Pre-compiled binary packages for R-2.12.x for Windows ===================================================== *************************************************************************** ** This collection is no longer updated. Please upgrade to R>=2.14.0 ** ** Last update: October 31, 2011. ** *************************************************************************** This collection is unsupported. Please compile from sources yourself in case of any problems. Please ask the package maintainer in case of any questions. Building binary versions of the contributed packages on CRAN has been automated. Binary packages will be available on CRAN about 1-3 days after the sources have been published. Please do *not* submit binary versions of any packages, because that needs manual intervention by this collection's maintainer (hence it is time consuming). Some packages have been working in a former version, but do no longer compile on Windows or do not pass "R CMD check". The last `working' versions are still available in the repository, but outdated. Packages that do not compile out of the box or do not pass "R CMD check" with "OK" or at least a "WARNING" will *not* be published. The results of "R CMD check" are given in CRAN/bin/windows/contrib/checkSummaryWin.html In case of a "WARNING" or an "ERROR", please check the corresponding check.log files in subdirectory ./check. Possible reasons for not-compiling or not-passing the checks: - I do not have some other software the package depends on - The package needs manual configuration - Any other reason I do not want to discover Packages RCurl, XML, rJava do not build out of the box or other special in other circumstances. Nevertheless these are available at kindly provided by Professor Brian D. Ripley. Packages BRugs, Cubist, RSvgDevice, RSVGTipsDevice, SNPassoc, SNPRelate, eco, gcmrec, magnets, survrec, yaml are only available for 32-bit installations. Packages ROracleUI, RWinEdt, mimR are checked with "--install:fake" for various reasons - most of them due to GUI interactions. Packages DAKS, PerformanceAnalytics, TSPostgreSQL, TSfame, abc, catnet, dismo, lossDev, mcmc, micEconCES, rebmix, spikeSlabGAM are checked with "--no-vignettes" due to their long-running checks or (for SHARE) non-reproducible vignette issues. Packages BB, FRB, GLDEX, GOSim, RNCEP, RMongo, STAR, SubpathwayMiner, TSgetSymbol, Zelig, amei, bark, crimCV, expectreg, fda, fields, gdata, graphicsQC, latentnet, mixtools, mosaic, np, rWMBAT, speedglm, speff2trial, tgp, twang are checked with "--no-tests --no-examples --no-vignettes" due to their long-running checks, strange buffering issues, or due to other dependencies I do not have. Packages dynGraph, seewave, sound, FracSim are rovided manually: hardware requirements fail the elementary checks on the server's non-sound (and other) capable hardware. Some package are Unix only, including RBerkeley, RProtoBuf, TSpadi, WINRPACK, arulesSequences, cmprskContin, doMC, fork, interactivity, multicore, nice, parmigene, synchronicity, taskPR, triggr, udunits2 Packages related to many database system must be linked to the exact version of the database system the user has installed, hence it does not make sense to provide binaries for packages RMySQL, ROracle, ROracleUI, RPostgreSQL although it is possible to install such packages from sources by install.packages('packagename', type='source') after reading the manual 'R Installation and Administration'. Packages ADaCGH, GDD, IQMNMR, M3, PermuteNGS, RDieHarder, ROI.plugin.symphony, RScaLAPACK, Rcplex, Rlof, Rmpi, SV, cplexAPI, cudaBayesreg, doMPI, gputools, hdf5, magma, npRmpi, ncdf4, rmosek, rpud, rpvm, rzmq, xgobi or their dependencies also require additional libraries / software to build on Windows I do not have (and may not even exist in versions for Windows). Packages UScensus* have been removed due to their huge sizes and since they can be installed from source easily. For some packages, additional third party libraries or programs are required in your path, these are (at least!): - for package rggobi: ggobi >= 2.1.7 - for package dataframes2xls: Python - for package rjags: JAGS 3.1.0 - for package WriteXLS: ActivePerl - Package RGtk2 requires an an installation of Gtk+ aka Gtk2 >= 2.20. For 32-bit R, version 2.20 or later from, e.g. For 64-bit R, version 2.20 or later from, e.g. In each case, unpack the zip file in a suitable empty directory and put the 'bin' directory in your path. NB: the 32-bit and 64-bit distributions contain DLLs of the same names, and so you must ensure that you have the 32-bit version in your path when running 32-bit R and the 64-bit version when running 64-bit R - and the error messages you get with the wrong version are confusing. - please drop me a note for additional requirements Some packages include additional binary components that need additional third party sources in order to compile. For license (such as GPL) compliance (and completeness), we are hosting the sources as follows: - gsl sources are available from the CRAN extras server at - for all other third party sources, please see Uwe Ligges