# Pg, Sybase, Oracle, Ingres, mSQL, ODBC,... # dbdriver = mysql # Driver for ODBC, ignored for other databases # odbc_driver = SQL Server # SID for Oracle users, ignored for other databases # oracle_sid = ORASID # default tex- file extension # texex = tex # file name extension to insert before the last '.' # stx = _stx # When no output file is specified or output file without (relative) path is given, an output file # is generated in the current directory. # By setting 'def_out_is_in' to True (1), the output file is generated in the same directory # where the input file resides (this was the behaviour up until v2.0). # Refer to the documentation for more info. # def_out_is_in = 0 # If the commandline option --replacementfile or -r is given, by default the given replacement file # will be parsed and after that the default replacement file will be parsed as well. # If only the given replacement file should be parsed skipping the default file, set the value # below to 0. # multi_rfile = 1 # Comment-sign used in the replace file(s). Leave empty to disable comments # rfile_comment = ; # Indicator of a regular expression in the replace file. The rfile_regexploc setting indicates the # position of the regular expression and must be part of 'rfile_regexp' # Refer to the documentation for more info. # rfile_regexploc = ... rfile_regexp = re(...) # Command section. All SQLTeX commands start with and are followed # by the actual command. Change this only if latex commands are used that conflict # with the defaults. # cmd_prefix = sql sql_open = db sql_field = field sql_row = row sql_params = setparams sql_update = update sql_start = start sql_end = end sql_use = use sql_system = system sql_if = if sql_endif = endif # Defines if the \sqlsystem{} command is allowed. # This is disabled by default, enable only if you are sure no SQLTeX files can be called that # might harm your system # sqlsystem_allowed = 0 # If the Term::ReadKey perl module is not installed, it is not possible to enter a password # and hide it from the console when. In that case SQLTeX will abort if a password is specified # as '?' in the LaTeX input file. # To allow entering passwords that are readable from at the console, set the following to 1. # NOTE: If you need to set this value to 1, you're strongly adviced to install the Term::ReadKey # module instead: # sudo cpan install Term::ReadKey # allow_readable_pwd = 0 # The values below are used internally only. There's no need to change these, # unless there are conflicts. Refer to the documentation for more info. # repl_step = OSTX alt_cmd_prefix = processedsqlcommand