/* * $Id: forward.cc,v 2008/02/27 10:42:23 amosjeffries Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 17 Request Forwarding * AUTHOR: Duane Wessels * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" #include "forward.h" #include "ACLChecklist.h" #include "ACL.h" #include "CacheManager.h" #include "event.h" #include "errorpage.h" #include "fde.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "MemObject.h" #include "pconn.h" #include "SquidTime.h" #include "Store.h" #if LINUX_TPROXY #include #endif static PSC fwdStartCompleteWrapper; static PF fwdServerClosedWrapper; #if USE_SSL static PF fwdNegotiateSSLWrapper; #endif static PF fwdConnectTimeoutWrapper; static EVH fwdConnectStartWrapper; static CNCB fwdConnectDoneWrapper; static OBJH fwdStats; static void fwdServerFree(FwdServer * fs); #define MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX 9 static int FwdReplyCodes[MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX + 1][HTTP_INVALID_HEADER + 1]; #if WIP_FWD_LOG static void fwdLog(FwdState * fwdState); static Logfile *logfile = NULL; #endif static PconnPool *fwdPconnPool = new PconnPool("server-side"); CBDATA_CLASS_INIT(FwdState); void FwdState::abort(void* d) { FwdState* fwd = (FwdState*)d; Pointer tmp = fwd; // Grab a temporary pointer to keep the object alive during our scope. if (fwd->server_fd >= 0) { comm_close(fwd->server_fd); fwd->server_fd = -1; } fwd->self = NULL; } /**** PUBLIC INTERFACE ********************************************************/ FwdState::FwdState(int fd, StoreEntry * e, HttpRequest * r) { entry = e; client_fd = fd; server_fd = -1; request = HTTPMSGLOCK(r); start_t = squid_curtime; e->lock() ; EBIT_SET(e->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT); } // Called once, right after object creation, when it is safe to set self void FwdState::start(Pointer aSelf) { // Protect ourselves from being destroyed when the only Server pointing // to us is gone (while we expect to talk to more Servers later). // Once we set self, we are responsible for clearing it when we do not // expect to talk to any servers. self = aSelf; // refcounted // We hope that either the store entry aborts or peer is selected. // Otherwise we are going to leak our object. entry->registerAbort(FwdState::abort, this); peerSelect(request, entry, fwdStartCompleteWrapper, this); // TODO: set self _after_ the peer is selected because we do not need // self until we start talking to some Server. } void FwdState::completed() { if (flags.forward_completed == 1) { debugs(17, 1, HERE << "FwdState::completed called on a completed request! Bad!"); return; } flags.forward_completed = 1; #if URL_CHECKSUM_DEBUG entry->mem_obj->checkUrlChecksum(); #endif #if WIP_FWD_LOG log(); #endif if (entry->store_status == STORE_PENDING) { if (entry->isEmpty()) { assert(err); errorAppendEntry(entry, err); err = NULL; } else { EBIT_CLR(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT); entry->complete(); entry->releaseRequest(); } } if (storePendingNClients(entry) > 0) assert(!EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT)); } FwdState::~FwdState() { debugs(17, 3, HERE << "FwdState destructor starting"); if (! flags.forward_completed) completed(); serversFree(&servers); HTTPMSGUNLOCK(request); if (err) errorStateFree(err); entry->unregisterAbort(); entry->unlock(); entry = NULL; int fd = server_fd; if (fd > -1) { server_fd = -1; comm_remove_close_handler(fd, fwdServerClosedWrapper, this); debugs(17, 3, "fwdStateFree: closing FD " << fd); comm_close(fd); } debugs(17, 3, HERE << "FwdState destructor done"); } /* * This is the entry point for client-side to start forwarding * a transaction. It is a static method that may or may not * allocate a FwdState. */ void FwdState::fwdStart(int client_fd, StoreEntry *entry, HttpRequest *request) { /* * client_addr == no_addr indicates this is an "internal" request * from peer_digest.c, asn.c, netdb.c, etc and should always * be allowed. yuck, I know. */ if (request->client_addr.s_addr != no_addr.s_addr && request->protocol != PROTO_INTERNAL && request->protocol != PROTO_CACHEOBJ) { /* * Check if this host is allowed to fetch MISSES from us (miss_access) */ ACLChecklist ch; ch.src_addr = request->client_addr; ch.my_addr = request->my_addr; ch.my_port = request->my_port; ch.request = HTTPMSGLOCK(request); ch.accessList = cbdataReference(Config.accessList.miss); /* cbdataReferenceDone() happens in either fastCheck() or ~ACLCheckList */ int answer = ch.fastCheck(); if (answer == 0) { err_type page_id; page_id = aclGetDenyInfoPage(&Config.denyInfoList, AclMatchedName, 1); if (page_id == ERR_NONE) page_id = ERR_FORWARDING_DENIED; ErrorState *anErr = errorCon(page_id, HTTP_FORBIDDEN, request); errorAppendEntry(entry, anErr); // frees anErr return; } } debugs(17, 3, "FwdState::start() '" << entry->url() << "'"); /* * This seems like an odd place to bind mem_obj and request. * Might want to assert that request is NULL at this point */ entry->mem_obj->request = HTTPMSGLOCK(request); #if URL_CHECKSUM_DEBUG entry->mem_obj->checkUrlChecksum(); #endif if (shutting_down) { /* more yuck */ ErrorState *anErr = errorCon(ERR_SHUTTING_DOWN, HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, request); errorAppendEntry(entry, anErr); // frees anErr return; } switch (request->protocol) { case PROTO_INTERNAL: internalStart(request, entry); return; case PROTO_CACHEOBJ: cachemgrStart(client_fd, request, entry); return; case PROTO_URN: urnStart(request, entry); return; default: FwdState::Pointer fwd = new FwdState(client_fd, entry, request); #if LINUX_TPROXY /* If we need to transparently proxy the request * then we need the client source address and port */ fwd->src.sin_family = AF_INET; fwd->src.sin_addr = request->client_addr; fwd->src.sin_port = request->client_port; #endif fwd->start(fwd); return; } /* NOTREACHED */ } void FwdState::fail(ErrorState * errorState) { debugs(17, 3, "fwdFail: " << err_type_str[errorState->type] << " \"" << httpStatusString(errorState->httpStatus) << "\"\n\t" << entry->url() ); if (err) errorStateFree(err); err = errorState; if (!errorState->request) errorState->request = HTTPMSGLOCK(request); } /* * Frees fwdState without closing FD or generating an abort */ void FwdState::unregister(int fd) { debugs(17, 3, "fwdUnregister: " << entry->url() ); assert(fd == server_fd); assert(fd > -1); comm_remove_close_handler(fd, fwdServerClosedWrapper, this); server_fd = -1; } /* * server-side modules call fwdComplete() when they are done * downloading an object. Then, we either 1) re-forward the * request somewhere else if needed, or 2) call storeComplete() * to finish it off */ void FwdState::complete() { StoreEntry *e = entry; assert(entry->store_status == STORE_PENDING); debugs(17, 3, "fwdComplete: " << e->url() << "\n\tstatus " << entry->getReply()->sline.status ); #if URL_CHECKSUM_DEBUG entry->mem_obj->checkUrlChecksum(); #endif logReplyStatus(n_tries, entry->getReply()->sline.status); if (reforward()) { debugs(17, 3, "fwdComplete: re-forwarding " << entry->getReply()->sline.status << " " << e->url()); if (server_fd > -1) unregister(server_fd); e->reset(); startComplete(servers); } else { debugs(17, 3, "fwdComplete: not re-forwarding status " << entry->getReply()->sline.status); EBIT_CLR(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT); entry->complete(); if (server_fd < 0) completed(); self = NULL; // refcounted } } /**** CALLBACK WRAPPERS ************************************************************/ static void fwdStartCompleteWrapper(FwdServer * servers, void *data) { FwdState *fwd = (FwdState *) data; fwd->startComplete(servers); } static void fwdServerClosedWrapper(int fd, void *data) { FwdState *fwd = (FwdState *) data; fwd->serverClosed(fd); } static void fwdConnectStartWrapper(void *data) { FwdState *fwd = (FwdState *) data; fwd->connectStart(); } #if USE_SSL static void fwdNegotiateSSLWrapper(int fd, void *data) { FwdState *fwd = (FwdState *) data; fwd->negotiateSSL(fd); } #endif static void fwdConnectDoneWrapper(int server_fd, comm_err_t status, int xerrno, void *data) { FwdState *fwd = (FwdState *) data; fwd->connectDone(server_fd, status, xerrno); } static void fwdConnectTimeoutWrapper(int fd, void *data) { FwdState *fwd = (FwdState *) data; fwd->connectTimeout(fd); } /* * Accounts for closed persistent connections */ static void fwdPeerClosed(int fd, void *data) { peer *p = (peer *)data; p->stats.conn_open--; } /**** PRIVATE *****************************************************************/ /* * FwdState::checkRetry * * Return TRUE if the request SHOULD be retried. This method is * called when the HTTP connection fails, or when the connection * is closed before server-side read the end of HTTP headers. */ bool FwdState::checkRetry() { if (shutting_down) return false; if (entry->store_status != STORE_PENDING) return false; if (!entry->isEmpty()) return false; if (n_tries > 10) return false; if (origin_tries > 2) return false; if (squid_curtime - start_t > Config.Timeout.forward) return false; if (flags.dont_retry) return false; if (!checkRetriable()) return false; if (request->bodyNibbled()) return false; return true; } /* * FwdState::checkRetriable * * Return TRUE if this is the kind of request that can be retried * after a failure. If the request is not retriable then we don't * want to risk sending it on a persistent connection. Instead we'll * force it to go on a new HTTP connection. */ bool FwdState::checkRetriable() { /* If there is a request body then Squid can only try once * even if the method is indempotent */ if (request->body_pipe != NULL) return false; /* RFC2616 9.1 Safe and Idempotent Methods */ switch (request->method) { /* 9.1.1 Safe Methods */ case METHOD_GET: case METHOD_HEAD: /* 9.1.2 Indepontent Methods */ case METHOD_PUT: case METHOD_DELETE: case METHOD_OPTIONS: case METHOD_TRACE: break; default: return false; } return true; } void FwdState::serverClosed(int fd) { debugs(17, 2, "fwdServerClosed: FD " << fd << " " << entry->url()); assert(server_fd == fd); server_fd = -1; retryOrBail(); } void FwdState::retryOrBail() { if (!self) { // we have aborted before the server called us back debugs(17, 5, HERE << "not retrying because of earlier abort"); // we will be destroyed when the server clears its Pointer to us return; } if (checkRetry()) { int originserver = (servers->_peer == NULL); debugs(17, 3, "fwdServerClosed: re-forwarding (" << n_tries << " tries, " << (squid_curtime - start_t) << " secs)"); if (servers->next) { /* use next, or cycle if origin server isn't last */ FwdServer *fs = servers; FwdServer **T, *T2 = NULL; servers = fs->next; for (T = &servers; *T; T2 = *T, T = &(*T)->next) ; if (T2 && T2->_peer) { /* cycle */ *T = fs; fs->next = NULL; } else { /* Use next. The last "direct" entry is retried multiple times */ servers = fs->next; fwdServerFree(fs); originserver = 0; } } /* use eventAdd to break potential call sequence loops and to slow things down a little */ eventAdd("fwdConnectStart", fwdConnectStartWrapper, this, originserver ? 0.05 : 0.005, 0); return; } if (!err && shutting_down) { errorCon(ERR_SHUTTING_DOWN, HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, request); } self = NULL; // refcounted } // called by the server that failed after calling unregister() void FwdState::handleUnregisteredServerEnd() { debugs(17, 2, "handleUnregisteredServerEnd: self=" << self << " err=" << err << ' ' << entry->url()); assert(server_fd < 0); retryOrBail(); } #if USE_SSL void FwdState::negotiateSSL(int fd) { FwdServer *fs = servers; SSL *ssl = fd_table[fd].ssl; int ret; if ((ret = SSL_connect(ssl)) <= 0) { int ssl_error = SSL_get_error(ssl, ret); switch (ssl_error) { case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, fwdNegotiateSSLWrapper, this, 0); return; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, fwdNegotiateSSLWrapper, this, 0); return; default: debugs(81, 1, "fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection on FD " << fd << ": " << ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) << " (" << ssl_error << "/" << ret << "/" << errno << ")"); ErrorState *anErr = errorCon(ERR_CONNECT_FAIL, HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, request); #ifdef EPROTO anErr->xerrno = EPROTO; #else anErr->xerrno = EACCES; #endif fail(anErr); if (fs->_peer) { peerConnectFailed(fs->_peer); fs->_peer->stats.conn_open--; } comm_close(fd); return; } } if (fs->_peer && !SSL_session_reused(ssl)) { if (fs->_peer->sslSession) SSL_SESSION_free(fs->_peer->sslSession); fs->_peer->sslSession = SSL_get1_session(ssl); } dispatch(); } void FwdState::initiateSSL() { FwdServer *fs = servers; int fd = server_fd; SSL *ssl; SSL_CTX *sslContext = NULL; peer *peer = fs->_peer; if (peer) { assert(peer->use_ssl); sslContext = peer->sslContext; } else { sslContext = Config.ssl_client.sslContext; } assert(sslContext); if ((ssl = SSL_new(sslContext)) == NULL) { debugs(83, 1, "fwdInitiateSSL: Error allocating handle: " << ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) ); ErrorState *anErr = errorCon(ERR_SOCKET_FAILURE, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, request); anErr->xerrno = errno; fail(anErr); self = NULL; // refcounted return; } SSL_set_fd(ssl, fd); if (peer) { if (peer->ssldomain) SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, ssl_ex_index_server, peer->ssldomain); #if NOT_YET else if (peer->name) SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, ssl_ex_index_server, peer->name); #endif else SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, ssl_ex_index_server, peer->host); if (peer->sslSession) SSL_set_session(ssl, peer->sslSession); } else { SSL_set_ex_data(ssl, ssl_ex_index_server, request->host); } fd_table[fd].ssl = ssl; fd_table[fd].read_method = &ssl_read_method; fd_table[fd].write_method = &ssl_write_method; negotiateSSL(fd); } #endif void FwdState::connectDone(int aServerFD, comm_err_t status, int xerrno) { FwdServer *fs = servers; assert(server_fd == aServerFD); if (Config.onoff.log_ip_on_direct && status != COMM_ERR_DNS && fs->code == HIER_DIRECT) updateHierarchyInfo(); if (status == COMM_ERR_DNS) { /* * Only set the dont_retry flag if the DNS lookup fails on * a direct connection. If DNS lookup fails when trying * a neighbor cache, we may want to retry another option. */ if (NULL == fs->_peer) flags.dont_retry = 1; debugs(17, 4, "fwdConnectDone: Unknown host: " << request->host); ErrorState *anErr = errorCon(ERR_DNS_FAIL, HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, request); anErr->dnsserver_msg = xstrdup(dns_error_message_safe()); fail(anErr); comm_close(server_fd); } else if (status != COMM_OK) { assert(fs); ErrorState *anErr = errorCon(ERR_CONNECT_FAIL, HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, request); anErr->xerrno = xerrno; fail(anErr); if (fs->_peer) peerConnectFailed(fs->_peer); comm_close(server_fd); } else { debugs(17, 3, "fwdConnectDone: FD " << server_fd << ": '" << entry->url() << "'" ); if (fs->_peer) peerConnectSucceded(fs->_peer); #if USE_SSL if ((fs->_peer && fs->_peer->use_ssl) || (!fs->_peer && request->protocol == PROTO_HTTPS)) { initiateSSL(); return; } #endif dispatch(); } } void FwdState::connectTimeout(int fd) { FwdServer *fs = servers; debugs(17, 2, "fwdConnectTimeout: FD " << fd << ": '" << entry->url() << "'" ); assert(fd == server_fd); if (Config.onoff.log_ip_on_direct && fs->code == HIER_DIRECT && fd_table[fd].ipaddr[0]) updateHierarchyInfo(); if (entry->isEmpty()) { ErrorState *anErr = errorCon(ERR_CONNECT_FAIL, HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, request); anErr->xerrno = ETIMEDOUT; fail(anErr); /* * This marks the peer DOWN ... */ if (servers) if (servers->_peer) peerConnectFailed(servers->_peer); } comm_close(fd); } void FwdState::connectStart() { const char *url = entry->url(); int fd = -1; FwdServer *fs = servers; const char *host; unsigned short port; int ctimeout; int ftimeout = Config.Timeout.forward - (squid_curtime - start_t); #if LINUX_TPROXY struct in_tproxy itp; #endif struct IN_ADDR outgoing; unsigned short tos; struct IN_ADDR *client_addr = NULL; assert(fs); assert(server_fd == -1); debugs(17, 3, "fwdConnectStart: " << url); if (fs->_peer) { ctimeout = fs->_peer->connect_timeout > 0 ? fs->_peer->connect_timeout : Config.Timeout.peer_connect; } else { ctimeout = Config.Timeout.connect; } #if LINUX_TPROXY if (request->flags.tproxy) client_addr = &request->client_addr; #endif if (ftimeout < 0) ftimeout = 5; if (ftimeout < ctimeout) ctimeout = ftimeout; if(fs->_peer) { host = fs->_peer->host; port = fs->_peer->http_port; fd = fwdPconnPool->pop(fs->_peer->name, fs->_peer->http_port, request->host, client_addr, checkRetriable()); } else { host = request->host; port = request->port; fd = fwdPconnPool->pop(host, port, NULL, client_addr, checkRetriable()); } if (fd >= 0) { debugs(17, 3, "fwdConnectStart: reusing pconn FD " << fd); server_fd = fd; n_tries++; if (!fs->_peer) origin_tries++; updateHierarchyInfo(); comm_add_close_handler(fd, fwdServerClosedWrapper, this); dispatch(); return; } #if URL_CHECKSUM_DEBUG entry->mem_obj->checkUrlChecksum(); #endif outgoing = getOutgoingAddr(request); tos = getOutgoingTOS(request); debugs(17, 3, "fwdConnectStart: got addr " << inet_ntoa(outgoing) << ", tos " << tos); fd = comm_openex(SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, outgoing, 0, COMM_NONBLOCKING, tos, url); if (fd < 0) { debugs(50, 4, "fwdConnectStart: " << xstrerror()); ErrorState *anErr = errorCon(ERR_SOCKET_FAILURE, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, request); anErr->xerrno = errno; fail(anErr); self = NULL; // refcounted return; } server_fd = fd; n_tries++; if (!fs->_peer) origin_tries++; /* * stats.conn_open is used to account for the number of * connections that we have open to the peer, so we can limit * based on the max-conn option. We need to increment here, * even if the connection may fail. */ if (fs->_peer) { fs->_peer->stats.conn_open++; comm_add_close_handler(fd, fwdPeerClosed, fs->_peer); } comm_add_close_handler(fd, fwdServerClosedWrapper, this); commSetTimeout(fd, ctimeout, fwdConnectTimeoutWrapper, this); if (!fs->_peer) { #if LINUX_TPROXY if (request->flags.tproxy) { itp.v.addr.faddr.s_addr = src.sin_addr.s_addr; itp.v.addr.fport = 0; /* If these syscalls fail then we just fallback to connecting * normally by simply ignoring the errors... */ itp.op = TPROXY_ASSIGN; if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_IP, IP_TPROXY, &itp, sizeof(itp)) == -1) { debugs(20, 1, "tproxy ip=" << inet_ntoa(itp.v.addr.faddr) << ",0x" << std::hex << itp.v.addr.faddr.s_addr << std::dec << ",port=" << itp.v.addr.fport << " ERROR ASSIGN"); request->flags.tproxy = 0; } else { itp.op = TPROXY_FLAGS; itp.v.flags = ITP_CONNECT; if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_IP, IP_TPROXY, &itp, sizeof(itp)) == -1) { debugs(20, 1, "tproxy ip=" << std::hex << itp.v.addr.faddr.s_addr << std::dec << ",port=" << itp.v.addr.fport << " ERROR CONNECT"); request->flags.tproxy = 0; } } } #endif } updateHierarchyInfo(); commConnectStart(fd, host, port, fwdConnectDoneWrapper, this); } void FwdState::startComplete(FwdServer * theServers) { debugs(17, 3, "fwdStartComplete: " << entry->url() ); if (theServers != NULL) { servers = theServers; connectStart(); } else { startFail(); } } void FwdState::startFail() { debugs(17, 3, "fwdStartFail: " << entry->url() ); ErrorState *anErr = errorCon(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, request); anErr->xerrno = errno; fail(anErr); self = NULL; // refcounted } void FwdState::dispatch() { peer *p = NULL; debugs(17, 3, "fwdDispatch: FD " << client_fd << ": Fetching '" << RequestMethodStr[request->method] << " " << entry->url() << "'" ); /* * Assert that server_fd is set. This is to guarantee that fwdState * is attached to something and will be deallocated when server_fd * is closed. */ assert(server_fd > -1); fd_note(server_fd, entry->url()); fd_table[server_fd].noteUse(fwdPconnPool); /*assert(!EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_DISPATCHED)); */ assert(entry->ping_status != PING_WAITING); assert(entry->lock_count); EBIT_SET(entry->flags, ENTRY_DISPATCHED); netdbPingSite(request->host); if (servers && (p = servers->_peer)) { p->stats.fetches++; request->peer_login = p->login; request->peer_domain = p->domain; httpStart(this); } else { request->peer_login = NULL; request->peer_domain = NULL; switch (request->protocol) { #if USE_SSL case PROTO_HTTPS: httpStart(this); break; #endif case PROTO_HTTP: httpStart(this); break; case PROTO_GOPHER: gopherStart(this); break; case PROTO_FTP: ftpStart(this); break; case PROTO_CACHEOBJ: case PROTO_INTERNAL: case PROTO_URN: fatal_dump("Should never get here"); break; case PROTO_WHOIS: whoisStart(this); break; case PROTO_WAIS: /* Not implemented */ default: debugs(17, 1, "fwdDispatch: Cannot retrieve '" << entry->url() << "'" ); ErrorState *anErr = errorCon(ERR_UNSUP_REQ, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, request); fail(anErr); /* * Force a persistent connection to be closed because * some Netscape browsers have a bug that sends CONNECT * requests as GET's over persistent connections. */ request->flags.proxy_keepalive = 0; /* * Set the dont_retry flag becuase this is not a * transient (network) error; its a bug. */ flags.dont_retry = 1; comm_close(server_fd); break; } } } /* * FwdState::reforward * * returns TRUE if the transaction SHOULD be re-forwarded to the * next choice in the FwdServers list. This method is called when * server-side communication completes normally, or experiences * some error after receiving the end of HTTP headers. */ int FwdState::reforward() { StoreEntry *e = entry; FwdServer *fs = servers; http_status s; assert(e->store_status == STORE_PENDING); assert(e->mem_obj); #if URL_CHECKSUM_DEBUG e->mem_obj->checkUrlChecksum(); #endif debugs(17, 3, "fwdReforward: " << e->url() << "?" ); if (!EBIT_TEST(e->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT)) { debugs(17, 3, "fwdReforward: No, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT isn't set"); return 0; } if (n_tries > 9) return 0; if (origin_tries > 1) return 0; if (request->bodyNibbled()) return 0; assert(fs); servers = fs->next; fwdServerFree(fs); if (servers == NULL) { debugs(17, 3, "fwdReforward: No forward-servers left"); return 0; } s = e->getReply()->sline.status; debugs(17, 3, "fwdReforward: status " << s); return reforwardableStatus(s); } static void fwdStats(StoreEntry * s) { int i; int j; storeAppendPrintf(s, "Status"); for (j = 0; j <= MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX; j++) { storeAppendPrintf(s, "\ttry#%d", j + 1); } storeAppendPrintf(s, "\n"); for (i = 0; i <= (int) HTTP_INVALID_HEADER; i++) { if (FwdReplyCodes[0][i] == 0) continue; storeAppendPrintf(s, "%3d", i); for (j = 0; j <= MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX; j++) { storeAppendPrintf(s, "\t%d", FwdReplyCodes[j][i]); } storeAppendPrintf(s, "\n"); } } /**** STATIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS *************************************************/ bool FwdState::reforwardableStatus(http_status s) { switch (s) { case HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY: case HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: return true; case HTTP_FORBIDDEN: case HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: case HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: case HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: return Config.retry.onerror; default: return false; } /* NOTREACHED */ } /** * Decide where details need to be gathered to correctly describe a persistent connection. * What is needed: * \item host name of server at other end of this link (either peer or requested host) * \item port to which we connected the other end of this link (for peer or request) * \item domain for which the connection is supposed to be used * \item address of the client for which we made the connection */ void FwdState::pconnPush(int fd, const peer *_peer, const HttpRequest *req, const char *domain, struct in_addr *client_addr) { if (_peer) { fwdPconnPool->push(fd, _peer->name, _peer->http_port, domain, client_addr); } else { /* small performance improvement, using NULL for domain instead of listing it twice */ /* although this will leave a gap open for url-rewritten domains to share a link */ fwdPconnPool->push(fd, req->host, req->port, NULL, client_addr); } } void FwdState::initModule() { memDataInit(MEM_FWD_SERVER, "FwdServer", sizeof(FwdServer), 0); #if WIP_FWD_LOG if (logfile) (void) 0; else if (NULL == Config.Log.forward) (void) 0; else logfile = logfileOpen(Config.Log.forward, 0, 1); #endif } void FwdState::RegisterWithCacheManager(CacheManager & manager) { manager.registerAction("forward", "Request Forwarding Statistics", fwdStats, 0, 1); } void FwdState::logReplyStatus(int tries, http_status status) { if (status > HTTP_INVALID_HEADER) return; assert(tries); tries--; if (tries > MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX) tries = MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX; FwdReplyCodes[tries][status]++; } void FwdState::serversFree(FwdServer ** FSVR) { FwdServer *fs; while ((fs = *FSVR)) { *FSVR = fs->next; fwdServerFree(fs); } } // updates HierarchyLogEntry, guessing nextHop and its format void FwdState::updateHierarchyInfo() { assert(request); FwdServer *fs = servers; assert(fs); const char *nextHop = NULL; if (fs->_peer) { // went to peer, log peer host name nextHop = fs->_peer->name; } else { // went DIRECT, must honor log_ip_on_direct // XXX: or should we use request->host_addr here? how? assert(server_fd >= 0); nextHop = fd_table[server_fd].ipaddr; if (!Config.onoff.log_ip_on_direct || !nextHop[0]) nextHop = request->host; // domain name } assert(nextHop); hierarchyNote(&request->hier, fs->code, nextHop); } /**** PRIVATE NON-MEMBER FUNCTIONS ********************************************/ static void fwdServerFree(FwdServer * fs) { cbdataReferenceDone(fs->_peer); memFree(fs, MEM_FWD_SERVER); } static struct IN_ADDR aclMapAddr(acl_address * head, ACLChecklist * ch) { acl_address *l; struct IN_ADDR addr; for (l = head; l; l = l->next) { if (ch->matchAclListFast(l->aclList)) return l->addr; } addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; return addr; } /* * DPW 2007-05-19 * Formerly static, but now used by client_side_request.cc */ int aclMapTOS(acl_tos * head, ACLChecklist * ch) { acl_tos *l; for (l = head; l; l = l->next) { if (ch->matchAclListFast(l->aclList)) return l->tos; } return 0; } struct IN_ADDR getOutgoingAddr(HttpRequest * request) { ACLChecklist ch; if (request) { ch.src_addr = request->client_addr; ch.my_addr = request->my_addr; ch.my_port = request->my_port; ch.request = HTTPMSGLOCK(request); } return aclMapAddr(Config.accessList.outgoing_address, &ch); } unsigned long getOutgoingTOS(HttpRequest * request) { ACLChecklist ch; if (request) { ch.src_addr = request->client_addr; ch.my_addr = request->my_addr; ch.my_port = request->my_port; ch.request = HTTPMSGLOCK(request); } return aclMapTOS(Config.accessList.outgoing_tos, &ch); } /**** WIP_FWD_LOG *************************************************************/ #if WIP_FWD_LOG void fwdUninit(void) { if (NULL == logfile) return; logfileClose(logfile); logfile = NULL; } void fwdLogRotate(void) { if (logfile) logfileRotate(logfile); } static void FwdState::log() { if (NULL == logfile) return; logfilePrintf(logfile, "%9d.%03d %03d %s %s\n", (int) current_time.tv_sec, (int) current_time.tv_usec / 1000, last_status, RequestMethodStr[request->method], request->canonical); } void FwdState::status(http_status s) { last_status = s; } #endif