# Compiling Time: 0.34 SBU # Maintainer: DeX77 pkgname=live pkgver=2021.07.20 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Source-code libraries for standards-based RTP/RTCP/RTSP multimedia streaming" url="http://www.live555.com/" depends=('glibc>=2.27-2' 'libstdc++>=7.3.0-7') groups=('multimedia') archs=("x86_64") up2date="lynx -dump http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/public/|grep tar.gz$|sed 's/.*live.\(.*\)\.t.*/\1/;q'" source=(http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/public/live.$pkgver.tar.gz live-pkgconfig.patch) sha1sums=('f0dd80df405b8515c00360eeadb6cfe95845fe41' \ '08463bea590c0515711f3ec6f93633000a9ad13a') build() { # this is okay, just the test programs will be compiled # with -fPIC unnecessarily CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC" Fcd live Fsed 'xlocale.h' 'locale.h' ./liveMedia/include/Locale.hh Fsed ' -O2 ' " $CFLAGS " config.linux-with-shared-libraries chmod 700 Makefile.* || Fdie ## weird Fpatchall Fsed "FWVER" "$pkgver" Makefile.head Fexec ./genMakefiles linux-with-shared-libraries || Fdie Fexec make PREFIX=/usr || Fdie Fexec make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=$Fdestdir install || Fdie } # optimization OK