/* * $Id: client_db.c,v 1.56 2005/10/23 15:20:54 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 0 Client Database * AUTHOR: Duane Wessels * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" static hash_table *client_table = NULL; static ClientInfo *clientdbAdd(struct in_addr addr); static FREE clientdbFreeItem; static void clientdbStartGC(void); static void clientdbScheduledGC(void *); static int max_clients = 32; static int cleanup_running = 0; static int cleanup_scheduled = 0; static int cleanup_removed; #define CLIENT_DB_HASH_SIZE 467 static ClientInfo * clientdbAdd(struct in_addr addr) { ClientInfo *c; c = memAllocate(MEM_CLIENT_INFO); c->hash.key = xstrdup(inet_ntoa(addr)); c->addr = addr; hash_join(client_table, &c->hash); statCounter.client_http.clients++; if ((statCounter.client_http.clients > max_clients) && !cleanup_running && cleanup_scheduled < 2) { cleanup_scheduled++; eventAdd("client_db garbage collector", clientdbScheduledGC, NULL, 90, 0); } return c; } void clientdbInit(void) { if (client_table) return; client_table = hash_create((HASHCMP *) strcmp, CLIENT_DB_HASH_SIZE, hash_string); cachemgrRegister("client_list", "Cache Client List", clientdbDump, 0, 1); } void clientdbUpdate(struct in_addr addr, log_type ltype, protocol_t p, squid_off_t size) { char *key; ClientInfo *c; if (!Config.onoff.client_db) return; key = inet_ntoa(addr); c = (ClientInfo *) hash_lookup(client_table, key); if (c == NULL) c = clientdbAdd(addr); if (c == NULL) debug_trap("clientdbUpdate: Failed to add entry"); if (p == PROTO_HTTP) { c->Http.n_requests++; c->Http.result_hist[ltype]++; kb_incr(&c->Http.kbytes_out, size); if (isTcpHit(ltype)) kb_incr(&c->Http.hit_kbytes_out, size); } else if (p == PROTO_ICP) { c->Icp.n_requests++; c->Icp.result_hist[ltype]++; kb_incr(&c->Icp.kbytes_out, size); if (LOG_UDP_HIT == ltype) kb_incr(&c->Icp.hit_kbytes_out, size); } c->last_seen = squid_curtime; } /* * clientdbEstablished() * This function tracks the number of currently established connections * for a client IP address. When a connection is accepted, call this * with delta = 1. When the connection is closed, call with delta = * -1. To get the current value, simply call with delta = 0. */ int clientdbEstablished(struct in_addr addr, int delta) { char *key; ClientInfo *c; if (!Config.onoff.client_db) return 0; key = inet_ntoa(addr); c = (ClientInfo *) hash_lookup(client_table, key); if (c == NULL) c = clientdbAdd(addr); if (c == NULL) debug_trap("clientdbUpdate: Failed to add entry"); c->n_established += delta; return c->n_established; } #define CUTOFF_SECONDS 3600 int clientdbCutoffDenied(struct in_addr addr) { char *key; int NR; int ND; double p; ClientInfo *c; if (!Config.onoff.client_db) return 0; key = inet_ntoa(addr); c = (ClientInfo *) hash_lookup(client_table, key); if (c == NULL) return 0; /* * If we are in a cutoff window, we don't send a reply */ if (squid_curtime - c->cutoff.time < CUTOFF_SECONDS) return 1; /* * Calculate the percent of DENIED replies since the last * cutoff time. */ NR = c->Icp.n_requests - c->cutoff.n_req; if (NR < 150) NR = 150; ND = c->Icp.result_hist[LOG_UDP_DENIED] - c->cutoff.n_denied; p = 100.0 * ND / NR; if (p < 95.0) return 0; debug(1, 0) ("WARNING: Probable misconfigured neighbor at %s\n", key); debug(1, 0) ("WARNING: %d of the last %d ICP replies are DENIED\n", ND, NR); debug(1, 0) ("WARNING: No replies will be sent for the next %d seconds\n", CUTOFF_SECONDS); c->cutoff.time = squid_curtime; c->cutoff.n_req = c->Icp.n_requests; c->cutoff.n_denied = c->Icp.result_hist[LOG_UDP_DENIED]; return 1; } void clientdbDump(StoreEntry * sentry) { ClientInfo *c; log_type l; int icp_total = 0; int icp_hits = 0; int http_total = 0; int http_hits = 0; storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Cache Clients:\n"); hash_first(client_table); while ((c = (ClientInfo *) hash_next(client_table))) { storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Address: %s\n", hashKeyStr(&c->hash)); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Name: %s\n", fqdnFromAddr(c->addr)); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Currently established connections: %d\n", c->n_established); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " ICP Requests %d\n", c->Icp.n_requests); for (l = LOG_TAG_NONE; l < LOG_TYPE_MAX; l++) { if (c->Icp.result_hist[l] == 0) continue; icp_total += c->Icp.result_hist[l]; if (LOG_UDP_HIT == l) icp_hits += c->Icp.result_hist[l]; storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %-20.20s %7d %3d%%\n", log_tags[l], c->Icp.result_hist[l], percent(c->Icp.result_hist[l], c->Icp.n_requests)); } storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " HTTP Requests %d\n", c->Http.n_requests); for (l = LOG_TAG_NONE; l < LOG_TYPE_MAX; l++) { if (c->Http.result_hist[l] == 0) continue; http_total += c->Http.result_hist[l]; if (isTcpHit(l)) http_hits += c->Http.result_hist[l]; storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %-20.20s %7d %3d%%\n", log_tags[l], c->Http.result_hist[l], percent(c->Http.result_hist[l], c->Http.n_requests)); } storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\n"); } storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "TOTALS\n"); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "ICP : %d Queries, %d Hits (%3d%%)\n", icp_total, icp_hits, percent(icp_hits, icp_total)); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "HTTP: %d Requests, %d Hits (%3d%%)\n", http_total, http_hits, percent(http_hits, http_total)); } static void clientdbFreeItem(void *data) { ClientInfo *c = data; safe_free(c->hash.key); memFree(c, MEM_CLIENT_INFO); } void clientdbFreeMemory(void) { hashFreeItems(client_table, clientdbFreeItem); hashFreeMemory(client_table); client_table = NULL; } static void clientdbScheduledGC(void *unused) { cleanup_scheduled = 0; clientdbStartGC(); } static void clientdbGC(void *unused) { static int bucket = 0; hash_link *link_next; link_next = hash_get_bucket(client_table, bucket++); while (link_next != NULL) { ClientInfo *c = (ClientInfo *) link_next; int age = squid_curtime - c->last_seen; link_next = link_next->next; if (c->n_established) continue; if (age < 24 * 3600 && c->Http.n_requests > 100) continue; if (age < 4 * 3600 && (c->Http.n_requests > 10 || c->Icp.n_requests > 10)) continue; if (age < 5 * 60 && (c->Http.n_requests > 1 || c->Icp.n_requests > 1)) continue; if (age < 60) continue; hash_remove_link(client_table, &c->hash); clientdbFreeItem(c); statCounter.client_http.clients--; cleanup_removed++; } if (bucket < CLIENT_DB_HASH_SIZE) eventAdd("client_db garbage collector", clientdbGC, NULL, 0.15, 0); else { bucket = 0; cleanup_running = 0; max_clients = statCounter.client_http.clients * 3 / 2; if (!cleanup_scheduled) { cleanup_scheduled = 1; eventAdd("client_db garbage collector", clientdbScheduledGC, NULL, 3 * 3600, 0); } debug(49, 2) ("clientdbGC: Removed %d entries\n", cleanup_removed); } } static void clientdbStartGC(void) { max_clients = statCounter.client_http.clients; cleanup_running = 1; cleanup_removed = 0; clientdbGC(NULL); } #if SQUID_SNMP struct in_addr * client_entry(struct in_addr *current) { ClientInfo *c = NULL; char *key; if (current) { key = inet_ntoa(*current); hash_first(client_table); while ((c = (ClientInfo *) hash_next(client_table))) { if (!strcmp(key, hashKeyStr(&c->hash))) break; } c = (ClientInfo *) hash_next(client_table); } else { hash_first(client_table); c = (ClientInfo *) hash_next(client_table); } hash_last(client_table); if (c) return (&c->addr); else return (NULL); } variable_list * snmp_meshCtblFn(variable_list * Var, snint * ErrP) { variable_list *Answer = NULL; static char key[16]; ClientInfo *c = NULL; int aggr = 0; log_type l; *ErrP = SNMP_ERR_NOERROR; debug(49, 6) ("snmp_meshCtblFn: Current : \n"); snmpDebugOid(6, Var->name, Var->name_length); snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%d.%d.%d.%d", Var->name[LEN_SQ_NET + 3], Var->name[LEN_SQ_NET + 4], Var->name[LEN_SQ_NET + 5], Var->name[LEN_SQ_NET + 6]); debug(49, 5) ("snmp_meshCtblFn: [%s] requested!\n", key); c = (ClientInfo *) hash_lookup(client_table, key); if (c == NULL) { debug(49, 5) ("snmp_meshCtblFn: not found.\n"); *ErrP = SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME; return NULL; } switch (Var->name[LEN_SQ_NET + 2]) { case MESH_CTBL_ADDR: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, (snint) c->addr.s_addr, SMI_IPADDRESS); break; case MESH_CTBL_HTBYTES: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, (snint) c->Http.kbytes_out.kb, SMI_COUNTER32); break; case MESH_CTBL_HTREQ: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, (snint) c->Http.n_requests, SMI_COUNTER32); break; case MESH_CTBL_HTHITS: aggr = 0; for (l = LOG_TAG_NONE; l < LOG_TYPE_MAX; l++) { if (isTcpHit(l)) aggr += c->Http.result_hist[l]; } Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, (snint) aggr, SMI_COUNTER32); break; case MESH_CTBL_HTHITBYTES: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, (snint) c->Http.hit_kbytes_out.kb, SMI_COUNTER32); break; case MESH_CTBL_ICPBYTES: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, (snint) c->Icp.kbytes_out.kb, SMI_COUNTER32); break; case MESH_CTBL_ICPREQ: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, (snint) c->Icp.n_requests, SMI_COUNTER32); break; case MESH_CTBL_ICPHITS: aggr = c->Icp.result_hist[LOG_UDP_HIT]; Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, (snint) aggr, SMI_COUNTER32); break; case MESH_CTBL_ICPHITBYTES: Answer = snmp_var_new_integer(Var->name, Var->name_length, (snint) c->Icp.hit_kbytes_out.kb, SMI_COUNTER32); break; default: *ErrP = SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME; debug(49, 5) ("snmp_meshCtblFn: illegal column.\n"); break; } return Answer; } #endif /*SQUID_SNMP */