-- Formatting for the command-line interface of the static analyzer explcheck. local get_option = require("explcheck-config") local utils = require("explcheck-utils") -- Transform a singular into plural if the count is zero or greater than two. local function pluralize(singular, count) if count == 1 then return singular else return singular .. "s" end end -- Shorten a pathname, so that it does not exceed maximum length. local function format_pathname(pathname, max_length) -- First, replace path segments with `/.../`, keeping other segments. local first_iteration = true while #pathname > max_length do local pattern if first_iteration then pattern = "([^\\/]*)[\\/][^\\/]*[\\/](.*)" else pattern = "([^\\/]*)/%.%.%.[\\/][^\\/]*[\\/](.*)" end local prefix_start, _, prefix, suffix = pathname:find(pattern) if prefix_start == nil or prefix_start > 1 then break end pathname = prefix .. "/.../" .. suffix first_iteration = false end -- If this isn't enough, remove the initial path segment and prefix the filename with `...`. if #pathname > max_length then local pattern if first_iteration then pattern = "([^\\/]*[\\/])(.*)" else pattern = "([^\\/]*[\\/]%.%.%.[\\/])(.*)" end local prefix_start, _, _, suffix = pathname:find(pattern) if prefix_start == nil or prefix_start > 1 then pathname = "..." .. pathname:sub(-(max_length - #("..."))) else pathname = ".../" .. suffix if #pathname > max_length then pathname = "..." .. suffix:sub(-(max_length - #("..."))) end end end return pathname end -- Colorize a string using ASCII color codes. local function colorize(text, ...) local buffer = {} for _, color_code in ipairs({...}) do table.insert(buffer, "\27[") table.insert(buffer, tostring(color_code)) table.insert(buffer, "m") end table.insert(buffer, text) table.insert(buffer, "\27[0m") return table.concat(buffer, "") end -- Remove ASCII color codes from a string. local function decolorize(text) return text:gsub("\27%[[0-9]+m", "") end -- Print the results of analyzing a file. local function print_results(pathname, issues, line_starting_byte_numbers, is_last_file, options) -- Display an overview. local all_issues = {} local status local porcelain = get_option('porcelain', options, pathname) if(#issues.errors > 0) then status = ( colorize( ( tostring(#issues.errors) .. " " .. pluralize("error", #issues.errors) ), 1, 31 ) ) table.insert(all_issues, issues.errors) if(#issues.warnings > 0) then status = ( status .. ", " .. colorize( ( tostring(#issues.warnings) .. " " .. pluralize("warning", #issues.warnings) ), 1, 33 ) ) table.insert(all_issues, issues.warnings) end elseif(#issues.warnings > 0) then status = colorize( ( tostring(#issues.warnings) .. " " .. pluralize("warning", #issues.warnings) ), 1, 33 ) table.insert(all_issues, issues.warnings) else status = colorize("OK", 1, 32) end if not porcelain then local max_overview_length = 72 local prefix = "Checking " local formatted_pathname = format_pathname( pathname, math.max( ( max_overview_length - #prefix - #(" ") - #decolorize(status) ), 1 ) ) local overview = ( prefix .. formatted_pathname .. (" "):rep( math.max( ( max_overview_length - #prefix - #decolorize(status) - #formatted_pathname ), 1 ) ) .. status ) io.write("\n" .. overview) end -- Display the errors, followed by warnings. if #all_issues > 0 then for _, warnings_or_errors in ipairs(all_issues) do if not porcelain then print() end -- Display the warnings/errors. for _, issue in ipairs(issues.sort(warnings_or_errors)) do local code = issue[1] local message = issue[2] local range = issue[3] local start_line_number, start_column_number = 1, 1 local end_line_number, end_column_number = 1, 1 if range ~= nil then start_line_number, start_column_number = utils.convert_byte_to_line_and_column(line_starting_byte_numbers, range:start()) end_line_number, end_column_number = utils.convert_byte_to_line_and_column(line_starting_byte_numbers, range:stop()) end_column_number = end_column_number end local position = ":" .. tostring(start_line_number) .. ":" .. tostring(start_column_number) .. ":" local max_line_length = 88 local reserved_position_length = 10 local reserved_suffix_length = 30 local label_indent = (" "):rep(4) local suffix = code:upper() .. " " .. message if not porcelain then local formatted_pathname = format_pathname( pathname, math.max( ( max_line_length - #label_indent - reserved_position_length - #(" ") - math.max(#suffix, reserved_suffix_length) ), 1 ) ) local line = ( label_indent .. formatted_pathname .. position .. (" "):rep( math.max( ( max_line_length - #label_indent - #formatted_pathname - #decolorize(position) - math.max(#suffix, reserved_suffix_length) ), 1 ) ) .. suffix .. (" "):rep(math.max(reserved_suffix_length - #suffix, 0)) ) io.write("\n" .. line) else local line = get_option('error_format', options, pathname) local function replace_item(item) if item == '%%' then return '%' elseif item == '%c' then return tostring(start_column_number) elseif item == '%e' then return tostring(end_line_number) elseif item == '%f' then return pathname elseif item == '%k' then return tostring(end_column_number) elseif item == '%l' then return tostring(start_line_number) elseif item == '%m' then return message elseif item == '%n' then return code:sub(2) elseif item == '%t' then return code:sub(1, 1):lower() end end line = line:gsub("%%[%%cefklmnt]", replace_item) print(line) end end end if not is_last_file and not porcelain then print() end end end -- Print the summary results of analyzing multiple files. local function print_summary(num_pathnames, num_warnings, num_errors) io.write("\n\nTotal: ") local errors_message = tostring(num_errors) .. " " .. pluralize("error", num_errors) errors_message = colorize(errors_message, 1, (num_errors > 0 and 31) or 32) io.write(errors_message .. ", ") local warnings_message = tostring(num_warnings) .. " " .. pluralize("warning", num_warnings) warnings_message = colorize(warnings_message, 1, (num_warnings > 0 and 33) or 32) io.write(warnings_message .. " in ") print(tostring(num_pathnames) .. " " .. pluralize("file", num_pathnames)) end return { pluralize = pluralize, print_results = print_results, print_summary = print_summary, }