/* * DEBUG: section 22 Refresh Calculation * AUTHOR: Harvest Derived * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #ifndef USE_POSIX_REGEX #define USE_POSIX_REGEX /* put before includes; always use POSIX */ #endif #include "squid.h" #include "mgr/Registration.h" #include "HttpHdrCc.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #include "MemObject.h" #include "RefreshPattern.h" #include "SquidTime.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "Store.h" #include "URL.h" typedef enum { rcHTTP, rcICP, #if USE_HTCP rcHTCP, #endif #if USE_CACHE_DIGESTS rcCDigest, #endif rcStore, rcCount } refreshCountsEnum; typedef struct { bool expires; bool min; bool lmfactor; bool max; } stale_flags; /* * This enumerated list assigns specific values, ala HTTP/FTP status * codes. All Fresh codes are in the range 100-199 and all stale * codes are 200-299. We might want to use these codes in logging, * so best to keep them consistent over time. */ enum { FRESH_REQUEST_MAX_STALE_ALL = 100, FRESH_REQUEST_MAX_STALE_VALUE, FRESH_EXPIRES, FRESH_LMFACTOR_RULE, FRESH_MIN_RULE, FRESH_OVERRIDE_EXPIRES, FRESH_OVERRIDE_LASTMOD, STALE_MUST_REVALIDATE = 200, STALE_RELOAD_INTO_IMS, STALE_FORCED_RELOAD, STALE_EXCEEDS_REQUEST_MAX_AGE_VALUE, STALE_EXPIRES, STALE_MAX_RULE, STALE_LMFACTOR_RULE, STALE_MAX_STALE, STALE_DEFAULT = 299 }; static struct RefreshCounts { const char *proto; int total; int status[STALE_DEFAULT + 1]; } refreshCounts[rcCount]; /* * Defaults: * MIN NONE * PCT 20% * MAX 3 days */ #define REFRESH_DEFAULT_MIN (time_t)0 #define REFRESH_DEFAULT_PCT 0.20 #define REFRESH_DEFAULT_MAX (time_t)259200 static const RefreshPattern *refreshUncompiledPattern(const char *); static OBJH refreshStats; static int refreshStaleness(const StoreEntry * entry, time_t check_time, const time_t age, const RefreshPattern * R, stale_flags * sf); static RefreshPattern DefaultRefresh; const RefreshPattern * refreshLimits(const char *url) { const RefreshPattern *R; for (R = Config.Refresh; R; R = R->next) { if (!regexec(&(R->compiled_pattern), url, 0, 0, 0)) return R; } return NULL; } static const RefreshPattern * refreshUncompiledPattern(const char *pat) { const RefreshPattern *R; for (R = Config.Refresh; R; R = R->next) { if (0 == strcmp(R->pattern, pat)) return R; } return NULL; } /** * Calculate how stale the response is (or will be at the check_time). * Staleness calculation is based on the following: (1) response * expiration time, (2) age greater than configured maximum, (3) * last-modified factor, and (4) age less than configured minimum. * * \retval -1 If the response is fresh. * \retval >0 Otherwise return it's staleness. * \retval 0 NOTE return value of 0 means the response is stale. * * The 'stale_flags' structure is used to tell the calling function * _why_ this response is fresh or stale. Its used, for example, * when the admin wants to override expiration and last-modified * times. */ static int refreshStaleness(const StoreEntry * entry, time_t check_time, const time_t age, const RefreshPattern * R, stale_flags * sf) { /** \par * Check for an explicit expiration time (Expires: header). */ if (entry->expires > -1) { sf->expires = true; if (entry->expires > check_time) { debugs(22, 3, "FRESH: expires " << entry->expires << " >= check_time " << check_time << " "); return -1; } else { debugs(22, 3, "STALE: expires " << entry->expires << " < check_time " << check_time << " "); return (check_time - entry->expires); } } /** \par * Use local heuristics to determine staleness. Start with the * max age from the refresh_pattern rule. */ if (age > R->max) { debugs(22, 3, "STALE: age " << age << " > max " << R->max << " "); sf->max = true; return (age - R->max); } /** \par * Try the last-modified factor algorithm: refresh_pattern n% percentage of Last-Modified: age. */ if (entry->lastmod > -1 && entry->timestamp > entry->lastmod) { /* * stale_age is the Age of the response when it became/becomes * stale according to the last-modified factor algorithm. */ time_t stale_age = static_cast((entry->timestamp - entry->lastmod) * R->pct); sf->lmfactor = true; if (age >= stale_age) { debugs(22, 3, "STALE: age " << age << " > stale_age " << stale_age); return (age - stale_age); } else { debugs(22, 3, "FRESH: age " << age << " <= stale_age " << stale_age); return -1; } } /** \par * Finally, if all else fails; staleness is determined by the refresh_pattern * configured minimum age. */ if (age < R->min) { debugs(22, 3, "FRESH: age " << age << " < min " << R->min); sf->min = true; return -1; } debugs(22, 3, "STALE: age " << age << " >= min " << R->min); return (age - R->min); } /** * \retval 1 if the entry must be revalidated within delta seconds * \retval 0 otherwise * * note: request maybe null (e.g. for cache digests build) */ static int refreshCheck(const StoreEntry * entry, HttpRequest * request, time_t delta) { const RefreshPattern *R; const char *uri = NULL; time_t age = 0; time_t check_time = squid_curtime + delta; int staleness; stale_flags sf; if (entry->mem_obj) uri = entry->mem_obj->url; else if (request) uri = urlCanonical(request); debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: '" << (uri ? uri : "") << "'"); if (check_time > entry->timestamp) age = check_time - entry->timestamp; // FIXME: what to do when age < 0 or counter overflow? assert(age >= 0); R = uri ? refreshLimits(uri) : refreshUncompiledPattern("."); if (NULL == R) R = &DefaultRefresh; debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: Matched '" << R->pattern << " " << (int) R->min << " " << (int) (100.0 * R->pct) << "%% " << (int) R->max << "'"); debugs(22, 3, "\tage:\t" << age); debugs(22, 3, "\tcheck_time:\t" << mkrfc1123(check_time)); debugs(22, 3, "\tentry->timestamp:\t" << mkrfc1123(entry->timestamp)); if (request && !request->flags.ignoreCc) { const HttpHdrCc *const cc = request->cache_control; if (cc && cc->hasMinFresh()) { const int32_t minFresh=cc->minFresh(); debugs(22, 3, "\tage + min-fresh:\t" << age << " + " << minFresh << " = " << age + minFresh); debugs(22, 3, "\tcheck_time + min-fresh:\t" << check_time << " + " << minFresh << " = " << mkrfc1123(check_time + minFresh)); age += minFresh; check_time += minFresh; } } memset(&sf, '\0', sizeof(sf)); staleness = refreshStaleness(entry, check_time, age, R, &sf); debugs(22, 3, "Staleness = " << staleness); // stale-if-error requires any failure be passed thru when its period is over. if (request && entry->mem_obj && entry->mem_obj->getReply() && entry->mem_obj->getReply()->cache_control && entry->mem_obj->getReply()->cache_control->hasStaleIfError() && entry->mem_obj->getReply()->cache_control->staleIfError() < staleness) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: stale-if-error period expired."); request->flags.failOnValidationError = 1; } if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_REVALIDATE) && staleness > -1 #if USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS && !R->flags.ignore_must_revalidate #endif ) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: YES: Must revalidate stale response"); if (request) request->flags.failOnValidationError = 1; return STALE_MUST_REVALIDATE; } /* request-specific checks */ if (request && !request->flags.ignoreCc) { HttpHdrCc *cc = request->cache_control; if (request->flags.ims && (R->flags.refresh_ims || Config.onoff.refresh_all_ims)) { /* The clients no-cache header is changed into a IMS query */ debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: YES: refresh-ims"); return STALE_FORCED_RELOAD; } #if USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS if (!request->flags.noCacheHack()) { (void) 0; } else if (R->flags.ignore_reload) { /* The clients no-cache header is ignored */ debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: MAYBE: ignore-reload"); } else if (R->flags.reload_into_ims || Config.onoff.reload_into_ims) { /* The clients no-cache header is changed into a IMS query */ debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: YES: reload-into-ims"); return STALE_RELOAD_INTO_IMS; } else { /* The clients no-cache header is not overridden on this request */ debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: YES: client reload"); request->flags.noCache = 1; return STALE_FORCED_RELOAD; } #endif if (NULL != cc) { if (cc->hasMaxAge()) { #if USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS if (R->flags.ignore_reload && cc->maxAge() == 0) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: MAYBE: client-max-age = 0 and ignore-reload"); } else #endif { if (cc->maxAge() == 0) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: YES: client-max-age = 0"); return STALE_EXCEEDS_REQUEST_MAX_AGE_VALUE; } if (age > cc->maxAge()) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: YES: age > client-max-age"); return STALE_EXCEEDS_REQUEST_MAX_AGE_VALUE; } } } if (cc->hasMaxStale() && staleness > -1) { if (cc->maxStale()==HttpHdrCc::MAX_STALE_ANY) { /* max-stale directive without a value */ debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: NO: max-stale wildcard"); return FRESH_REQUEST_MAX_STALE_ALL; } else if (staleness < cc->maxStale()) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: NO: staleness < max-stale"); return FRESH_REQUEST_MAX_STALE_VALUE; } } } } if (-1 == staleness) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: object isn't stale.."); if (sf.expires) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: returning FRESH_EXPIRES"); return FRESH_EXPIRES; } assert(!sf.max); if (sf.lmfactor) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: returning FRESH_LMFACTOR_RULE"); return FRESH_LMFACTOR_RULE; } assert(sf.min); debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: returning FRESH_MIN_RULE"); return FRESH_MIN_RULE; } /* * At this point the response is stale, unless one of * the override options kicks in. * NOTE: max-stale config blocks the overrides. */ int max_stale = (R->max_stale >= 0 ? R->max_stale : Config.maxStale); if ( max_stale >= 0 && staleness > max_stale) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: YES: max-stale limit"); if (request) request->flags.failOnValidationError = 1; return STALE_MAX_STALE; } if (sf.expires) { #if USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS if (R->flags.override_expire && age < R->min) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: NO: age < min && override-expire"); return FRESH_OVERRIDE_EXPIRES; } #endif return STALE_EXPIRES; } if (sf.max) return STALE_MAX_RULE; if (sf.lmfactor) { #if USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS if (R->flags.override_lastmod && age < R->min) { debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: NO: age < min && override-lastmod"); return FRESH_OVERRIDE_LASTMOD; } #endif return STALE_LMFACTOR_RULE; } debugs(22, 3, "refreshCheck: returning STALE_DEFAULT"); return STALE_DEFAULT; } int refreshIsCachable(const StoreEntry * entry) { /* * Don't look at the request to avoid no-cache and other nuisances. * the object should have a mem_obj so the URL will be found there. * minimum_expiry_time seconds delta (defaults to 60 seconds), to * avoid objects which expire almost immediately, and which can't * be refreshed. */ int reason = refreshCheck(entry, NULL, Config.minimum_expiry_time); ++ refreshCounts[rcStore].total; ++ refreshCounts[rcStore].status[reason]; if (reason < STALE_MUST_REVALIDATE) /* Does not need refresh. This is certainly cachable */ return 1; if (entry->lastmod < 0) /* Last modified is needed to do a refresh */ return 0; if (entry->mem_obj == NULL) /* no mem_obj? */ return 1; if (entry->getReply() == NULL) /* no reply? */ return 1; if (entry->getReply()->content_length == 0) /* No use refreshing (caching?) 0 byte objects */ return 0; /* This seems to be refreshable. Cache it */ return 1; } /// whether reply is stale if it is a hit static bool refreshIsStaleIfHit(const int reason) { switch (reason) { case FRESH_MIN_RULE: case FRESH_LMFACTOR_RULE: case FRESH_EXPIRES: return false; default: return true; } } /* refreshCheck... functions below are protocol-specific wrappers around * refreshCheck() function above */ int refreshCheckHTTP(const StoreEntry * entry, HttpRequest * request) { int reason = refreshCheck(entry, request, 0); ++ refreshCounts[rcHTTP].total; ++ refreshCounts[rcHTTP].status[reason]; request->flags.staleIfHit = refreshIsStaleIfHit(reason); return (Config.onoff.offline || reason < 200) ? 0 : 1; } int refreshCheckICP(const StoreEntry * entry, HttpRequest * request) { int reason = refreshCheck(entry, request, 30); ++ refreshCounts[rcICP].total; ++ refreshCounts[rcICP].status[reason]; return (reason < 200) ? 0 : 1; } #if USE_HTCP int refreshCheckHTCP(const StoreEntry * entry, HttpRequest * request) { int reason = refreshCheck(entry, request, 10); ++ refreshCounts[rcHTCP].total; ++ refreshCounts[rcHTCP].status[reason]; return (reason < 200) ? 0 : 1; } #endif #if USE_CACHE_DIGESTS int refreshCheckDigest(const StoreEntry * entry, time_t delta) { int reason = refreshCheck(entry, entry->mem_obj ? entry->mem_obj->request : NULL, delta); ++ refreshCounts[rcCDigest].total; ++ refreshCounts[rcCDigest].status[reason]; return (reason < 200) ? 0 : 1; } #endif time_t getMaxAge(const char *url) { const RefreshPattern *R; debugs(22, 3, "getMaxAge: '" << url << "'"); if ((R = refreshLimits(url))) return R->max; else return REFRESH_DEFAULT_MAX; } static void refreshCountsStats(StoreEntry * sentry, struct RefreshCounts *rc) { int sum = 0; int tot = rc->total; storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\n\n%s histogram:\n", rc->proto); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Count\t%%Total\tCategory\n"); #define refreshCountsStatsEntry(code,desc) { \ storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%6d\t%6.2f\t%s\n", \ rc->status[code], xpercent(rc->status[code], tot), desc); \ sum += rc->status[code]; \ } refreshCountsStatsEntry(FRESH_REQUEST_MAX_STALE_ALL, "Fresh: request max-stale wildcard"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(FRESH_REQUEST_MAX_STALE_VALUE, "Fresh: request max-stale value"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(FRESH_EXPIRES, "Fresh: expires time not reached"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(FRESH_LMFACTOR_RULE, "Fresh: refresh_pattern last-mod factor percentage"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(FRESH_MIN_RULE, "Fresh: refresh_pattern min value"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(FRESH_OVERRIDE_EXPIRES, "Fresh: refresh_pattern override expires"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(FRESH_OVERRIDE_LASTMOD, "Fresh: refresh_pattern override lastmod"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(STALE_MUST_REVALIDATE, "Stale: response has must-revalidate"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(STALE_RELOAD_INTO_IMS, "Stale: changed reload into IMS"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(STALE_FORCED_RELOAD, "Stale: request has no-cache directive"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(STALE_EXCEEDS_REQUEST_MAX_AGE_VALUE, "Stale: age exceeds request max-age value"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(STALE_EXPIRES, "Stale: expires time reached"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(STALE_MAX_RULE, "Stale: refresh_pattern max age rule"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(STALE_LMFACTOR_RULE, "Stale: refresh_pattern last-mod factor percentage"); refreshCountsStatsEntry(STALE_DEFAULT, "Stale: by default"); tot = sum; /* paranoid: "total" line shows 100% if we forgot nothing */ storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%6d\t%6.2f\tTOTAL\n", rc->total, xpercent(rc->total, tot)); \ storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\n"); } static void refreshStats(StoreEntry * sentry) { int i; int total = 0; /* get total usage count */ for (i = 0; i < rcCount; ++i) total += refreshCounts[i].total; /* protocol usage histogram */ storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\nRefreshCheck calls per protocol\n\n"); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Protocol\t#Calls\t%%Calls\n"); for (i = 0; i < rcCount; ++i) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%10s\t%6d\t%6.2f\n", refreshCounts[i].proto, refreshCounts[i].total, xpercent(refreshCounts[i].total, total)); /* per protocol histograms */ storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\n\nRefreshCheck histograms for various protocols\n"); for (i = 0; i < rcCount; ++i) refreshCountsStats(sentry, &refreshCounts[i]); } static void refreshRegisterWithCacheManager(void) { Mgr::RegisterAction("refresh", "Refresh Algorithm Statistics", refreshStats, 0, 1); } void refreshInit(void) { memset(refreshCounts, 0, sizeof(refreshCounts)); refreshCounts[rcHTTP].proto = "HTTP"; refreshCounts[rcICP].proto = "ICP"; #if USE_HTCP refreshCounts[rcHTCP].proto = "HTCP"; #endif refreshCounts[rcStore].proto = "On Store"; #if USE_CACHE_DIGESTS refreshCounts[rcCDigest].proto = "Cache Digests"; #endif memset(&DefaultRefresh, '\0', sizeof(DefaultRefresh)); DefaultRefresh.pattern = ""; DefaultRefresh.min = REFRESH_DEFAULT_MIN; DefaultRefresh.pct = REFRESH_DEFAULT_PCT; DefaultRefresh.max = REFRESH_DEFAULT_MAX; refreshRegisterWithCacheManager(); }