#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse, os, stat, time, sys fpms = { 'i686': [], 'x86_64': [] } def how_old(epoch): age = int(time.time()) - int(epoch) if age > 60*60*24*365*2: s = str(age/60/60/24/365) s += " years" elif age > 60*60*24*(365/12)*2: s = str(age/60/60/24/(365/12)) s += " months" elif age > 60*60*24*7*2: s = str(age/60/60/24/7) s += " weeks" elif age > 60*60*24*2: s = str(age/60/60/24) s += " days" elif age > 60*60*2: s = str(age/60/60) s += " hours" elif age > 60*2: s = str(age/60) s += " minutes" else: s = str(age) s += " seconds" return s def tobuild(pkg): ret = [] # Build the command to read the FrugalBuilds command = 'cd %s; ' command += 'source /usr/lib/frugalware/fwmakepkg' command += ' ; source ./FrugalBuild' command += ' ; [ -n "${nobuild}" ] && exit' command += ' ; echo ${options[@]} | grep -q nobuild && exit' command += ' ; echo "${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${pkgrel}"' command += ' ; echo "${archs[@]}"' sock = os.popen(command % os.path.split(pkg)[0]) lines = sock.readlines() sock.close() if not len(lines): return ret archs = lines[1].strip().split() for i in archs: if i not in fpms.keys(): continue full = "-".join([lines[0].strip(), i]) try: os.stat("frugalware-%s/%s.fpm" % (i, full)) except OSError: ret.append(full) return ret def maintainer(fb): sock = open(fb) while True: line = sock.readline() if not line: break if line[:14] != "# Maintainer: ": continue # FIXME: we here hardcore the encoding of the FBs m = line[14:].strip().decode('latin1') break sock.close() return m parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='syncpkgd', description='Utility to manage not yet synced packages') args = parser.parse_args() os.chdir("../..") for root, dirs, files in os.walk("source"): for file in files: if file == "FrugalBuild": fb = os.path.join(root, file) missing = tobuild(fb) for i in missing: old = os.stat(fb)[stat.ST_MTIME] fpms[i.split('-')[-1]].append("%s is missing (FB is %s old; %s)" % (i, how_old(old), maintainer(fb))) archs = fpms.keys() archs.sort() sorted = [] for i in archs: v = fpms[i] v.sort() sorted.extend(v) for i in sorted: print i