# Compiling Time: 0.4 SBU # Maintainer: Pingax # Contributor: Christian Hamar alias krix # Contributor: BMH1980 pkgname=lshw pkgver=B.02.18 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A tool to provide information on the hardware configuration of the machine." url="http://ezix.org/project/wiki/HardwareLiSter" license="GPL2" groups=('apps-extra') archs=('i686' 'x86_64') makedepends=('gtk+2' 'x11-protos') options+=('scriptlet') depends=('libstdc++') up2date="lynx -dump $url|grep -m 1 latest|grep -o '[A-Z][0-9\.]\+[0-9]'" source=(http://ezix.org/software/files/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz) subpkgs=("gtk-$pkgname") subdescs=("Gtk+2 frontend for lshw") sublicense=("GPL2") subgroups=('xapps-extra') subdepends=('gtk+2') subarchs=('i686 x86_64') build() { for i in `find . -name Makefile` ; do sed -i -e "s|DESTDIR?=/|DESTDIR=$Fdestdir|" \ -e "s|SBINDIR=\$(PREFIX)/sbin|SBINDIR=\$(PREFIX)/bin|" \ -e "s|^CXXFLAGS=.*|&$CXXFLAGS|" $i || Fdie done # What.. install wants to strip a directory ... Fsed "-p -s" "-p" src/Makefile Fpatchall Fmake Fmakeinstall Fmake gui Fmakeinstall install-gui Fdocrel docs/* Fmkdir /usr/share/doc/${subpkgs[0]}-$pkgver Ffilerel COPYING README.* docs/* /usr/share/doc/${subpkgs[0]}-$pkgver/ Fsplit ${subpkgs[0]} usr/bin/${subpkgs[0]} usr/share/$pkgname/artwork Fsplit ${subpkgs[0]} usr/share/doc/${subpkgs[0]}-$pkgver } sha1sums=('c0240f5e53cf40769d52e316719e8010ea6bdea3') # optimization OK