# Compiling Time: 2.20 SBU # Maintainer: DeX77 # Contributor: kikadf pkgname=fatrat pkgver=1.2.0.gd215e77 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="FatRat is a download manager written in C++ and built on top of the Trolltech Qt 4 library." url="http://fatrat.dolezel.info/" _F_github_author="LubosD" _F_github_devel=yes Finclude cmake openjava github groups=('network-extra') archs=('i686' 'x86_64') depends=('qt5-svg') makedepends+=('qt5-tools') _F_cmake_confopts=" -DWITH_BITTORRENT=OFF" #TODO: fix when upstream gets in sync with libtorrent again options+=('force') replaces=('kget' 'fatrat-subtitlesearch' 'fatrat-unpack') conflicts=("${replaces[@]}") build() { Funpack_scm CMake_build } # optimization OK