/* * $Id: HttpHdrRange.c,v 2008/04/25 19:42:54 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 64 HTTP Range Header * AUTHOR: Alex Rousskov * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" /* * Currently only byte ranges are supported * * Essentially, there are three types of byte ranges: * * 1) first-byte-pos "-" last-byte-pos // range * 2) first-byte-pos "-" // trailer * 3) "-" suffix-length // suffix (last length bytes) * * * When Range field is parsed, we have no clue about the content * length of the document. Thus, we simply code an "absent" part * using range_spec_unknown constant. * * Note: when response length becomes known, we convert any range * spec into type one above. (Canonization process). */ /* local constants */ #define range_spec_unknown ((squid_off_t)-1) /* local routines */ #define known_spec(s) ((s) != range_spec_unknown) #define size_min(a,b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define size_diff(a,b) ((a) >= (b) ? ((a)-(b)) : 0) static HttpHdrRangeSpec *httpHdrRangeSpecDup(const HttpHdrRangeSpec * spec); static int httpHdrRangeSpecCanonize(HttpHdrRangeSpec * spec, squid_off_t clen); static void httpHdrRangeSpecPackInto(const HttpHdrRangeSpec * spec, Packer * p); /* globals */ static int RangeParsedCount = 0; /* * Range-Spec */ static HttpHdrRangeSpec * httpHdrRangeSpecCreate(void) { return memAllocate(MEM_HTTP_HDR_RANGE_SPEC); } /* parses range-spec and returns new object on success */ static HttpHdrRangeSpec * httpHdrRangeSpecParseCreate(const char *field, int flen) { HttpHdrRangeSpec spec = {range_spec_unknown, range_spec_unknown}; const char *p; if (flen < 2) return NULL; /* is it a suffix-byte-range-spec ? */ if (*field == '-') { if (!httpHeaderParseSize(field + 1, &spec.length)) return NULL; } else /* must have a '-' somewhere in _this_ field */ if (!((p = strchr(field, '-')) || (p - field >= flen))) { debug(64, 2) ("ignoring invalid (missing '-') range-spec near: '%s'\n", field); return NULL; } else { if (!httpHeaderParseSize(field, &spec.offset)) return NULL; p++; /* do we have last-pos ? */ if (p - field < flen) { squid_off_t last_pos; if (!httpHeaderParseSize(p, &last_pos)) return NULL; spec.length = size_diff(last_pos + 1, spec.offset); } } /* we managed to parse, check if the result makes sence */ if (known_spec(spec.length) && !spec.length) { debug(64, 2) ("ignoring invalid (zero length) range-spec near: '%s'\n", field); return NULL; } return httpHdrRangeSpecDup(&spec); } static void httpHdrRangeSpecDestroy(HttpHdrRangeSpec * spec) { memFree(spec, MEM_HTTP_HDR_RANGE_SPEC); } static HttpHdrRangeSpec * httpHdrRangeSpecDup(const HttpHdrRangeSpec * spec) { HttpHdrRangeSpec *dup = httpHdrRangeSpecCreate(); dup->offset = spec->offset; dup->length = spec->length; return dup; } static void httpHdrRangeSpecPackInto(const HttpHdrRangeSpec * spec, Packer * p) { if (!known_spec(spec->offset)) /* suffix */ packerPrintf(p, "-%" PRINTF_OFF_T, spec->length); else if (!known_spec(spec->length)) /* trailer */ packerPrintf(p, "%" PRINTF_OFF_T "-", spec->offset); else /* range */ packerPrintf(p, "%" PRINTF_OFF_T "-%" PRINTF_OFF_T, spec->offset, spec->offset + spec->length - 1); } /* fills "absent" positions in range specification based on response body size * returns true if the range is still valid * range is valid if its intersection with [0,length-1] is not empty */ static int httpHdrRangeSpecCanonize(HttpHdrRangeSpec * spec, squid_off_t clen) { debug(64, 5) ("httpHdrRangeSpecCanonize: have: [%" PRINTF_OFF_T ", %" PRINTF_OFF_T ") len: %" PRINTF_OFF_T "\n", spec->offset, spec->offset + spec->length, spec->length); if (!known_spec(spec->offset)) /* suffix */ spec->offset = size_diff(clen, spec->length); else if (!known_spec(spec->length)) /* trailer */ spec->length = size_diff(clen, spec->offset); /* we have a "range" now, adjust length if needed */ assert(known_spec(spec->length)); assert(known_spec(spec->offset)); spec->length = size_min(size_diff(clen, spec->offset), spec->length); /* check range validity */ debug(64, 5) ("httpHdrRangeSpecCanonize: done: [%" PRINTF_OFF_T ", %" PRINTF_OFF_T ") len: %" PRINTF_OFF_T "\n", spec->offset, spec->offset + spec->length, spec->length); return spec->length > 0; } /* merges recepient with donor if possible; returns true on success * both specs must be canonized prior to merger, of course */ static int httpHdrRangeSpecMergeWith(HttpHdrRangeSpec * recep, const HttpHdrRangeSpec * donor) { int merged = 0; #if MERGING_BREAKS_NOTHING /* Note: this code works, but some clients may not like its effects */ squid_off_t rhs = recep->offset + recep->length; /* no -1 ! */ const squid_off_t donor_rhs = donor->offset + donor->length; /* no -1 ! */ assert(known_spec(recep->offset)); assert(known_spec(donor->offset)); assert(recep->length > 0); assert(donor->length > 0); /* do we have a left hand side overlap? */ if (donor->offset < recep->offset && recep->offset <= donor_rhs) { recep->offset = donor->offset; /* decrease left offset */ merged = 1; } /* do we have a right hand side overlap? */ if (donor->offset <= rhs && rhs < donor_rhs) { rhs = donor_rhs; /* increase right offset */ merged = 1; } /* adjust length if offsets have been changed */ if (merged) { assert(rhs > recep->offset); recep->length = rhs - recep->offset; } else { /* does recepient contain donor? */ merged = recep->offset <= donor->offset && donor->offset < rhs; } #endif return merged; } /* * Range */ static HttpHdrRange * httpHdrRangeCreate(void) { HttpHdrRange *r = memAllocate(MEM_HTTP_HDR_RANGE); stackInit(&r->specs); return r; } HttpHdrRange * httpHdrRangeParseCreate(const String * str) { HttpHdrRange *r = httpHdrRangeCreate(); if (!httpHdrRangeParseInit(r, str)) { httpHdrRangeDestroy(r); r = NULL; } return r; } /* returns true if ranges are valid; inits HttpHdrRange */ int httpHdrRangeParseInit(HttpHdrRange * range, const String * str) { const char *item; const char *pos = NULL; int ilen; int count = 0; assert(range && str); RangeParsedCount++; debug(64, 8) ("parsing range field: '%s'\n", strBuf(*str)); /* check range type */ if (strNCaseCmp(*str, "bytes=", 6)) return 0; /* skip "bytes="; hack! */ pos = strBuf(*str) + 6; /* iterate through comma separated list */ while (strListGetItem(str, ',', &item, &ilen, &pos)) { HttpHdrRangeSpec *spec = httpHdrRangeSpecParseCreate(item, ilen); /* * HTTP/1.1 draft says we must ignore the whole header field if one spec * is invalid. However, RFC 2068 just says that we must ignore that spec. */ if (spec) stackPush(&range->specs, spec); count++; } debug(64, 8) ("parsed range range count: %d\n", range->specs.count); return range->specs.count; } void httpHdrRangeDestroy(HttpHdrRange * range) { assert(range); while (range->specs.count) httpHdrRangeSpecDestroy(stackPop(&range->specs)); stackClean(&range->specs); memFree(range, MEM_HTTP_HDR_RANGE); } HttpHdrRange * httpHdrRangeDup(const HttpHdrRange * range) { HttpHdrRange *dup; int i; assert(range); dup = httpHdrRangeCreate(); stackPrePush(&dup->specs, range->specs.count); for (i = 0; i < range->specs.count; i++) stackPush(&dup->specs, httpHdrRangeSpecDup(range->specs.items[i])); assert(range->specs.count == dup->specs.count); return dup; } void httpHdrRangePackInto(const HttpHdrRange * range, Packer * p) { HttpHdrRangePos pos = HttpHdrRangeInitPos; const HttpHdrRangeSpec *spec; assert(range); while ((spec = httpHdrRangeGetSpec(range, &pos))) { if (pos != HttpHdrRangeInitPos) packerAppend(p, ",", 1); httpHdrRangeSpecPackInto(spec, p); } } /* * canonizes all range specs within a set preserving the order * returns true if the set is valid after canonization; * the set is valid if * - all range specs are valid and * - there is at least one range spec */ int httpHdrRangeCanonize(HttpHdrRange * range, squid_off_t clen) { int i; HttpHdrRangeSpec *spec; HttpHdrRangePos pos = HttpHdrRangeInitPos; Stack goods; assert(range); assert(clen >= 0); stackInit(&goods); debug(64, 3) ("httpHdrRangeCanonize: started with %d specs, clen: %" PRINTF_OFF_T "\n", range->specs.count, clen); /* canonize each entry and destroy bad ones if any */ while ((spec = httpHdrRangeGetSpec(range, &pos))) { if (httpHdrRangeSpecCanonize(spec, clen)) stackPush(&goods, spec); else httpHdrRangeSpecDestroy(spec); } debug(64, 3) ("httpHdrRangeCanonize: found %d bad specs\n", range->specs.count - goods.count); /* reset old array */ stackClean(&range->specs); stackInit(&range->specs); spec = NULL; /* merge specs: * take one spec from "goods" and merge it with specs from * "range->specs" (if any) until there is no overlap */ for (i = 0; i < goods.count;) { HttpHdrRangeSpec *prev_spec = stackTop(&range->specs); spec = goods.items[i]; if (prev_spec) { if (httpHdrRangeSpecMergeWith(spec, prev_spec)) { /* merged with current so get rid of the prev one */ assert(prev_spec == stackPop(&range->specs)); httpHdrRangeSpecDestroy(prev_spec); continue; /* re-iterate */ } } stackPush(&range->specs, spec); spec = NULL; i++; /* progress */ } if (spec) /* last "merge" may not be pushed yet */ stackPush(&range->specs, spec); debug(64, 3) ("httpHdrRangeCanonize: had %d specs, merged %d specs\n", goods.count, goods.count - range->specs.count); debug(64, 3) ("httpHdrRangeCanonize: finished with %d specs\n", range->specs.count); stackClean(&goods); return range->specs.count > 0; } /* searches for next range, returns true if found */ HttpHdrRangeSpec * httpHdrRangeGetSpec(const HttpHdrRange * range, HttpHdrRangePos * pos) { assert(range); assert(pos && *pos >= -1 && *pos < range->specs.count); (*pos)++; if (*pos < range->specs.count) return (HttpHdrRangeSpec *) range->specs.items[*pos]; else return NULL; } /* hack: returns true if range specs are too "complex" for Squid to handle */ /* requires that specs are "canonized" first! */ int httpHdrRangeIsComplex(const HttpHdrRange * range) { HttpHdrRangePos pos = HttpHdrRangeInitPos; const HttpHdrRangeSpec *spec; squid_off_t offset = 0; assert(range); /* check that all rangers are in "strong" order */ while ((spec = httpHdrRangeGetSpec(range, &pos))) { if (spec->offset < offset) return 1; offset = spec->offset + spec->length; } return 0; } /* * hack: returns true if range specs may be too "complex" when "canonized". * see also: httpHdrRangeIsComplex. */ int httpHdrRangeWillBeComplex(const HttpHdrRange * range) { HttpHdrRangePos pos = HttpHdrRangeInitPos; const HttpHdrRangeSpec *spec; squid_off_t offset = 0; assert(range); /* check that all rangers are in "strong" order, */ /* as far as we can tell without the content length */ while ((spec = httpHdrRangeGetSpec(range, &pos))) { if (!known_spec(spec->offset)) /* ignore unknowns */ continue; if (spec->offset < offset) return 1; offset = spec->offset; if (known_spec(spec->length)) /* avoid unknowns */ offset += spec->length; } return 0; } /* * Returns lowest known offset in range spec(s), or range_spec_unknown * this is used for size limiting */ squid_off_t httpHdrRangeFirstOffset(const HttpHdrRange * range) { squid_off_t offset = range_spec_unknown; HttpHdrRangePos pos = HttpHdrRangeInitPos; const HttpHdrRangeSpec *spec; assert(range); while ((spec = httpHdrRangeGetSpec(range, &pos))) { if (spec->offset < offset || !known_spec(offset)) offset = spec->offset; } return offset; } /* * Returns lowest offset in range spec(s), 0 if unknown. * This is used for finding out where we need to start if all * ranges are combined into one, for example FTP REST. * Use 0 for size if unknown */ squid_off_t httpHdrRangeLowestOffset(const HttpHdrRange * range, squid_off_t size) { squid_off_t offset = range_spec_unknown; squid_off_t current; HttpHdrRangePos pos = HttpHdrRangeInitPos; const HttpHdrRangeSpec *spec; assert(range); while ((spec = httpHdrRangeGetSpec(range, &pos))) { current = spec->offset; if (!known_spec(current)) { if (spec->length > size || !known_spec(spec->length)) return 0; /* Unknown. Assume start of file */ current = size - spec->length; } if (current < offset || !known_spec(offset)) offset = current; } return known_spec(offset) ? offset : 0; } /* generates a "unique" boundary string for multipart responses * the caller is responsible for cleaning the string */ String httpHdrRangeBoundaryStr(clientHttpRequest * http) { const char *key; String b = StringNull; assert(http); stringAppend(&b, full_appname_string, strlen(full_appname_string)); stringAppend(&b, ":", 1); key = storeKeyText(http->entry->hash.key); stringAppend(&b, key, strlen(key)); return b; } /* * Return true if the first range offset is larger than the configured * limit. */ int httpHdrRangeOffsetLimit(HttpHdrRange * range) { if (NULL == range) /* not a range request */ return 0; if (!Config.rangeOffsetLimit) /* disabled */ return 1; if (-1 == Config.rangeOffsetLimit) /* forced */ return 0; if (Config.rangeOffsetLimit >= httpHdrRangeFirstOffset(range)) /* below the limit */ return 0; return 1; }