/* * $Id: HttpHdrCc.c,v 2008/05/04 23:23:13 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 65 HTTP Cache Control Header * AUTHOR: Alex Rousskov * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" /* this table is used for parsing cache control header */ static const HttpHeaderFieldAttrs CcAttrs[CC_ENUM_END] = { {"public", CC_PUBLIC}, {"private", CC_PRIVATE}, {"no-cache", CC_NO_CACHE}, {"no-store", CC_NO_STORE}, {"no-transform", CC_NO_TRANSFORM}, {"must-revalidate", CC_MUST_REVALIDATE}, {"proxy-revalidate", CC_PROXY_REVALIDATE}, {"only-if-cached", CC_ONLY_IF_CACHED}, {"max-age", CC_MAX_AGE}, {"s-maxage", CC_S_MAXAGE}, {"max-stale", CC_MAX_STALE}, {"stale-while-revalidate", CC_STALE_WHILE_REVALIDATE}, {"stale-if-error", CC_STALE_IF_ERROR}, {"Other,", CC_OTHER} /* ',' will protect from matches */ }; HttpHeaderFieldInfo *CcFieldsInfo = NULL; /* local prototypes */ static int httpHdrCcParseInit(HttpHdrCc * cc, const String * str); /* module initialization */ void httpHdrCcInitModule(void) { CcFieldsInfo = httpHeaderBuildFieldsInfo(CcAttrs, CC_ENUM_END); } void httpHdrCcCleanModule(void) { httpHeaderDestroyFieldsInfo(CcFieldsInfo, CC_ENUM_END); CcFieldsInfo = NULL; } /* implementation */ HttpHdrCc * httpHdrCcCreate(void) { HttpHdrCc *cc = memAllocate(MEM_HTTP_HDR_CC); cc->max_age = cc->s_maxage = cc->max_stale = cc->stale_if_error - 1; return cc; } /* creates an cc object from a 0-terminating string */ HttpHdrCc * httpHdrCcParseCreate(const String * str) { HttpHdrCc *cc = httpHdrCcCreate(); if (!httpHdrCcParseInit(cc, str)) { httpHdrCcDestroy(cc); cc = NULL; } return cc; } /* parses a 0-terminating string and inits cc */ static int httpHdrCcParseInit(HttpHdrCc * cc, const String * str) { const char *item; const char *p; /* '=' parameter */ const char *pos = NULL; int type; int ilen; int nlen; assert(cc && str); /* iterate through comma separated list */ while (strListGetItem(str, ',', &item, &ilen, &pos)) { /* isolate directive name */ if ((p = memchr(item, '=', ilen))) nlen = p++ - item; else nlen = ilen; /* find type */ type = httpHeaderIdByName(item, nlen, CcFieldsInfo, CC_ENUM_END); if (type < 0) { debug(65, 2) ("hdr cc: unknown cache-directive: near '%s' in '%s'\n", item, strBuf(*str)); type = CC_OTHER; } if (EBIT_TEST(cc->mask, type)) { if (type != CC_OTHER) debug(65, 2) ("hdr cc: ignoring duplicate cache-directive: near '%s' in '%s'\n", item, strBuf(*str)); CcFieldsInfo[type].stat.repCount++; continue; } /* update mask */ EBIT_SET(cc->mask, type); /* post-processing special cases */ switch (type) { case CC_MAX_AGE: if (!p || !httpHeaderParseInt(p, &cc->max_age)) { debug(65, 2) ("httpHdrCcParseInit: invalid max-age specs near '%s'\n", item); cc->max_age = -1; EBIT_CLR(cc->mask, type); } break; case CC_S_MAXAGE: if (!p || !httpHeaderParseInt(p, &cc->s_maxage)) { debug(65, 2) ("httpHdrCcParseInit: invalid s-maxage specs near '%s'\n", item); cc->s_maxage = -1; EBIT_CLR(cc->mask, type); } break; case CC_MAX_STALE: if (!p) { debug(65, 3) ("httpHdrCcParseInit: max-stale directive is valid without value\n"); cc->max_stale = -1; } else if (!httpHeaderParseInt(p, &cc->max_stale)) { debug(65, 2) ("httpHdrCcParseInit: invalid max-stale specs near '%s'\n", item); cc->max_stale = -1; EBIT_CLR(cc->mask, type); } break; case CC_STALE_WHILE_REVALIDATE: if (!p || !httpHeaderParseInt(p, &cc->stale_while_revalidate)) { debug(65, 2) ("httpHdrCcParseInit: invalid stale-while-revalidate specs near '%s'\n", item); cc->stale_while_revalidate = -1; EBIT_CLR(cc->mask, type); } break; case CC_STALE_IF_ERROR: if (!p || !httpHeaderParseInt(p, &cc->stale_if_error)) { debug(65, 2) ("httpHdrCcParseInit: invalid stale-if-error specs near '%s'\n", item); cc->stale_if_error = -1; EBIT_CLR(cc->mask, type); } break; case CC_OTHER: if (strLen(cc->other)) strCat(cc->other, ", "); stringAppend(&cc->other, item, ilen); break; default: /* note that we ignore most of '=' specs (RFC-VIOLATION) */ break; } } return cc->mask != 0; } void httpHdrCcDestroy(HttpHdrCc * cc) { assert(cc); if (strBuf(cc->other)) stringClean(&cc->other); memFree(cc, MEM_HTTP_HDR_CC); } HttpHdrCc * httpHdrCcDup(const HttpHdrCc * cc) { HttpHdrCc *dup; assert(cc); dup = httpHdrCcCreate(); dup->mask = cc->mask; dup->max_age = cc->max_age; dup->s_maxage = cc->s_maxage; dup->max_stale = cc->max_stale; return dup; } void httpHdrCcPackInto(const HttpHdrCc * cc, Packer * p) { http_hdr_cc_type flag; int pcount = 0; assert(cc && p); for (flag = 0; flag < CC_ENUM_END; flag++) { if (EBIT_TEST(cc->mask, flag) && flag != CC_OTHER) { /* print option name */ packerPrintf(p, (pcount ? ", %s" : "%s"), strBuf(CcFieldsInfo[flag].name)); /* handle options with values */ if (flag == CC_MAX_AGE) packerPrintf(p, "=%d", (int) cc->max_age); if (flag == CC_S_MAXAGE) packerPrintf(p, "=%d", (int) cc->s_maxage); if (flag == CC_MAX_STALE && cc->max_stale >= 0) packerPrintf(p, "=%d", (int) cc->max_stale); if (flag == CC_STALE_WHILE_REVALIDATE) packerPrintf(p, "=%d", (int) cc->stale_while_revalidate); pcount++; } } if (strLen(cc->other)) packerPrintf(p, (pcount ? ", %s" : "%s"), strBuf(cc->other)); } void httpHdrCcJoinWith(HttpHdrCc * cc, const HttpHdrCc * new_cc) { assert(cc && new_cc); if (cc->max_age < 0) cc->max_age = new_cc->max_age; if (cc->s_maxage < 0) cc->s_maxage = new_cc->s_maxage; if (cc->max_stale < 0) cc->max_stale = new_cc->max_stale; cc->mask |= new_cc->mask; } /* negative max_age will clean old max_Age setting */ void httpHdrCcSetMaxAge(HttpHdrCc * cc, int max_age) { assert(cc); cc->max_age = max_age; if (max_age >= 0) EBIT_SET(cc->mask, CC_MAX_AGE); else EBIT_CLR(cc->mask, CC_MAX_AGE); } /* negative s_maxage will clean old s-maxage setting */ void httpHdrCcSetSMaxAge(HttpHdrCc * cc, int s_maxage) { assert(cc); cc->s_maxage = s_maxage; if (s_maxage >= 0) EBIT_SET(cc->mask, CC_S_MAXAGE); else EBIT_CLR(cc->mask, CC_S_MAXAGE); } void httpHdrCcUpdateStats(const HttpHdrCc * cc, StatHist * hist) { http_hdr_cc_type c; assert(cc); for (c = 0; c < CC_ENUM_END; c++) if (EBIT_TEST(cc->mask, c)) statHistCount(hist, c); } void httpHdrCcStatDumper(StoreEntry * sentry, int idx, double val, double size, int count) { extern const HttpHeaderStat *dump_stat; /* argh! */ const int id = (int) val; const int valid_id = id >= 0 && id < CC_ENUM_END; const char *name = valid_id ? strBuf(CcFieldsInfo[id].name) : "INVALID"; if (count || valid_id) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%2d\t %-20s\t %5d\t %6.2f\n", id, name, count, xdiv(count, dump_stat->ccParsedCount)); }