# Compiling time: 0.18 SBU # Maintainer: crazy # Contributor: Miklos Vajna pkgname=e2fsprogs pkgver=1.43.1 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="Utilities needed to create and maintain ext2 and ext3 filesystems" depends=('glibc>=2.22-14' 'libuuid>=2.28-2' 'libblkid>=2.28-2') makedepends=('util-linux>=2.28-2') rodepends=('coreutils>=8.25-3' 'util-linux>=2.28-2') groups=('base' 'chroot-core') archs=('i686' 'x86_64') _F_sourceforge_prefix="libs-" _F_archive_grepv="WIP" Finclude sourceforge url="http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/" signatures=("$source.asc") build() { Fcd _F_make_opts="-j1" Fpatchall Fmake \ --enable-elf-shlibs \ --enable-symlink-install \ --enable-relative-symlinks \ --enable-symlink-build \ --with-root-prefix="" \ --disable-libblkid \ --disable-libuuid \ --disable-uuidd \ --disable-fsck \ --disable-e2initrd-helper \ --enable-threads=posix ## DO NOT BUMP BEFORE enabling this local ## sometimes it hangs the chroot so we just test local ## before pushing ## make check || Fdie make DESTDIR=$Fdestdir install install-libs || Fdie # conflicts with util-linux Frm usr/sbin/uuidd usr/share/man/man8/uuidd.8 } # optimization OK