#ifndef _SQUID_LOG_FORMATS_H #define _SQUID_LOG_FORMATS_H #include "AccessLogEntry.h" #include "RefCount.h" typedef RefCount AccessLogEntryPointer; class AccessLogEntry; class CustomLog; class Logfile; namespace Log { namespace Format { typedef enum { CLF_UNKNOWN, CLF_COMBINED, CLF_COMMON, CLF_CUSTOM, #if ICAP_CLIENT CLF_ICAP_SQUID, #endif CLF_REFERER, CLF_SQUID, CLF_USERAGENT, CLF_NONE } log_type; /// Native Squid Format Display void SquidNative(const AccessLogEntryPointer &al, Logfile * logfile); /// Display log details in Squid ICAP format. void SquidIcap(const AccessLogEntryPointer &al, Logfile * logfile); /// Display log details in useragent format. void SquidUserAgent(const AccessLogEntryPointer &al, Logfile * logfile); /// Display log details in Squid old refererlog format. void SquidReferer(const AccessLogEntryPointer &al, Logfile * logfile); /// Log with a local custom format void SquidCustom(const AccessLogEntryPointer &al, CustomLog * log); /// Log with Apache httpd common format void HttpdCommon(const AccessLogEntryPointer &al, Logfile * logfile); /// Log with Apache httpd combined format void HttpdCombined(const AccessLogEntryPointer &al, Logfile * logfile); }; // namespace Format }; // namespace Log #endif /* _SQUID_LOG_FORMATS_H */