array ( 0 => 'index.php', 1 => 'PHP Manual', ), 'head' => array ( 0 => 'UTF-8', 1 => 'uk', ), 'this' => array ( 0 => 'wincache.win32build.verify.php', 1 => 'Verifying the build', ), 'up' => array ( 0 => 'wincache.win32build.php', 1 => 'Building for Windows', ), 'prev' => array ( 0 => 'wincache.win32build.building.php', 1 => 'Compiling and building', ), 'next' => array ( 0 => 'book.xhprof.php', 1 => 'Xhprof', ), 'alternatives' => array ( ), 'source' => array ( 'lang' => 'en', 'path' => 'reference/wincache/win32build.xml', ), 'history' => array ( ), ); $setup["toc"] = $TOC; $setup["toc_deprecated"] = $TOC_DEPRECATED; $setup["parents"] = $PARENTS; manual_setup($setup); contributors($setup); ?>
The following steps describe how to verify that WinCache has been built correctly:
Go to the folder where the PHP binaries are built
Run the command:
php.exe -n -d extension=php_wincache.dll -re wincache