# Compiling Time: SBU # Maintainer: Nick # feel free to remove comments like this # may contain hyphens pkgname= # must not contain hyphens pkgver= # should be integer, greater than 0, must not contain hyphens pkgrel=1 # should not be longer than 80 chars pkgdesc="" url="" depends=() groups=() archs=() up2date="" source=() sha1sums=() # required directives if subpackages are used subpkgs=('') subdescs=('') subdepends=('') subgroups=('') subarchs=('') # the followings are optional makedepends=() rodepends=() conflicts=() provides=() replaces=() backup=() license="" options=() # it's no good using these if you don't have subpackages sublicense=('') subreplaces=('') subrodepends=('') subremoves=('') subconflicts=('') subprovides=('') subbackup=('') subinstall=('') suboptions=('') # also this is the default, so in case exactly this one is ok for you, then # just delete the whole function. later you can refer to this function as # Fbuild build() { Fpatchall Fmake Fmakeinstall } # remove this line, it's only needed here as this file is named 'FrugalBuild' # vim: ft=sh