#!/usr/local/bin/perl use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp; sub die_page { print header(); print start_html("Error on upload"); print strong(@_); print strong("
Click back to return"); exit; } my $query = new CGI; my $ultimate; my $destination = $query->param('refresh_destination') or die_page("No return page specified"); my $table = $query->param('mvc_data_file') or die_page("No return page specified"); my $file; # Process the form if there is a file name entered my $dir = $query->param('mvc_vendroot') or die_page("No VENDROOT specified"); #my $tmpfile; if ($file = $query->param('filename')) { $ultimate = "$dir/upload/$table"; umask 0; open(OUT, ">$ultimate") or die_page("create $ultimate: $!\n"); while(<$file>) { print OUT $_; $tried = 1; } close OUT or die_page("Couldn't close $ultimate"); unless($tried) { die_page("Never got to a file part for $file! " . "to copy to $ultimate " . $query->uploadInfo($file)->{'Content-Type'} . " " . $query->uploadInfo($file)->{'Content-Length'} ); } close OUT; } print redirect($destination);