# Compiling Time: 0.84 SBU # Maintainer: DeX77 # Contributor: Priyank Gosalia pkgname=lincity-ng pkgver=2.9.beta.gb5ee28d pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A City Simulation Game. It is a polished and improved version of the classic LinCity game." up2date="Flasttar https://bintray.com/lincityng/LinCity-NG/LinCity-NG/view/files" license="GPL" depends=('sdlimage>=1.2.12-2' 'sdl_mixer>=1.2.12-2' 'sdl_ttf>=2.0.11-2' 'sdl_gfx>=2.0.25-2' 'physfs>=2.0.3-3' 'libgl>=11.1.1') makedepends=('jam' 'libglu') groups=('games-extra') archs=('i686' 'x86_64') _F_github_devel="yes" Finclude github build() { Funpack_scm Fcd touch CREDITS Fpatchall export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" Fconf --with-libSDL_image=/usr/ [ -n "$MAKEFLAGS" ] && JOBS="$MAKEFLAGS" Fexec jam $JOBS Fexec jam -sDESTDIR=$Fdestdir install }