESISegmentFreeList (outbound); ESISegmentFreeList (outboundtail); delete varState; varState=nullptr; /* don't touch incoming, it's a pointer into buffered anyway */ } ErrorState *clientBuildError(err_type, Http::StatusCode, char const *, const ConnStateData *, HttpRequest *, const AccessLogEntryPointer &); /* This can ONLY be used before we have sent *any* data to the client */ void ESIContext::fail () { debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::fail: this=" << this); /* check preconditions */ assert (pos == 0); /* cleanup current state */ freeResources (); /* Stop altering thisNode request */ flags.oktosend = 1; flags.finished = 1; /* don't honour range requests - for errors we send it all */ flags.error = 1; /* create an error object */ // XXX: with the in-direction on remote IP. does the http->getConn()->clientConnection exist? const auto err = clientBuildError(errorpage, errorstatus, nullptr, http->getConn(), http->request, http->al); err->err_msg = errormessage; errormessage = nullptr; rep = err->BuildHttpReply(); // XXX: Leaking err! assert (rep->body.hasContent()); size_t errorprogress = rep->body.contentSize(); /* Tell esiSend where to start sending from */ outbound_offset = 0; /* copy the membuf from the reply to outbound */ while (errorprogress < (size_t)rep->body.contentSize()) { appendOutboundData(new ESISegment); errorprogress += outboundtail->append(rep->body.content() + errorprogress, rep->body.contentSize() - errorprogress); } /* the esiCode now thinks that the error is the outbound, * and all processing has finished. */ /* Send as much as we can */ send (); /* don't cancel anything. The stream nodes will clean up after * themselves when the reply is freed - and we don't know what to * clean anyway. */ } /* Implementation of ESIElements */ /* esiComment */ esiComment::~esiComment() { debugs(86, 5, "esiComment::~esiComment " << this); } esiComment::esiComment() {} void esiComment::finish() {} void esiComment::render(ESISegment::Pointer output) { /* Comments do nothing dude */ debugs(86, 5, "esiCommentRender: Rendering comment " << this << " into " << output.getRaw()); } ESIElement::Pointer esiComment::makeCacheable() const { debugs(86, 5, "esiComment::makeCacheable: returning NULL"); return nullptr; } ESIElement::Pointer esiComment::makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr, ESIVarState &) const { fatal ("esiComment::Usable: unreachable code!\n"); return nullptr; } /* esiLiteral */ esiLiteral::~esiLiteral() { debugs(86, 5, "esiLiteral::~esiLiteral: " << this); ESISegmentFreeList (buffer); cbdataReferenceDone (varState); } esiLiteral::esiLiteral(ESISegment::Pointer aSegment) : buffer(aSegment), varState(nullptr) { /* Nothing to do */ flags.donevars = 1; } void esiLiteral::finish() {} /* precondition: the buffer chain has at least start + length bytes of data */ esiLiteral::esiLiteral(ESIContext *context, const char *s, int numberOfCharacters) { assert (s); flags.donevars = 0; buffer = new ESISegment; ESISegment::Pointer local = buffer; size_t start = 0; int remainingCharacters = numberOfCharacters; while (remainingCharacters > 0) { if (local->len == sizeof (local->buf)) { local->next = new ESISegment; local=local->next; } size_t len = local->append (&s[start], remainingCharacters); start += len; remainingCharacters -= len; } varState = cbdataReference(context->varState); } void esiLiteral::render (ESISegment::Pointer output) { debugs(86, 9, "esiLiteral::render: Rendering " << this); /* append the entire chain */ assert (output->next.getRaw() == nullptr); output->next = buffer; buffer = nullptr; } esiProcessResult_t esiLiteral::process (int dovars) { if (flags.donevars) return ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE; if (dovars) { ESISegment::Pointer temp = buffer; /* Ensure variable state is clean */ while (temp.getRaw()) { varState->feedData(temp->buf,temp->len); temp = temp->next; } /* free the pre-processed content */ ESISegmentFreeList (buffer); buffer = varState->extractList (); } flags.donevars = 1; return ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE; } esiLiteral::esiLiteral(esiLiteral const &old) : buffer (old.buffer->cloneList()), varState (nullptr) { flags.donevars = 0; } ESIElement::Pointer esiLiteral::makeCacheable() const { return new esiLiteral (*this); } ESIElement::Pointer esiLiteral::makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr, ESIVarState &newVarState) const { debugs(86, 5, "esiLiteral::makeUsable: Creating usable literal"); esiLiteral * result = new esiLiteral (*this); result->varState = cbdataReference (&newVarState); return result; } /* esiRemove */ void esiRemove::render(ESISegment::Pointer) { /* Removes do nothing dude */ debugs(86, 5, "esiRemoveRender: Rendering remove " << this); } /* Accept non-ESI children */ bool esiRemove::addElement (ESIElement::Pointer element) { if (!dynamic_cast(element.getRaw())) { debugs(86, 5, "esiRemoveAdd: Failed for " << this); return false; } return true; } ESIElement::Pointer esiRemove::makeCacheable() const { debugs(86, 5, "esiRemove::makeCacheable: Returning NULL"); return nullptr; } ESIElement::Pointer esiRemove::makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr, ESIVarState &) const { fatal ("esiRemove::Usable: unreachable code!\n"); return nullptr; } /* esiTry */ esiTry::~esiTry() { debugs(86, 5, "esiTry::~esiTry " << this); } esiTry::esiTry(esiTreeParentPtr aParent) : parent(aParent), exceptbuffer(nullptr) { memset(&flags, 0, sizeof(flags)); } void esiTry::render(ESISegment::Pointer output) { /* Try renders from it's children */ assert (attempt.getRaw()); assert (except.getRaw()); debugs(86, 5, "esiTryRender: Rendering Try " << this); if (flags.attemptok) { attempt->render(output); } else if (flags.exceptok) { /* prerendered */ if (exceptbuffer.getRaw()) ESISegment::ListTransfer(exceptbuffer, output); else except->render(output); } else debugs(86, 5, "esiTryRender: Neither except nor attempt succeeded?!?"); } /* Accept attempt and except only */ bool esiTry::addElement(ESIElement::Pointer element) { debugs(86, 5, "esiTryAdd: Try " << this << " adding element " << element.getRaw()); if (dynamic_cast(element.getRaw())) { /* Swallow whitespace */ debugs(86, 5, "esiTryAdd: Try " << this << " skipping whitespace " << element.getRaw()); return true; } if (dynamic_cast(element.getRaw())) { if (attempt.getRaw()) { debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: esiTryAdd: Failed for " << this << " - try already has an attempt node (section 3.4)"); return false; } attempt = element; return true; } if (dynamic_cast(element.getRaw())) { if (except.getRaw()) { debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: esiTryAdd: Failed for " << this << " - try already has an except node (section 3.4)"); return false; } except = element; return true; } debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: esiTryAdd: Failed to add element " << element.getRaw() << " to try " << this << ", incorrect element type (see section 3.4)"); return false; } esiProcessResult_t esiTry::bestAttemptRV() const { if (flags.attemptfailed) return ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE; else return ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_MAYFAIL; } esiProcessResult_t esiTry::process (int dovars) { esiProcessResult_t rv = ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_MAYFAIL; if (!attempt.getRaw()) { debugs(86, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: esiTryProcess: Try has no attempt element - ESI template is invalid (section 3.4)"); return ESI_PROCESS_FAILED; } if (!except.getRaw()) { debugs(86, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: esiTryProcess: Try has no except element - ESI template is invalid (section 3.4)"); return ESI_PROCESS_FAILED; } if (!flags.attemptfailed) /* Try the attempt branch */ switch ((rv = attempt->process(dovars))) { case ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE: debugs(86, 5, "esiTryProcess: attempt Processed OK"); flags.attemptok = 1; return ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE; case ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_WONTFAIL: debugs(86, 5, "esiTryProcess: attempt Processed PENDING OK"); /* We're not done yet, but don't need to test except */ return ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_WONTFAIL; case ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_MAYFAIL: debugs(86, 5, "eseSequenceProcess: element Processed PENDING UNKNOWN"); break; case ESI_PROCESS_FAILED: debugs(86, 5, "esiSequenceProcess: element Processed FAILED"); flags.attemptfailed = 1; break; } /* attempt is either MAYFAIL or FAILED */ if (flags.exceptok) return bestAttemptRV(); /* query except to see if it has a definite result */ if (!flags.exceptfailed) /* Try the except branch */ switch (except->process(dovars)) { case ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE: debugs(86, 5, "esiTryProcess: except Processed OK"); flags.exceptok = 1; return bestAttemptRV(); case ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_WONTFAIL: debugs(86, 5, "esiTryProcess: attempt Processed PENDING OK"); /* We're not done yet, but can't fail */ return ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_WONTFAIL; case ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_MAYFAIL: debugs(86, 5, "eseSequenceProcess: element Processed PENDING UNKNOWN"); /* The except branch fail fail */ return ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_MAYFAIL; case ESI_PROCESS_FAILED: debugs(86, 5, "esiSequenceProcess: element Processed FAILED"); flags.exceptfailed = 1; break; } if (flags.exceptfailed && flags.attemptfailed) return ESI_PROCESS_FAILED; /* one of attempt or except returned PENDING MAYFAIL */ return ESI_PROCESS_PENDING_MAYFAIL; } void esiTry::notifyParent() { if (flags.attemptfailed) { if (flags.exceptok) { parent->provideData (exceptbuffer, this); exceptbuffer = nullptr; } else if (flags.exceptfailed || except.getRaw() == nullptr) { parent->fail (this, "esi:try - except claused failed, or no except clause found"); } } /* nothing to do when except fails and attempt hasn't */ } void esiTry::fail(ESIElement *source, char const *anError) { assert (source); assert (source == attempt || source == except); debugs(86, 5, "esiTry::fail: this=" << this << ", source=" << source << ", message=" << anError); if (source == except) { flags.exceptfailed = 1; } else { flags.attemptfailed = 1; } notifyParent(); } void esiTry::provideData (ESISegment::Pointer data, ESIElement* source) { if (source == attempt) { flags.attemptok = 1; parent->provideData (data, this); } else if (source == except) { flags.exceptok = 1; assert (exceptbuffer == nullptr); ESISegment::ListTransfer (data, exceptbuffer); notifyParent(); } } esiTry::esiTry(esiTry const &) { attempt = nullptr; except = nullptr; flags.attemptok = 0; flags.exceptok = 0; flags.attemptfailed = 0; flags.exceptfailed = 0; parent = nullptr; exceptbuffer = nullptr; } ESIElement::Pointer esiTry::makeCacheable() const { debugs(86, 5, "esiTry::makeCacheable: making cachable Try from " << this); esiTry *resultT = new esiTry (*this); ESIElement::Pointer result = resultT; if (attempt.getRaw()) resultT->attempt = attempt->makeCacheable(); if (except.getRaw()) resultT->except = except->makeCacheable(); return result; } ESIElement::Pointer esiTry::makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr newParent, ESIVarState &newVarState) const { debugs(86, 5, "esiTry::makeUsable: making usable Try from " << this); esiTry *resultT = new esiTry (*this); ESIElement::Pointer result = resultT; resultT->parent = newParent; if (attempt.getRaw()) resultT->attempt = attempt->makeUsable(resultT, newVarState); if (except.getRaw()) resultT->except = except->makeUsable(resultT, newVarState); return result; } void esiTry::finish() { parent = nullptr; if (attempt.getRaw()) attempt->finish(); attempt = nullptr; if (except.getRaw()) except->finish(); except = nullptr; } /* esiChoose */ esiChoose::~esiChoose() { debugs(86, 5, "esiChoose::~esiChoose " << this); FinishAllElements(elements); // finish if not already done } esiChoose::esiChoose(esiTreeParentPtr aParent) : elements(), chosenelement(-1), parent(aParent) {} void esiChoose::render(ESISegment::Pointer output) { /* append all processed elements, and trim processed and rendered elements */ assert (output->next == nullptr); assert (elements.size() || otherwise.getRaw()); debugs(86, 5, "esiChooseRender: rendering"); if (chosenelement >= 0) elements[chosenelement]->render(output); else if (otherwise.getRaw()) otherwise->render(output); } bool esiChoose::addElement(ESIElement::Pointer element) { /* add an element to the output list */ if (dynamic_cast(element.getRaw())) { /* Swallow whitespace */ debugs(86, 5, "esiChooseAdd: Choose " << this << " skipping whitespace " << element.getRaw()); return true; } /* Some elements require specific parents */ if (!(dynamic_cast(element.getRaw()) || dynamic_cast(element.getRaw()))) { debugs(86, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: esiChooseAdd: invalid child node for esi:choose (section 3.3)"); return false; } if (dynamic_cast(element.getRaw())) { if (otherwise.getRaw()) { debugs(86, DBG_CRITICAL, "esiChooseAdd: only one otherwise node allowed for esi:choose (section 3.3)"); return false; } otherwise = element; } else { elements.push_back (element); debugs (86,3, "esiChooseAdd: Added a new element, elements = " << elements.size()); if (chosenelement == -1) { const esiWhen * topElement=dynamic_cast(element.getRaw()); if (topElement && topElement->testsTrue()) { chosenelement = elements.size() - 1; debugs (86,3, "esiChooseAdd: Chose element " << elements.size()); } } } return true; } void esiChoose::selectElement() { if (chosenelement > -1) return; for (size_t counter = 0; counter < elements.size(); ++counter) { const esiWhen *el = dynamic_cast(elements[counter].getRaw()); if (el && el->testsTrue()) { chosenelement = counter; debugs (86,3, "esiChooseAdd: Chose element " << counter + 1); return; } } } // TODO: make ESIElement destructor call finish() instead so it is // a) only called when an element ref-count is 0, and // b) caller can elements.clear() instead of doing this void FinishAnElement(ESIElement::Pointer &element, int pos) { if (element) element->finish(); debugs(86, 5, "setting index " << pos << ", pointer " << (void*)element.getRaw() << " to nil"); element = nullptr; } void FinishAllElements(Esi::Elements &elements) { int pos = 0; for (auto &element : elements) FinishAnElement(element, pos++); } void esiChoose::finish() { FinishAllElements(elements); if (otherwise.getRaw()) otherwise->finish(); otherwise = nullptr; parent = nullptr; } void esiChoose::NULLUnChosen() { if (chosenelement >= 0) { if (otherwise.getRaw()) otherwise->finish(); otherwise = nullptr; int pos = 0; for (auto &element : elements) { if (pos != chosenelement) FinishAnElement(element, pos++); } } else if (otherwise.getRaw()) { FinishAllElements(elements); } } esiProcessResult_t esiChoose::process (int dovars) { /* process as much of the list as we can, stopping only on * failures */ /* We MUST have a when clause */ NULLUnChosen(); if (!elements.size()) { parent->fail(this); if (otherwise.getRaw()) otherwise->finish(); otherwise = nullptr; parent = nullptr; return ESI_PROCESS_FAILED; } if (chosenelement >= 0) { return elements[chosenelement]->process(dovars); } else if (otherwise.getRaw()) return otherwise->process(dovars); else return ESI_PROCESS_COMPLETE; } void esiChoose::checkValidSource (ESIElement::Pointer source) const { if (!elements.size()) fatal ("invalid callback = no when clause\n"); if (chosenelement >= 0) assert (source == elements[chosenelement]); else if (otherwise.getRaw()) assert (source == otherwise); else fatal ("esiChoose::checkValidSource: invalid callback - no elements chosen\n"); } void esiChoose::fail(ESIElement * source, char const *anError) { checkValidSource (source); FinishAllElements(elements); if (otherwise.getRaw()) otherwise->finish(); otherwise = nullptr; parent->fail(this, anError); parent = nullptr; } void esiChoose::provideData (ESISegment::Pointer data, ESIElement*source) { checkValidSource (source); parent->provideData (data, this); } esiChoose::esiChoose(esiChoose const &old) : chosenelement(-1), otherwise (nullptr), parent (nullptr) { for (size_t counter = 0; counter < old.elements.size(); ++counter) { ESIElement::Pointer newElement = old.elements[counter]->makeCacheable(); if (newElement.getRaw()) assert (addElement(newElement)); } } void esiChoose::makeCachableElements(esiChoose const &old) { for (size_t counter = 0; counter < old.elements.size(); ++counter) { ESIElement::Pointer newElement = old.elements[counter]->makeCacheable(); if (newElement.getRaw()) assert (addElement(newElement)); } } void esiChoose::makeUsableElements(esiChoose const &old, ESIVarState &newVarState) { for (size_t counter = 0; counter < old.elements.size(); ++counter) { ESIElement::Pointer newElement = old.elements[counter]->makeUsable (this, newVarState); if (newElement.getRaw()) assert (addElement(newElement)); } } ESIElement::Pointer esiChoose::makeCacheable() const { esiChoose *resultC = new esiChoose (*this); ESIElement::Pointer result = resultC; resultC->makeCachableElements(*this); if (otherwise.getRaw()) resultC->otherwise = otherwise->makeCacheable(); return result; } ESIElement::Pointer esiChoose::makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr newParent, ESIVarState &newVarState) const { esiChoose *resultC = new esiChoose (*this); ESIElement::Pointer result = resultC; resultC->parent = newParent; resultC->makeUsableElements(*this, newVarState); resultC->selectElement(); if (otherwise.getRaw()) resultC->otherwise = otherwise->makeUsable(resultC, newVarState); return result; } /* esiWhen */ esiWhen::esiWhen(esiTreeParentPtr aParent, int attrcount, const char **attr,ESIVarState *aVar) : esiSequence(aParent), testValue(false), unevaluatedExpression(nullptr), varState(nullptr) { char const *expression = nullptr; for (int loopCounter = 0; loopCounter < attrcount && attr[loopCounter]; loopCounter += 2) { if (!strcmp(attr[loopCounter],"test")) { /* evaluate test */ debugs(86, 5, "esiWhen::esiWhen: Evaluating '" << attr[loopCounter+1] << "'"); /* TODO: warn the user instead of asserting */ assert (expression == nullptr); expression = attr[loopCounter+1]; } else { /* ignore mistyped attributes. * TODO:? error on these for user feedback - config parameter needed */ debugs(86, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Found misttyped attribute on ESI When clause"); } } /* No expression ? default is not matching */ if (!expression) return; unevaluatedExpression = xstrdup(expression); varState = cbdataReference (aVar); evaluate(); } esiWhen::~esiWhen() { safe_free (unevaluatedExpression); if (varState) cbdataReferenceDone (varState); } void esiWhen::evaluate() { if (!unevaluatedExpression) return; assert(varState); varState->feedData(unevaluatedExpression, strlen (unevaluatedExpression)); char const *expression = varState->extractChar (); setTestResult(ESIExpression::Evaluate (expression)); safe_free (expression); } esiWhen::esiWhen(esiWhen const &old) : esiSequence(old), testValue(false), unevaluatedExpression(nullptr), varState(nullptr) { if (old.unevaluatedExpression) unevaluatedExpression = xstrdup(old.unevaluatedExpression); } ESIElement::Pointer esiWhen::makeCacheable() const { return new esiWhen(*this); } ESIElement::Pointer esiWhen::makeUsable(esiTreeParentPtr newParent, ESIVarState &newVarState) const { esiWhen *resultW = new esiWhen (*this); ESIElement::Pointer result = resultW; resultW->parent = newParent; resultW->makeUsableElements(*this, newVarState); resultW->varState = cbdataReference (&newVarState); resultW->evaluate(); return result; } /* TODO: implement surrogate targeting and control processing */ int esiEnableProcessing (HttpReply *rep) { int rv = 0; if (rep->surrogate_control) { HttpHdrScTarget *sctusable = rep->surrogate_control->getMergedTarget(Config.Accel.surrogate_id); // found something targeted at us if (sctusable && sctusable->hasContent() && sctusable->content().pos("ESI/1.0")) { rv = 1; } delete sctusable; } return rv; } #endif /* USE_SQUID_ESI == 1 */