= libGAP =
== Description ==
This is the
== License ==
GPL v3+
== SPKG Maintainers ==
* Volker Braun
== Upstream Contact ==
Volker Braun <vbraun.name@gmail.com>
== Dependencies ==
* GAP (that is, the gap-x.y.z.spkg of the same version)
== Special Update/Build Instructions ==
LibGAP is essentially a fork of the upstream GAP kernel. It is
developed in its own repository at
https://bitbucket.org/vbraun/libgap. This is also where the spkg
metadata is tracked. To build a new spkg, use the spkg/make-spkg.sh
script in the repository.
To update to a new version, you need to bump the version number in
configure.ac and rerun autotools (autoreconf -fiv).
Note that the repository in the spkg is just a dummy to make Sage
happy, any changes should be merged to the upstream repo.
Also, the spkg/libGAPify.py script requires the ply python package,
which is not part of sage. It is only required to make the spkg,
though. This scrip parses the GAP sources, identifies global
identifiers, and adds a libGAP_ prefix to them to avoid symbol
namespace collisions in Sage.
=== Patches ===
* sparc_segfault.patch: See the GAP spkg.