/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2021 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #include "squid.h" #include "base64.h" #include "ntlmauth/ntlmauth.h" #include "sspwin32.h" #include "util.h" typedef struct _AUTH_SEQ { BOOL fInitialized; BOOL fHaveCredHandle; BOOL fHaveCtxtHandle; CredHandle hcred; TimeStamp hcredLifeTime; struct _SecHandle hctxt; TimeStamp hctxtLifeTime; } AUTH_SEQ, *PAUTH_SEQ; BOOL GenClientContext(PAUTH_SEQ, PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY, PVOID, DWORD, PVOID, PDWORD, PBOOL); BOOL GenServerContext(PAUTH_SEQ, PVOID, DWORD, PVOID, PDWORD, PBOOL, char *); static HMODULE hModule; static int NTLM_mode = SSP_BASIC; static char * SSP_Package_InUse; SECURITY_STATUS SecurityStatus = SEC_E_OK; static DWORD cbMaxToken = 0; static uint8_t * pClientBuf = NULL; static uint8_t * pServerBuf = NULL; static AUTH_SEQ NTLM_asServer = {0}; BOOL Use_Unicode = FALSE; BOOL NTLM_LocalCall = FALSE; /* Function pointers */ ACCEPT_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN _AcceptSecurityContext = NULL; ACQUIRE_CREDENTIALS_HANDLE_FN _AcquireCredentialsHandle = NULL; COMPLETE_AUTH_TOKEN_FN _CompleteAuthToken = NULL; DELETE_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN _DeleteSecurityContext = NULL; FREE_CONTEXT_BUFFER_FN _FreeContextBuffer = NULL; FREE_CREDENTIALS_HANDLE_FN _FreeCredentialsHandle = NULL; INITIALIZE_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN _InitializeSecurityContext = NULL; QUERY_SECURITY_PACKAGE_INFO_FN _QuerySecurityPackageInfo = NULL; #ifdef UNICODE QUERY_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES_FN_W _QueryContextAttributes = NULL; #else QUERY_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES_FN_A _QueryContextAttributes = NULL; #endif void UnloadSecurityDll(void) { if (NTLM_asServer.fHaveCtxtHandle) _DeleteSecurityContext(&NTLM_asServer.hctxt); if (NTLM_asServer.fHaveCredHandle) _FreeCredentialsHandle(&NTLM_asServer.hcred); if (hModule) FreeLibrary(hModule); xfree(SSP_Package_InUse); xfree(pClientBuf); xfree(pServerBuf); _AcceptSecurityContext = NULL; _AcquireCredentialsHandle = NULL; _CompleteAuthToken = NULL; _DeleteSecurityContext = NULL; _FreeContextBuffer = NULL; _FreeCredentialsHandle = NULL; _InitializeSecurityContext = NULL; _QuerySecurityPackageInfo = NULL; _QueryContextAttributes = NULL; hModule = NULL; } HMODULE LoadSecurityDll(int mode, const char * SSP_Package) { TCHAR lpszDLL[MAX_PATH]; OSVERSIONINFO VerInfo; PSecPkgInfo pSPI = NULL; /* * Find out which security DLL to use, depending on * whether we are on NT or 2000 or XP or 2003 Server * We have to use security.dll on Windows NT 4.0. * All other operating systems, we have to use Secur32.dll */ hModule = NULL; if ((mode != SSP_BASIC) && (mode != SSP_NTLM)) return hModule; NTLM_mode = mode; VerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO); if (!GetVersionEx (&VerInfo)) { /* If this fails, something has gone wrong */ return hModule; } if (VerInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && VerInfo.dwMajorVersion == 4 && VerInfo.dwMinorVersion == 0) { lstrcpy (lpszDLL, _T(WINNT_SECURITY_DLL)); } else { lstrcpy (lpszDLL, _T(WIN2K_SECURITY_DLL)); } hModule = LoadLibrary(lpszDLL); if (!hModule) return hModule; _AcceptSecurityContext = (ACCEPT_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN) GetProcAddress(hModule, "AcceptSecurityContext"); if (!_AcceptSecurityContext) { UnloadSecurityDll(); hModule = NULL; return hModule; } #ifdef UNICODE _AcquireCredentialsHandle = (ACQUIRE_CREDENTIALS_HANDLE_FN) GetProcAddress(hModule, "AcquireCredentialsHandleW"); #else _AcquireCredentialsHandle = (ACQUIRE_CREDENTIALS_HANDLE_FN) GetProcAddress(hModule, "AcquireCredentialsHandleA"); #endif if (!_AcquireCredentialsHandle) { UnloadSecurityDll(); hModule = NULL; return hModule; } _CompleteAuthToken = (COMPLETE_AUTH_TOKEN_FN) GetProcAddress(hModule, "CompleteAuthToken"); if (!_CompleteAuthToken) { UnloadSecurityDll(); hModule = NULL; return hModule; } _DeleteSecurityContext = (DELETE_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN) GetProcAddress(hModule, "DeleteSecurityContext"); if (!_DeleteSecurityContext) { UnloadSecurityDll(); hModule = NULL; return hModule; } _FreeContextBuffer = (FREE_CONTEXT_BUFFER_FN) GetProcAddress(hModule, "FreeContextBuffer"); if (!_FreeContextBuffer) { UnloadSecurityDll(); hModule = NULL; return hModule; } _FreeCredentialsHandle = (FREE_CREDENTIALS_HANDLE_FN) GetProcAddress(hModule, "FreeCredentialsHandle"); if (!_FreeCredentialsHandle) { UnloadSecurityDll(); hModule = NULL; return hModule; } #ifdef UNICODE _InitializeSecurityContext = (INITIALIZE_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN) GetProcAddress(hModule, "InitializeSecurityContextW"); #else _InitializeSecurityContext = (INITIALIZE_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN) GetProcAddress(hModule, "InitializeSecurityContextA"); #endif if (!_InitializeSecurityContext) { UnloadSecurityDll(); hModule = NULL; return hModule; } #ifdef UNICODE _QuerySecurityPackageInfo = (QUERY_SECURITY_PACKAGE_INFO_FN) GetProcAddress(hModule, "QuerySecurityPackageInfoW"); #else _QuerySecurityPackageInfo = (QUERY_SECURITY_PACKAGE_INFO_FN) GetProcAddress(hModule, "QuerySecurityPackageInfoA"); #endif if (!_QuerySecurityPackageInfo) { UnloadSecurityDll(); hModule = NULL; } #ifdef UNICODE _QueryContextAttributes = (QUERY_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES_FN_W) GetProcAddress(hModule, "QueryContextAttributesW"); #else _QueryContextAttributes = (QUERY_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES_FN_A) GetProcAddress(hModule, "QueryContextAttributesA"); #endif if (!_QueryContextAttributes) { UnloadSecurityDll(); hModule = NULL; } /* Get max token size */ _QuerySecurityPackageInfo((SEC_CHAR*)_T(SSP_Package), &pSPI); cbMaxToken = pSPI->cbMaxToken; _FreeContextBuffer(pSPI); /* Allocate buffers for client and server messages */ pClientBuf = static_cast(xcalloc(cbMaxToken, sizeof(char))); pServerBuf = static_cast(xcalloc(cbMaxToken, sizeof(char))); SSP_Package_InUse = xstrdup(SSP_Package); return hModule; } BOOL GenClientContext(PAUTH_SEQ pAS, PSEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY pAuthIdentity, PVOID pIn, DWORD cbIn, PVOID pOut, PDWORD pcbOut, PBOOL pfDone) { /* * Routine Description: * * Optionally takes an input buffer coming from the server and returns * a buffer of information to send back to the server. Also returns * an indication of whether or not the context is complete. * * Return Value: * Returns TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE. */ TimeStamp tsExpiry; SecBufferDesc sbdOut; SecBuffer sbOut; SecBufferDesc sbdIn; SecBuffer sbIn; ULONG fContextAttr; if (!pAS->fInitialized) { SecurityStatus = _AcquireCredentialsHandle(NULL, (SEC_CHAR*) _T(SSP_Package_InUse), SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, NULL, (NTLM_mode == SSP_NTLM) ? NULL : pAuthIdentity, NULL, NULL, &pAS->hcred, &tsExpiry); if (SecurityStatus < 0) return FALSE; pAS->fHaveCredHandle = TRUE; } /* Prepare output buffer */ sbdOut.ulVersion = 0; sbdOut.cBuffers = 1; sbdOut.pBuffers = &sbOut; sbOut.cbBuffer = *pcbOut; sbOut.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; sbOut.pvBuffer = pOut; /* Prepare input buffer */ if (pAS->fInitialized) { sbdIn.ulVersion = 0; sbdIn.cBuffers = 1; sbdIn.pBuffers = &sbIn; sbIn.cbBuffer = cbIn; sbIn.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; sbIn.pvBuffer = pIn; } SecurityStatus = _InitializeSecurityContext(&pAS->hcred, pAS->fInitialized ? &pAS->hctxt : NULL, NULL, 0, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, pAS->fInitialized ? &sbdIn : NULL, 0, &pAS->hctxt, &sbdOut, &fContextAttr, &tsExpiry); if (SecurityStatus < 0) return FALSE; pAS->fHaveCtxtHandle = TRUE; /* If necessary, complete token */ if (SecurityStatus == SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED || SecurityStatus == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE) { SecurityStatus = _CompleteAuthToken(&pAS->hctxt, &sbdOut); if (SecurityStatus < 0) return FALSE; } *pcbOut = sbOut.cbBuffer; if (!pAS->fInitialized) pAS->fInitialized = TRUE; *pfDone = !(SecurityStatus == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED || SecurityStatus == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE ); return TRUE; } BOOL GenServerContext(PAUTH_SEQ pAS, PVOID pIn, DWORD cbIn, PVOID pOut, PDWORD pcbOut, PBOOL pfDone, char * credentials) { /* * Routine Description: * * Takes an input buffer coming from the client and returns a buffer * to be sent to the client. Also returns an indication of whether or * not the context is complete. * * Return Value: * * Returns TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE. */ SecBufferDesc sbdOut; SecBuffer sbOut; SecBufferDesc sbdIn; SecBuffer sbIn; ULONG fContextAttr; SecPkgContext_Names namebuffer; if (!pAS->fInitialized) { SecurityStatus = _AcquireCredentialsHandle(NULL, (SEC_CHAR*) _T(SSP_Package_InUse), SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pAS->hcred, &pAS->hcredLifeTime); #if SSP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "AcquireCredentialsHandle returned: %x\n", SecurityStatus); #endif if (SecurityStatus < 0) { #if SSP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "AcquireCredentialsHandle failed: %x\n", SecurityStatus); #endif return FALSE; } pAS->fHaveCredHandle = TRUE; } /* Prepare output buffer */ sbdOut.ulVersion = 0; sbdOut.cBuffers = 1; sbdOut.pBuffers = &sbOut; sbOut.cbBuffer = *pcbOut; sbOut.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; sbOut.pvBuffer = pOut; /* Prepare input buffer */ sbdIn.ulVersion = 0; sbdIn.cBuffers = 1; sbdIn.pBuffers = &sbIn; sbIn.cbBuffer = cbIn; sbIn.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; sbIn.pvBuffer = pIn; SecurityStatus = _AcceptSecurityContext(&pAS->hcred, pAS->fInitialized ? &pAS->hctxt : NULL, &sbdIn, (NTLM_mode == SSP_NTLM) ? ASC_REQ_DELEGATE : 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &pAS->hctxt, &sbdOut, &fContextAttr, &pAS->hctxtLifeTime); #if SSP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "AcceptSecurityContext returned: %x\n", SecurityStatus); #endif if (SecurityStatus < 0) { #if SSP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "AcceptSecurityContext failed: %x\n", SecurityStatus); #endif return FALSE; } pAS->fHaveCtxtHandle = TRUE; /* If necessary, complete token */ if (SecurityStatus == SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED || SecurityStatus == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE) { SecurityStatus = _CompleteAuthToken(&pAS->hctxt, &sbdOut); #if SSP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "CompleteAuthToken returned: %x\n", SecurityStatus); #endif if (SecurityStatus < 0) { #if SSP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "CompleteAuthToken failed: %x\n", SecurityStatus); #endif return FALSE; } } if ((credentials != NULL) && !(SecurityStatus == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED || SecurityStatus == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE)) { SecurityStatus = _QueryContextAttributes(&pAS->hctxt, SECPKG_ATTR_NAMES, &namebuffer); #if SSP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "QueryContextAttributes returned: %x\n", SecurityStatus); #endif if (SecurityStatus < 0) { #if SSP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "QueryContextAttributes failed: %x\n", SecurityStatus); #endif return FALSE; } strncpy(credentials, namebuffer.sUserName, SSP_MAX_CRED_LEN); } *pcbOut = sbOut.cbBuffer; if (!pAS->fInitialized) pAS->fInitialized = TRUE; *pfDone = !(SecurityStatus == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED || SecurityStatus == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE); return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI SSP_LogonUser(PTSTR szUser, PTSTR szPassword, PTSTR szDomain) { AUTH_SEQ asServer = {0}; AUTH_SEQ asClient = {0}; BOOL fDone = FALSE; BOOL fResult = FALSE; DWORD cbOut = 0; DWORD cbIn = 0; SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY ai; do { if (!hModule) break; /* Initialize auth identity structure */ ZeroMemory(&ai, sizeof(ai)); ai.Domain = (unsigned char *)szDomain; ai.DomainLength = lstrlen(szDomain); ai.User = (unsigned char *)szUser; ai.UserLength = lstrlen(szUser); ai.Password = (unsigned char *)szPassword; ai.PasswordLength = lstrlen(szPassword); #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE) ai.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE; #else ai.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_ANSI; #endif /* Prepare client message (negotiate) */ cbOut = cbMaxToken; if (!GenClientContext(&asClient, &ai, NULL, 0, pClientBuf, &cbOut, &fDone)) break; /* Prepare server message (challenge) */ cbIn = cbOut; cbOut = cbMaxToken; if (!GenServerContext(&asServer, pClientBuf, cbIn, pServerBuf, &cbOut, &fDone, NULL)) break; /* Most likely failure: AcceptServerContext fails with SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED * in the case of bad szUser or szPassword. * Unexpected Result: Logon will succeed if you pass in a bad szUser and * the guest account is enabled in the specified domain. */ /* Prepare client message (authenticate) */ cbIn = cbOut; cbOut = cbMaxToken; if (!GenClientContext(&asClient, &ai, pServerBuf, cbIn, pClientBuf, &cbOut, &fDone)) break; /* Prepare server message (authentication) */ cbIn = cbOut; cbOut = cbMaxToken; if (!GenServerContext(&asServer, pClientBuf, cbIn, pServerBuf, &cbOut, &fDone, NULL)) break; fResult = TRUE; } while (0); /* Clean up resources */ if (asClient.fHaveCtxtHandle) _DeleteSecurityContext(&asClient.hctxt); if (asClient.fHaveCredHandle) _FreeCredentialsHandle(&asClient.hcred); if (asServer.fHaveCtxtHandle) _DeleteSecurityContext(&asServer.hctxt); if (asServer.fHaveCredHandle) _FreeCredentialsHandle(&asServer.hcred); return fResult; } const char * WINAPI SSP_MakeChallenge(PVOID PNegotiateBuf, int NegotiateLen) { BOOL fDone = FALSE; uint8_t * fResult = NULL; DWORD cbOut = 0; DWORD cbIn = 0; ntlm_challenge * challenge; if (NTLM_asServer.fHaveCtxtHandle) _DeleteSecurityContext(&NTLM_asServer.hctxt); if (NTLM_asServer.fHaveCredHandle) _FreeCredentialsHandle(&NTLM_asServer.hcred); NTLM_LocalCall = FALSE; Use_Unicode = FALSE; memcpy(pClientBuf, PNegotiateBuf, NegotiateLen); ZeroMemory(pServerBuf, cbMaxToken); ZeroMemory(&NTLM_asServer, sizeof(NTLM_asServer)); do { if (!hModule) break; /* Prepare server message (challenge) */ cbIn = NegotiateLen; cbOut = cbMaxToken; if (!GenServerContext(&NTLM_asServer, pClientBuf, cbIn, pServerBuf, &cbOut, &fDone, NULL)) break; fResult = pServerBuf; } while (0); if (fResult != NULL) { challenge = (ntlm_challenge *) fResult; Use_Unicode = NTLM_NEGOTIATE_UNICODE & challenge->flags; NTLM_LocalCall = NTLM_NEGOTIATE_THIS_IS_LOCAL_CALL & challenge->flags; struct base64_encode_ctx ctx; base64_encode_init(&ctx); static char encoded[8192]; size_t dstLen = base64_encode_update(&ctx, encoded, cbOut, fResult); assert(dstLen < sizeof(encoded)); dstLen += base64_encode_final(&ctx, encoded+dstLen); assert(dstLen < sizeof(encoded)); encoded[dstLen] = '\0'; return reinterpret_cast(encoded); } return NULL; } BOOL WINAPI SSP_ValidateNTLMCredentials(PVOID PAutenticateBuf, int AutenticateLen, char * credentials) { BOOL fDone = FALSE; BOOL fResult = FALSE; DWORD cbOut = 0; DWORD cbIn = 0; memcpy(pClientBuf, PAutenticateBuf, AutenticateLen); ZeroMemory(pServerBuf, cbMaxToken); do { if (!hModule) break; /* Prepare server message (authentication) */ cbIn = AutenticateLen; cbOut = cbMaxToken; if (!GenServerContext(&NTLM_asServer, pClientBuf, cbIn, pServerBuf, &cbOut, &fDone, credentials)) break; fResult = TRUE; } while (0); return fResult; } const char * WINAPI SSP_MakeNegotiateBlob(PVOID PNegotiateBuf, int NegotiateLen, PBOOL fDone, int * Status, char * credentials) { DWORD cbOut = 0; DWORD cbIn = 0; if (NTLM_asServer.fHaveCtxtHandle) _DeleteSecurityContext(&NTLM_asServer.hctxt); if (NTLM_asServer.fHaveCredHandle) _FreeCredentialsHandle(&NTLM_asServer.hcred); memcpy(pClientBuf, PNegotiateBuf, NegotiateLen); ZeroMemory(pServerBuf, cbMaxToken); ZeroMemory(&NTLM_asServer, sizeof(NTLM_asServer)); do { if (!hModule) break; /* Prepare server message (challenge) */ cbIn = NegotiateLen; cbOut = cbMaxToken; if (!GenServerContext(&NTLM_asServer, pClientBuf, cbIn, pServerBuf, &cbOut, fDone, credentials)) { *Status = SSP_ERROR; break; } *Status = SSP_OK; } while (0); if (pServerBuf != NULL && cbOut > 0) { struct base64_encode_ctx ctx; base64_encode_init(&ctx); static char encoded[8192]; size_t dstLen = base64_encode_update(&ctx, encoded, cbOut, pServerBuf); assert(dstLen < sizeof(encoded)); dstLen += base64_encode_final(&ctx, encoded+dstLen); assert(dstLen < sizeof(encoded)); encoded[dstLen] = '\0'; return reinterpret_cast(encoded); } return NULL; } const char * WINAPI SSP_ValidateNegotiateCredentials(PVOID PAutenticateBuf, int AutenticateLen, PBOOL fDone, int * Status, char * credentials) { DWORD cbOut = 0; DWORD cbIn = 0; memcpy(pClientBuf, PAutenticateBuf, AutenticateLen); ZeroMemory(pServerBuf, cbMaxToken); do { if (!hModule) break; /* Prepare server message (authentication) */ cbIn = AutenticateLen; cbOut = cbMaxToken; if (!GenServerContext(&NTLM_asServer, pClientBuf, cbIn, pServerBuf, &cbOut, fDone, credentials)) { *Status = SSP_ERROR; break; } *Status = SSP_OK; } while (0); if (pServerBuf != NULL && cbOut > 0) { struct base64_encode_ctx ctx; base64_encode_init(&ctx); static char encoded[8192]; size_t dstLen = base64_encode_update(&ctx, encoded, cbOut, pServerBuf); assert(dstLen < sizeof(encoded)); dstLen += base64_encode_final(&ctx, encoded+dstLen); assert(dstLen < sizeof(encoded)); encoded[dstLen] = '\0'; return reinterpret_cast(encoded); } return NULL; }