/* * $Id: defines.h,v 2009/06/25 22:49:28 hno Exp $ * * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #ifndef SQUID_DEFINES_H #define SQUID_DEFINES_H #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif /* Define load weights for cache_dir types */ #define MAX_LOAD_VALUE 1000 #define COSS_LOAD_BASE 0 #define AUFS_LOAD_BASE 100 #define DISKD_LOAD_BASE 100 #define UFS_LOAD_BASE 500 #define COSS_LOAD_STRIPE_WEIGHT (900 - COSS_LOAD_BASE) #define COSS_LOAD_QUEUE_WEIGHT (100 - COSS_LOAD_BASE) #if COSS_LOAD_QUEUE_WEIGHT < 0 #undef COSS_LOAD_QUEUE_WEIGHT #define COSS_LOAD_QUEUE_WEIGHT 0 #endif #define AUFS_LOAD_QUEUE_WEIGHT (MAX_LOAD_VALUE - AUFS_LOAD_BASE) #define DISKD_LOAD_QUEUE_WEIGHT (MAX_LOAD_VALUE - DISKD_LOAD_BASE) #define ACL_NAME_SZ 32 #define BROWSERNAMELEN 128 #define ACL_SUNDAY 0x01 #define ACL_MONDAY 0x02 #define ACL_TUESDAY 0x04 #define ACL_WEDNESDAY 0x08 #define ACL_THURSDAY 0x10 #define ACL_FRIDAY 0x20 #define ACL_SATURDAY 0x40 #define ACL_ALLWEEK 0x7F #define ACL_WEEKDAYS 0x3E #define MAXHTTPPORTS 128 #define COMM_OK (0) #define COMM_ERROR (-1) #define COMM_NOMESSAGE (-3) #define COMM_TIMEOUT (-4) #define COMM_SHUTDOWN (-5) #define COMM_INPROGRESS (-6) #define COMM_ERR_CONNECT (-7) #define COMM_ERR_DNS (-8) #define COMM_ERR_CLOSING (-9) /* Select types. */ #define COMM_SELECT_READ (0x1) #define COMM_SELECT_WRITE (0x2) #define MAX_DEBUG_SECTIONS 100 #define COMM_NONBLOCKING 0x01 #define COMM_NOCLOEXEC 0x02 #define COMM_REUSEADDR 0x04 #define do_debug(SECTION, LEVEL) \ ((_db_level = (LEVEL)) <= debugLevels[SECTION]) #define debug(SECTION, LEVEL) \ !do_debug(SECTION, LEVEL) ? (void) 0 : _db_print #define safe_free(x) if (x) { xxfree(x); x = NULL; } #define DISK_OK (0) #define DISK_ERROR (-1) #define DISK_EOF (-2) #define DISK_NO_SPACE_LEFT (-6) #define DNS_INBUF_SZ 4096 #define FD_DESC_SZ 64 #define FQDN_LOOKUP_IF_MISS 0x01 #define FQDN_MAX_NAMES 5 #define HTTP_REPLY_FIELD_SZ 128 #define BUF_TYPE_8K 1 #define BUF_TYPE_MALLOC 2 #define ANONYMIZER_NONE 0 #define ANONYMIZER_STANDARD 1 #define ANONYMIZER_PARANOID 2 #define USER_IDENT_SZ 64 #define IDENT_NONE 0 #define IDENT_PENDING 1 #define IDENT_DONE 2 #define IP_LOOKUP_IF_MISS 0x01 #define MAX_MIME 4096 /* Mark a neighbor cache as dead if it doesn't answer this many pings */ #define HIER_MAX_DEFICIT 20 #define ICP_FLAG_HIT_OBJ 0x80000000ul #define ICP_FLAG_SRC_RTT 0x40000000ul /* Version */ #define ICP_VERSION_2 2 #define ICP_VERSION_3 3 #define ICP_VERSION_CURRENT ICP_VERSION_2 #define DIRECT_UNKNOWN 0 #define DIRECT_NO 1 #define DIRECT_MAYBE 2 #define DIRECT_YES 3 #define REDIRECT_AV_FACTOR 1000 #define REDIRECT_NONE 0 #define REDIRECT_PENDING 1 #define REDIRECT_DONE 2 #define AUTHENTICATE_AV_FACTOR 1000 /* AUTHENTICATION */ #define NTLM_CHALLENGE_SZ 300 #define CONNECT_PORT 443 #define current_stacksize(stack) ((stack)->top - (stack)->base) /* logfile status */ #define LOG_ENABLE 1 #define LOG_DISABLE 0 #define SM_PAGE_SIZE 4096 #define EBIT_SET(flag, bit) ((void)((flag) |= ((1L<<(bit))))) #define EBIT_CLR(flag, bit) ((void)((flag) &= ~((1L<<(bit))))) #define EBIT_TEST(flag, bit) ((flag) & ((1L<<(bit)))) /* bit opearations on a char[] mask of unlimited length */ #define CBIT_BIT(bit) (1<<((bit)%8)) #define CBIT_BIN(mask, bit) (mask)[(bit)>>3] #define CBIT_SET(mask, bit) ((void)(CBIT_BIN(mask, bit) |= CBIT_BIT(bit))) #define CBIT_CLR(mask, bit) ((void)(CBIT_BIN(mask, bit) &= ~CBIT_BIT(bit))) #define CBIT_TEST(mask, bit) ((CBIT_BIN(mask, bit) & CBIT_BIT(bit)) != 0) #define MAX_FILES_PER_DIR (1<<20) #define MAX_URL 8192 #define MAX_LOGIN_SZ 128 #define PEER_MAX_ADDRESSES 10 #define RTT_AV_FACTOR 50 #define PEER_DEAD 0 #define PEER_ALIVE 1 #define AUTH_MSG_SZ 4096 #define HTTP_REPLY_BUF_SZ 4096 #define CLIENT_REQ_BUF_SZ 4096 #if !defined(ERROR_BUF_SZ) && defined(MAX_URL) #define ERROR_BUF_SZ (MAX_URL << 2) #endif #if SQUID_SNMP #define VIEWINCLUDED 1 #define VIEWEXCLUDED 2 #endif #define STORE_META_OK 0x03 #define STORE_META_DIRTY 0x04 #define STORE_META_BAD 0x05 #define IPC_NONE 0 #define IPC_TCP_SOCKET 1 #define IPC_UDP_SOCKET 2 #define IPC_FIFO 3 #define IPC_UNIX_STREAM 4 #define IPC_UNIX_DGRAM 5 #if HAVE_SOCKETPAIR && defined (AF_UNIX) #define IPC_STREAM IPC_UNIX_STREAM #else #define IPC_STREAM IPC_TCP_SOCKET #endif /* * Do NOT use IPC_UNIX_DGRAM here because you can't * send() more than 4096 bytes on a socketpair() socket * at least on FreeBSD */ #if HAVE_SOCKETPAIR && defined (AF_UNIX) && SUPPORTS_LARGE_AF_UNIX_DGRAM #define IPC_DGRAM IPC_UNIX_DGRAM #else #define IPC_DGRAM IPC_UDP_SOCKET #endif #define STORE_META_KEY STORE_META_KEY_MD5 #define STORE_META_TLD_START sizeof(int)+sizeof(char) #define STORE_META_TLD_SIZE STORE_META_TLD_START #define SwapMetaType(x) (char)x[0] #define SwapMetaSize(x) &x[sizeof(char)] #define SwapMetaData(x) &x[STORE_META_TLD_START] #define STORE_HDR_METASIZE (4*sizeof(time_t)+2*sizeof(u_short)+sizeof(squid_file_sz)) #define STORE_HDR_METASIZE_OLD (4*sizeof(time_t)+2*sizeof(u_short)+sizeof(size_t)) #define STORE_ENTRY_WITH_MEMOBJ 1 #define STORE_ENTRY_WITHOUT_MEMOBJ 0 #define PINGER_PAYLOAD_SZ 8192 #define COUNT_INTERVAL 60 /* * keep 60 minutes' worth of per-minute readings (+ current reading) */ #define N_COUNT_HIST (3600 / COUNT_INTERVAL) + 1 /* * keep 3 days' (72 hours) worth of hourly readings */ #define N_COUNT_HOUR_HIST (86400 * 3) / (60 * COUNT_INTERVAL) /* were to look for errors if config path fails */ #ifndef DEFAULT_SQUID_ERROR_DIR #define DEFAULT_SQUID_ERROR_DIR "/usr/local/squid/etc/errors" #endif /* gb_type operations */ #define gb_flush_limit (0x3FFFFFFF) #define gb_inc(gb, delta) { if ((gb)->bytes > gb_flush_limit || delta > gb_flush_limit) gb_flush(gb); (gb)->bytes += delta; (gb)->count++; } /* iteration for HttpHdrRange */ #define HttpHdrRangeInitPos (-1) /* use this and only this to initialize HttpHeaderPos */ #define HttpHeaderInitPos (-1) /* handy to determine the #elements in a static array */ #define countof(arr) (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*arr)) /* to initialize static variables (see also MemBufNull) */ #define MemBufNULL { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 } /* * Max number of ICP messages to receive per call to icpHandleUdp */ #define INCOMING_ICP_MAX 15 /* * Max number of DNS messages to receive per call to DNS read handler */ #define INCOMING_DNS_MAX 15 /* * Max number of HTTP connections to accept per call to httpAccept * and PER HTTP PORT */ #define INCOMING_HTTP_MAX 10 #define INCOMING_TOTAL_MAX (INCOMING_ICP_MAX+INCOMING_HTTP_MAX) /* * This many TCP connections must FAIL before we mark the * peer as DEAD */ #define PEER_TCP_MAGIC_COUNT 10 #define STORE_CLIENT_BUF_SZ 4096 #define URI_WHITESPACE_STRIP 0 #define URI_WHITESPACE_ALLOW 1 #define URI_WHITESPACE_ENCODE 2 #define URI_WHITESPACE_CHOP 3 #define URI_WHITESPACE_DENY 4 #ifndef _PATH_DEVNULL #ifdef _SQUID_MSWIN_ #define _PATH_DEVNULL "NUL" #else #define _PATH_DEVNULL "/dev/null" #endif #endif /* cbdata macros */ #define cbdataAlloc(type) ((type *)cbdataInternalAlloc(CBDATA_##type)) #define cbdataFree(var) (var = (var != NULL ? cbdataInternalFree(var): NULL)) #define CBDATA_TYPE(type) static cbdata_type CBDATA_##type = 0 #define CBDATA_GLOBAL_TYPE(type) cbdata_type CBDATA_##type #define CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(type) (CBDATA_##type ? 0 : (CBDATA_##type = cbdataAddType(CBDATA_##type, #type, sizeof(type), NULL))) #define CBDATA_INIT_TYPE_FREECB(type, free_func) (CBDATA_##type ? 0 : (CBDATA_##type = cbdataAddType(CBDATA_##type, #type, sizeof(type), free_func))) #ifndef O_TEXT #define O_TEXT 0 #endif #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #ifndef O_NOATIME #define O_NOATIME 0 #endif /* Windows Port */ #ifdef _SQUID_WIN32_ #define _WIN_SQUID_SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP #define _WIN_SQUID_SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN #define _WIN_SQUID_SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE #define _WIN_SQUID_SERVICE_CONTROL_ROTATE 128 #define _WIN_SQUID_SERVICE_CONTROL_RECONFIGURE 129 #define _WIN_SQUID_SERVICE_CONTROL_DEBUG 130 #define _WIN_SQUID_SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERRUPT 131 #define _WIN_SQUID_DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME "Squid" #define _WIN_SQUID_SERVICE_OPTION "--ntservice" #define _WIN_SQUID_RUN_MODE_INTERACTIVE 0 #define _WIN_SQUID_RUN_MODE_SERVICE 1 #endif /* * Macro to find file access mode */ #ifdef O_ACCMODE #define FILE_MODE(x) ((x)&O_ACCMODE) #else #define FILE_MODE(x) ((x)&(O_RDONLY|O_WRONLY|O_RDWR)) #endif /* swap_filen is 25 bits, signed */ #define FILEMAP_MAX_SIZE (1<<24) #define FILEMAP_MAX (FILEMAP_MAX_SIZE - 65536) #define DLINK_ISEMPTY(n) ( (n).head == NULL ) #define DLINK_HEAD(n) ( (n).head->data ) #define LOGFILE_SEQNO(n) ( (n)->sequence_number ) #endif /* SQUID_DEFINES_H */