/* * $Id: HttpReply.c,v 2008/01/23 15:31:51 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 58 HTTP Reply (Response) * AUTHOR: Alex Rousskov * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" /* local constants */ /* these entity-headers must be ignored if a bogus server sends them in 304 */ static HttpHeaderMask Denied304HeadersMask; static http_hdr_type Denied304HeadersArr[] = { HDR_CONTENT_ENCODING, HDR_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH, HDR_CONTENT_LOCATION, HDR_CONTENT_RANGE }; /* local routines */ static void httpReplyInit(HttpReply * rep); static void httpReplyClean(HttpReply * rep); static void httpReplyDoDestroy(HttpReply * rep); static void httpReplyHdrCacheInit(HttpReply * rep); static void httpReplyHdrCacheClean(HttpReply * rep); static int httpReplyParseStep(HttpReply * rep, const char *parse_start, int len); static int httpReplyParseError(HttpReply * rep); static time_t httpReplyHdrExpirationTime(const HttpReply * rep); /* module initialization */ void httpReplyInitModule(void) { httpHeaderMaskInit(&Denied304HeadersMask, 0); httpHeaderCalcMask(&Denied304HeadersMask, Denied304HeadersArr, countof(Denied304HeadersArr)); } HttpReply * httpReplyCreate(void) { HttpReply *rep = memAllocate(MEM_HTTP_REPLY); debug(58, 7) ("creating rep: %p\n", rep); httpReplyInit(rep); return rep; } static void httpReplyInit(HttpReply * rep) { assert(rep); rep->hdr_sz = 0; rep->pstate = psReadyToParseStartLine; httpBodyInit(&rep->body); httpHeaderInit(&rep->header, hoReply); httpReplyHdrCacheInit(rep); httpStatusLineInit(&rep->sline); } static void httpReplyClean(HttpReply * rep) { assert(rep); httpBodyClean(&rep->body); httpReplyHdrCacheClean(rep); httpHeaderClean(&rep->header); httpStatusLineClean(&rep->sline); } void httpReplyDestroy(HttpReply * rep) { assert(rep); debug(58, 7) ("destroying rep: %p\n", rep); httpReplyClean(rep); httpReplyDoDestroy(rep); } void httpReplyReset(HttpReply * rep) { httpReplyClean(rep); httpReplyInit(rep); } /* absorb: copy the contents of a new reply to the old one, destroy new one */ static void httpReplyAbsorb(HttpReply * rep, HttpReply * new_rep) { assert(rep && new_rep); httpReplyClean(rep); *rep = *new_rep; /* cannot use Clean() on new reply now! */ httpReplyDoDestroy(new_rep); } /* * httpReplyParse takes character buffer of HTTP headers (buf), * which may not be NULL-terminated, and fills in an HttpReply * structure (rep). The parameter 'end' specifies the offset to * the end of the reply headers. The caller may know where the * end is, but is unable to NULL-terminate the buffer. This function * returns true on success. */ int httpReplyParse(HttpReply * rep, const char *buf, size_t end) { /* The code called by httpReplyParseStep doesn't assume NUL-terminated stuff! */ httpReplyReset(rep); return (httpReplyParseStep(rep, buf, end) == 1); } void httpReplyPackInto(const HttpReply * rep, Packer * p) { assert(rep); httpStatusLinePackInto(&rep->sline, p); httpHeaderPackInto(&rep->header, p); packerAppend(p, "\r\n", 2); httpBodyPackInto(&rep->body, p); } /* create memBuf, create mem-based packer, pack, destroy packer, return MemBuf */ MemBuf httpReplyPack(const HttpReply * rep) { MemBuf mb; Packer p; assert(rep); memBufDefInit(&mb); packerToMemInit(&p, &mb); httpReplyPackInto(rep, &p); packerClean(&p); return mb; } /* swap: create swap-based packer, pack, destroy packer. Absorbs the reply */ void httpReplySwapOut(HttpReply * rep, StoreEntry * e) { Packer p; assert(rep && e); /* storeBuffer should have been done by the caller, but do it here just in case as things * break badly if not */ storeBuffer(e); if (rep != e->mem_obj->reply) { httpReplyAbsorb(e->mem_obj->reply, rep); rep = e->mem_obj->reply; } packerToStoreInit(&p, e); httpReplyPackInto(e->mem_obj->reply, &p); packerClean(&p); rep->hdr_sz = e->mem_obj->inmem_hi - rep->body.mb.size; } #if UNUSED_CODE MemBuf httpPackedReply(http_status status, const char *ctype, squid_off_t clen, time_t lmt, time_t expires) { HttpReply *rep = httpReplyCreate(); MemBuf mb; httpReplySetHeaders(rep, status, ctype, NULL, clen, lmt, expires); mb = httpReplyPack(rep); httpReplyDestroy(rep); return mb; } #endif MemBuf httpPacked304Reply(const HttpReply * rep, int http11) { static const http_hdr_type ImsEntries[] = {HDR_DATE, HDR_CONTENT_TYPE, HDR_EXPIRES, HDR_LAST_MODIFIED, HDR_ETAG, /* eof */ HDR_OTHER}; int t; MemBuf mb; Packer p; HttpHeaderEntry *e; assert(rep); memBufDefInit(&mb); packerToMemInit(&p, &mb); memBufPrintf(&mb, "HTTP/1.%d 304 Not Modified\r\n", http11); for (t = 0; ImsEntries[t] != HDR_OTHER; ++t) if ((e = httpHeaderFindEntry(&rep->header, ImsEntries[t]))) httpHeaderEntryPackInto(e, &p); memBufAppend(&mb, "\r\n", 2); packerClean(&p); return mb; } void httpReplySetHeaders(HttpReply * reply, http_status status, const char *reason, const char *ctype, squid_off_t clen, time_t lmt, time_t expires) { HttpHeader *hdr; static const http_version_t ver = {1, 0}; assert(reply); httpStatusLineSet(&reply->sline, ver, status, reason); hdr = &reply->header; httpHeaderPutStr(hdr, HDR_SERVER, visible_appname_string); httpHeaderPutTime(hdr, HDR_DATE, squid_curtime); if (ctype) { httpHeaderPutStr(hdr, HDR_CONTENT_TYPE, ctype); stringInit(&reply->content_type, ctype); } else reply->content_type = StringNull; if (clen >= 0) httpHeaderPutSize(hdr, HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH, clen); if (expires >= 0) httpHeaderPutTime(hdr, HDR_EXPIRES, expires); if (lmt > 0) /* this used to be lmt != 0 @?@ */ httpHeaderPutTime(hdr, HDR_LAST_MODIFIED, lmt); reply->date = squid_curtime; reply->content_length = clen; reply->expires = expires; reply->last_modified = lmt; reply->pstate = psParsed; } void httpRedirectReply(HttpReply * reply, http_status status, const char *loc) { HttpHeader *hdr; http_version_t ver; assert(reply); httpBuildVersion(&ver, 1, 1); httpStatusLineSet(&reply->sline, ver, status, httpStatusString(status)); hdr = &reply->header; httpHeaderPutStr(hdr, HDR_SERVER, full_appname_string); httpHeaderPutTime(hdr, HDR_DATE, squid_curtime); httpHeaderPutSize(hdr, HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH, 0); httpHeaderPutStr(hdr, HDR_LOCATION, loc); reply->date = squid_curtime; reply->content_length = 0; reply->pstate = psParsed; } void httpReplyUpdateOnNotModified(HttpReply * rep, HttpReply * freshRep) { assert(rep && freshRep); /* clean cache */ httpReplyHdrCacheClean(rep); /* update raw headers */ httpHeaderDelById(&rep->header, HDR_AGE); httpHeaderUpdate(&rep->header, &freshRep->header, (const HttpHeaderMask *) &Denied304HeadersMask); /* init cache */ httpReplyHdrCacheInit(rep); } /* internal routines */ /* internal function used by Destroy and Absorb */ static void httpReplyDoDestroy(HttpReply * rep) { memFree(rep, MEM_HTTP_REPLY); } static time_t httpReplyHdrExpirationTime(const HttpReply * rep) { /* The s-maxage and max-age directive takes priority over Expires */ if (rep->cache_control) { if (rep->date >= 0) { if (rep->cache_control->s_maxage >= 0) return rep->date + rep->cache_control->s_maxage; if (rep->cache_control->max_age >= 0) return rep->date + rep->cache_control->max_age; } else { /* * Conservatively handle the case when we have a max-age * header, but no Date for reference? */ if (rep->cache_control->s_maxage >= 0) return squid_curtime; if (rep->cache_control->max_age >= 0) return squid_curtime; } } if (Config.onoff.vary_ignore_expire && httpHeaderHas(&rep->header, HDR_VARY)) { const time_t d = httpHeaderGetTime(&rep->header, HDR_DATE); const time_t e = httpHeaderGetTime(&rep->header, HDR_EXPIRES); if (d == e) return -1; } if (httpHeaderHas(&rep->header, HDR_EXPIRES)) { const time_t e = httpHeaderGetTime(&rep->header, HDR_EXPIRES); /* * HTTP/1.1 says that robust implementations should consider * bad or malformed Expires header as equivalent to "expires * immediately." */ return e < 0 ? squid_curtime : e; } return -1; } /* sync this routine when you update HttpReply struct */ static void httpReplyHdrCacheInit(HttpReply * rep) { const HttpHeader *hdr = &rep->header; const char *str; rep->content_length = httpHeaderGetSize(hdr, HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH); rep->date = httpHeaderGetTime(hdr, HDR_DATE); rep->last_modified = httpHeaderGetTime(hdr, HDR_LAST_MODIFIED); str = httpHeaderGetStr(hdr, HDR_CONTENT_TYPE); if (str) stringLimitInit(&rep->content_type, str, strcspn(str, ";\t ")); else rep->content_type = StringNull; rep->cache_control = httpHeaderGetCc(hdr); rep->content_range = httpHeaderGetContRange(hdr); rep->keep_alive = httpMsgIsPersistent(rep->sline.version, &rep->header); /* be sure to set expires after date and cache-control */ rep->expires = httpReplyHdrExpirationTime(rep); } HttpReply * httpReplyClone(HttpReply * src) { HttpReply *dst = httpReplyCreate(); /* basic variables */ dst->hdr_sz = src->hdr_sz; /* parser state */ dst->pstate = src->pstate; /* status line */ dst->sline = src->sline; /* header */ httpHeaderAppend(&dst->header, &src->header); /* body, if applicable */ if (dst->body.mb.buf != NULL) memBufAppend(&dst->body.mb, dst->body.mb.buf, dst->body.mb.size); /* * The next two are a bit .. special. I hate delving into the headers * when we've already -done- that, but I'll worry about doing it * faster later. Besides, there's too much other code to fix up. */ httpReplyHdrCacheInit(dst); #if 0 dst->content_length = src->content_length; dst->date = src->date; dst->last_modified = src->last_modified; dst->expires = src->expires; dst->cache_control = httpHeaderGetCc(&dst->header); dst->content_range = httpHeaderGetContRange(&dst->header); #endif return dst; } /* sync this routine when you update HttpReply struct */ static void httpReplyHdrCacheClean(HttpReply * rep) { stringClean(&rep->content_type); if (rep->cache_control) httpHdrCcDestroy(rep->cache_control); if (rep->content_range) httpHdrContRangeDestroy(rep->content_range); } /* * parses a 0-terminating buffer into HttpReply. * Returns: * +1 -- success * 0 -- need more data (partial parse) * -1 -- parse error */ static int httpReplyParseStep(HttpReply * rep, const char *buf, int len) { const char *parse_start = buf; const char *blk_start, *blk_end; int i; const char *re; assert(rep); assert(parse_start); assert(rep->pstate < psParsed); /* For now we'll assume we need to parse the whole lot */ /* Find end of start line */ re = memchr(buf, '\n', len); if (!re) return httpReplyParseError(rep); /* Skip \n */ re++; i = re - buf; if (i >= len) return httpReplyParseError(rep); /* Pass that to the existing Squid status line parsing routine */ if (!httpStatusLineParse(&rep->sline, buf, re - 1)) return httpReplyParseError(rep); rep->pstate++; /* All good? Attempt to isolate headers */ /* The block in question is between re and buf + len */ parse_start = re; if (!httpMsgIsolateHeaders(&parse_start, len - i, &blk_start, &blk_end)) return httpReplyParseError(rep); /* Isolated? parse headers */ if (!httpHeaderParse(&rep->header, blk_start, blk_end)) return httpReplyParseError(rep); /* Update rep */ httpReplyHdrCacheInit(rep); /* the previous code had hdr_sz including the status line + headers and final \r\n */ rep->hdr_sz = parse_start - buf; rep->pstate++; /* Done */ return 1; } /* handy: resets and returns -1 */ static int httpReplyParseError(HttpReply * rep) { assert(rep); /* reset */ httpReplyReset(rep); /* indicate an error */ rep->sline.status = HTTP_INVALID_HEADER; return -1; } /* * Returns the body size of a HTTP response */ squid_off_t httpReplyBodySize(method_t method, const HttpReply * reply) { if (reply->sline.version.major < 1) return -1; else if (METHOD_HEAD == method) return 0; else if (reply->sline.status == HTTP_OK) (void) 0; /* common case, continue */ else if (reply->sline.status == HTTP_NO_CONTENT) return 0; else if (reply->sline.status == HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) return 0; else if (reply->sline.status < HTTP_OK) return 0; return reply->content_length; }