/* * DEBUG: section 42 ICMP Pinger program * AUTHOR: Duane Wessels, Amos Jeffries * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ //#define SQUID_HELPER 1 #include "squid.h" #if USE_ICMP #include "leakcheck.h" #include "SquidTime.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "Icmp6.h" #include "IcmpPinger.h" // Some system headers are only neeed internally here. // They should not be included via the header. #if HAVE_NETINET_IP6_H #include #endif // Icmp6 OP-Codes // see http://www.iana.org/assignments/icmpv6-parameters static const char * IcmpPacketType(uint8_t v) { // NP: LowPktStr is for codes 0-127 static const char *icmp6LowPktStr[] = { "ICMPv6 0", // 0 "Destination Unreachable", // 1 - RFC2463 "Packet Too Big", // 2 - RFC2463 "Time Exceeded", // 3 - RFC2463 "Parameter Problem", // 4 - RFC2463 }; // low codes 1-4 registered if (0 < v && v < 5) return icmp6LowPktStr[(int)(v&0x7f)]; // NP: HighPktStr is for codes 128-255 static const char *icmp6HighPktStr[] = { "Echo Request", // 128 - RFC2463 "Echo Reply", // 129 - RFC2463 "Multicast Listener Query", // 130 - RFC2710 "Multicast Listener Report", // 131 - RFC2710 "Multicast Listener Done", // 132 - RFC2710 "Router Solicitation", // 133 - RFC4861 "Router Advertisement", // 134 - RFC4861 "Neighbor Solicitation", // 135 - RFC4861 "Neighbor Advertisement", // 136 - RFC4861 "Redirect Message", // 137 - RFC4861 "Router Renumbering", // 138 - Crawford "ICMP Node Information Query", // 139 - RFC4620 "ICMP Node Information Response", // 140 - RFC4620 "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation", // 141 - RFC3122 "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement", // 142 - RFC3122 "Version 2 Multicast Listener Report", // 143 - RFC3810 "Home Agent Address Discovery Request", // 144 - RFC3775 "Home Agent Address Discovery Reply", // 145 - RFC3775 "Mobile Prefix Solicitation", // 146 - RFC3775 "Mobile Prefix Advertisement", // 147 - RFC3775 "Certification Path Solicitation", // 148 - RFC3971 "Certification Path Advertisement", // 149 - RFC3971 "ICMP Experimental (150)", // 150 - RFC4065 "Multicast Router Advertisement", // 151 - RFC4286 "Multicast Router Solicitation", // 152 - RFC4286 "Multicast Router Termination", // 153 - [RFC4286] }; // high codes 127-153 registered if (127 < v && v < 154) return icmp6HighPktStr[(int)(v&0x7f)]; // give all others a generic display static char buf[50]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ICMPv6 %u", v); return buf; } Icmp6::Icmp6() : Icmp() { ; // nothing new. } Icmp6::~Icmp6() { Close(); } int Icmp6::Open(void) { icmp_sock = socket(PF_INET6, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMPV6); if (icmp_sock < 0) { debugs(50, DBG_CRITICAL, HERE << " icmp_sock: " << xstrerror()); return -1; } icmp_ident = getpid() & 0xffff; debugs(42, DBG_IMPORTANT, "pinger: ICMPv6 socket opened"); return icmp_sock; } /** * Generates an RFC 4443 Icmp6 ECHO Packet and sends into the network. */ void Icmp6::SendEcho(Ip::Address &to, int opcode, const char *payload, int len) { int x; LOCAL_ARRAY(char, pkt, MAX_PKT6_SZ); struct icmp6_hdr *icmp = NULL; icmpEchoData *echo = NULL; struct addrinfo *S = NULL; size_t icmp6_pktsize = 0; memset(pkt, '\0', MAX_PKT6_SZ); icmp = (struct icmp6_hdr *)pkt; /* * cevans - beware signed/unsigned issues in untrusted data from * the network!! */ if (len < 0) { len = 0; } // Construct Icmp6 ECHO header icmp->icmp6_type = ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST; icmp->icmp6_code = 0; icmp->icmp6_cksum = 0; icmp->icmp6_id = icmp_ident; icmp->icmp6_seq = (unsigned short) icmp_pkts_sent; ++icmp_pkts_sent; icmp6_pktsize = sizeof(struct icmp6_hdr); // Fill Icmp6 ECHO data content echo = (icmpEchoData *) (pkt + sizeof(icmp6_hdr)); echo->opcode = (unsigned char) opcode; memcpy(&echo->tv, ¤t_time, sizeof(struct timeval)); icmp6_pktsize += sizeof(struct timeval) + sizeof(char); if (payload) { if (len > MAX_PAYLOAD) len = MAX_PAYLOAD; memcpy(echo->payload, payload, len); icmp6_pktsize += len; } icmp->icmp6_cksum = CheckSum((unsigned short *) icmp, icmp6_pktsize); to.GetAddrInfo(S); ((sockaddr_in6*)S->ai_addr)->sin6_port = 0; assert(icmp6_pktsize <= MAX_PKT6_SZ); debugs(42, 5, HERE << "Send Icmp6 packet to " << to << "."); x = sendto(icmp_sock, (const void *) pkt, icmp6_pktsize, 0, S->ai_addr, S->ai_addrlen); if (x < 0) { debugs(42, DBG_IMPORTANT, HERE << "Error sending to ICMPv6 packet to " << to << ". ERR: " << xstrerror()); } debugs(42,9, HERE << "x=" << x); Log(to, 0, NULL, 0, 0); to.FreeAddrInfo(S); } /** * Reads an RFC 4443 Icmp6 ECHO-REPLY Packet from the network. */ void Icmp6::Recv(void) { int n; struct addrinfo *from = NULL; // struct ip6_hdr *ip = NULL; static char *pkt = NULL; struct icmp6_hdr *icmp6header = NULL; icmpEchoData *echo = NULL; struct timeval now; static pingerReplyData preply; if (icmp_sock < 0) { debugs(42, DBG_CRITICAL, HERE << "dropping ICMPv6 read. No socket!?"); return; } if (pkt == NULL) { pkt = (char *)xmalloc(MAX_PKT6_SZ); } preply.from.InitAddrInfo(from); n = recvfrom(icmp_sock, (void *)pkt, MAX_PKT6_SZ, 0, from->ai_addr, &from->ai_addrlen); if (n <= 0) { debugs(42, DBG_CRITICAL, HERE << "Error when calling recvfrom() on ICMPv6 socket."); Ip::Address::FreeAddrInfo(from); return; } preply.from = *from; #if GETTIMEOFDAY_NO_TZP gettimeofday(&now); #else gettimeofday(&now, NULL); #endif debugs(42, 8, HERE << n << " bytes from " << preply.from); // FIXME INET6 : The IPv6 Header (ip6_hdr) is not availble directly >:-( // // TTL still has to come from the IP header somewhere. // still need to strip and process it properly. // probably have to rely on RTT as given by timestamp in data sent and current. /* IPv6 Header Structures (linux) struct ip6_hdr // fields (via simple define) #define ip6_vfc // N.A #define ip6_flow // N/A #define ip6_plen // payload length. #define ip6_nxt // expect to be type 0x3a - ICMPv6 #define ip6_hlim // MAX hops (always 64, but no guarantee) #define ip6_hops // HOPS!!! (can it be true??) ip = (struct ip6_hdr *) pkt; pkt += sizeof(ip6_hdr); debugs(42, DBG_CRITICAL, HERE << "ip6_nxt=" << ip->ip6_nxt << ", ip6_plen=" << ip->ip6_plen << ", ip6_hlim=" << ip->ip6_hlim << ", ip6_hops=" << ip->ip6_hops << " ::: 40 == sizef(ip6_hdr) == " << sizeof(ip6_hdr) ); */ icmp6header = (struct icmp6_hdr *) pkt; pkt += sizeof(icmp6_hdr); if (icmp6header->icmp6_type != ICMP6_ECHO_REPLY) { switch (icmp6header->icmp6_type) { case 134: case 135: case 136: /* ignore Router/Neighbour Advertisements */ break; default: debugs(42, 8, HERE << preply.from << " said: " << icmp6header->icmp6_type << "/" << (int)icmp6header->icmp6_code << " " << IcmpPacketType(icmp6header->icmp6_type)); } preply.from.FreeAddrInfo(from); return; } if (icmp6header->icmp6_id != icmp_ident) { debugs(42, 8, HERE << "dropping Icmp6 read. IDENT check failed. ident=='" << icmp_ident << "'=='" << icmp6header->icmp6_id << "'"); preply.from.FreeAddrInfo(from); return; } echo = (icmpEchoData *) pkt; preply.opcode = echo->opcode; struct timeval tv; memcpy(&tv, &echo->tv, sizeof(struct timeval)); preply.rtt = tvSubMsec(tv, now); /* * FIXME INET6: Without access to the IPv6-Hops header we must rely on the total RTT * and could caculate the hops from that, but it produces some weird value mappings using ipHops * for now everything is 1 v6 hop away with variant RTT * WANT: preply.hops = ip->ip6_hops; // ipHops(ip->ip_hops); */ preply.hops = 1; preply.psize = n - /* sizeof(ip6_hdr) - */ sizeof(icmp6_hdr) - (sizeof(icmpEchoData) - MAX_PKT6_SZ); /* Ensure the response packet has safe payload size */ if ( preply.psize > (unsigned short) MAX_PKT6_SZ) { preply.psize = MAX_PKT6_SZ; } else if ( preply.psize < (unsigned short)0) { preply.psize = 0; } Log(preply.from, icmp6header->icmp6_type, IcmpPacketType(icmp6header->icmp6_type), preply.rtt, preply.hops); /* send results of the lookup back to squid.*/ control.SendResult(preply, (sizeof(pingerReplyData) - PINGER_PAYLOAD_SZ + preply.psize) ); preply.from.FreeAddrInfo(from); } #endif /* USE_ICMP */