-- A registry of warnings and errors identified by different processing steps. local Issues = {} function Issues.new(cls) -- Instantiate the class. local new_object = {} setmetatable(new_object, cls) cls.__index = cls -- Initialize the class. new_object.errors = {} new_object.warnings = {} new_object.ignored_issues = {} return new_object end -- Normalize an issue identifier. function Issues._normalize_identifier(identifier) return identifier:lower() end -- Convert an issue identifier to either a table of warnings or a table of errors. function Issues:_get_issue_table(identifier) identifier = self._normalize_identifier(identifier) local prefix = identifier:sub(1, 1) if prefix == "s" or prefix == "w" then return self.warnings elseif prefix == "t" or prefix == "e" then return self.errors else assert(false, 'Identifier "' .. identifier .. '" has an unknown prefix "' .. prefix .. '"') end end -- Add an issue to the table of issues. function Issues:add(identifier, message, range) identifier = self._normalize_identifier(identifier) -- Construct the issue. local issue = {identifier, message, range} -- Determine if the issue should be ignored. for _, ignore_issue in ipairs(self.ignored_issues) do if ignore_issue(issue) then return end end -- Add the issue to the table of issues. local issue_table = self:_get_issue_table(identifier) table.insert(issue_table, issue) end -- Prevent issues from being present in the table of issues. function Issues:ignore(identifier, range) identifier = self._normalize_identifier(identifier) -- Determine which issues should be ignored. local function match_issue_range(issue_range) return ( issue_range:start() >= range:start() and issue_range:start() <= range:stop() -- issue starts within range or issue_range:start() <= range:start() and issue_range:stop() >= range:stop() -- issue is in middle of range or issue_range:stop() >= range:start() and issue_range:stop() <= range:stop() -- issue ends within range ) end local function match_issue_identifier(issue_identifier) return issue_identifier == identifier end local ignore_issue, issue_tables if identifier == nil then -- Prevent any issues within the given range. assert(range ~= nil) issue_tables = {self.warnings, self.errors} ignore_issue = function(issue) local issue_range = issue[3] if issue_range == nil then -- file-wide issue return false else -- ranged issue return match_issue_range(issue_range) end end elseif range == nil then -- Prevent any issues with the given identifier. assert(identifier ~= nil) issue_tables = {self:_get_issue_table(identifier)} ignore_issue = function(issue) local issue_identifier = issue[1] return match_issue_identifier(issue_identifier) end else -- Prevent any issues with the given identifier that are also either within the given range or file-wide. assert(range ~= nil and identifier ~= nil) issue_tables = {self:_get_issue_table(identifier)} ignore_issue = function(issue) local issue_identifier = issue[1] local issue_range = issue[3] if issue_range == nil then -- file-wide issue return match_issue_identifier(issue_identifier) else -- ranged issue return match_issue_range(issue_range) and match_issue_identifier(issue_identifier) end end end -- Remove the issue if it has already been added. for _, issue_table in ipairs(issue_tables) do local filtered_issues = {} for _, issue in ipairs(issue_table) do if not ignore_issue(issue) then table.insert(filtered_issues, issue) end end for issue_index, issue in ipairs(filtered_issues) do issue_table[issue_index] = issue end for issue_index = #filtered_issues + 1, #issue_table, 1 do issue_table[issue_index] = nil end end -- Prevent the issue from being added later. table.insert(self.ignored_issues, ignore_issue) end -- Sort the warnings/errors using location as the primary key. function Issues.sort(warnings_and_errors) local sorted_warnings_and_errors = {} for _, issue in ipairs(warnings_and_errors) do local identifier = issue[1] local message = issue[2] local range = issue[3] table.insert(sorted_warnings_and_errors, {identifier, message, range}) end table.sort(sorted_warnings_and_errors, function(a, b) local a_identifier, b_identifier = a[1], b[1] local a_range, b_range = (a[3] and a[3]:start()) or 0, (b[3] and b[3]:start()) or 0 return a_range < b_range or (a_range == b_range and a_identifier < b_identifier) end) return sorted_warnings_and_errors end return function() return Issues:new() end