/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2024 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 86 ESI processing */ #include "squid.h" /* MS Visual Studio Projects are monolithic, so we need the following * #if to exclude the ESI code from compile process when not needed. */ #if (USE_SQUID_ESI == 1) #include "client_side_request.h" #include "esi/Context.h" #include "http/Stream.h" #include "Store.h" void ESIContext::updateCachedAST() { assert (http); assert (http->storeEntry()); if (hasCachedAST()) { debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::updateCachedAST: not updating AST cache for entry " << http->storeEntry() << " from ESI Context " << this << " as there is already a cached AST."); return; } ESIElement::Pointer treeToCache = tree->makeCacheable(); debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::updateCachedAST: Updating AST cache for entry " << http->storeEntry() << " with current value " << http->storeEntry()->cachedESITree.getRaw() << " to new value " << treeToCache.getRaw()); if (http->storeEntry()->cachedESITree.getRaw()) http->storeEntry()->cachedESITree->finish(); http->storeEntry()->cachedESITree = treeToCache; treeToCache = nullptr; } bool ESIContext::hasCachedAST() const { assert (http); assert (http->storeEntry()); if (http->storeEntry()->cachedESITree.getRaw()) { debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::hasCachedAST: " << this << " - Cached AST present in store entry " << http->storeEntry() << "."); return true; } else { debugs(86, 5, "ESIContext::hasCachedAST: " << this << " - Cached AST not present in store entry " << http->storeEntry() << "."); return false; } } void ESIContext::getCachedAST() { if (cachedASTInUse) return; assert (hasCachedAST()); assert (varState); parserState.popAll(); tree = http->storeEntry()->cachedESITree->makeUsable (this, *varState); cachedASTInUse = true; } void ESIContext::setErrorMessage(char const *anError) { if (!errormessage) errormessage = xstrdup(anError); } #endif /* USE_SQUID_ESI == 1 */